Some thoughts

Cheesesticks1 Member Posts: 13
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'll start off by saying that, yes, I am a survivor main. I have played killer here and there, but it's about 80-100 hours of killer vs about 1000 hours survivor. I just don't enjoy playing as killer, it's not the style I find fun. I do however enjoy watching people play killer.

I do think that playing as killer is easier than playing as survivor, but I also think that it should be... to an extent.

I would say that, on average a game should end with 2 kills. Why two kills? I believe that would be the most balanced. A 4K should feel like an epic victory, not a 2/5 (which is roughly my average with relatively few hours spent playing as killer). I also believe that a 0 kill game should only very, very rarely happen, yes, less often than a 4K.

I want the game to be difficult, I want to struggle, I want it to be tense. That's the most fun, in my opinion. I do however find some balance issues and I think in some aspects the killers are too strong, but there are also ways the survivors can be too strong even if those circumstances are less common.

The issue is how does this balance occur where everyone can be happy?

In short, maybe it doesn't. As it stands there are always people complaining and I really don't think that will change no matter how the game gets balanced, but I think there can be ways that make the game more fun for everyone. Getting there can be tricky, but I do believe it can be done.

I've been playing almost daily for about a year now, so I'll be the first to admit I've missed a lot of the less balanced days and I've heard stories and seen videos of times when it was definitely much worse, so I can appreciate that it is ~generally~ in a pretty good state compared to what has come before.

Some killers need to be buffed, yes some people can play them well but the elite minority shouldn't outweight the masses just because of those few and far between.

I believe matchmaking is the flaw most involved in many cases where these discrepancies occur, a rank 1 should never go against multiple yellow and brown ranks (unless they are on a streak) and red rank survivors should never be able to bully a new killer (I've seen people give up and stand there after losing several chases and I know that isn't fun)

People shouldn't feel like they need to camp the hooked survivor in the hopes of maybe getting a single kill in a game, it's literally no fun for anyone playing and I will never understand how that isn't bannable under (taking the game hostage) and survivors shouldn't be able to run a killer around literally the entire game and all 4 survivors escape (I've literally seen my friend do this on Haddonfield and she is much better than me, but is by no means an elite player. I still feel bad for that poor Billy)

I'd like for us to have an open discussion/debate on what we could suggest to better improve our experiences while playing, have more fun and help bring more people into the game.

I know that every time I find myself staring down a killer slowly dying on the hook while my team mates work on gens and have to let me slowly bleed out I almost feel like uninstalling, and I know that can't be fun for them either so I want to help make actually playing the game more fun for them too, as well as stopping someone from feeling like they can't hit a single person in a match and giving up.

We're all in this together, so here's to many more fun games for all!

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2020

    The problem isn't discussion. We've had 4 years of discussion; with thousands if not hundreds of thousands of ideas and mixed views and opinions; as well as actually perfectly sound ideas that could very well be implemented....

    ...but the problem is, if BHVR won't implement them or do anything with them, well there isn't much point. They just kinda do what they want to do, so we all mostly just vent to and at each other and dream of improvements to things.

  • Cheesesticks1
    Cheesesticks1 Member Posts: 13

    I hope we can get them to listen, but I can imagine that they get tired of things like "we did a pretty good job so far" where people make fun of them when this very clearly started out as a passion project that took off fairly well. Because, honestly, they really have done a good job, we just always have things to complain about, and I feel like they eventually stop listening to what we have to say because many people do poke fun at them over some silly things and we don't see a lot of the work they do trying to make the game better, the biggest thing for me at least is matchmaking. I'm not the best survivor out there, but a rank 20 is going to really struggle getting a hit on me providing I don't make some terrible mistakes, let alone putting me on the hook more than once. But at the same time I'll be destroyed by a rank 1 almost every time unless I get really lucky. Both of these cases suck for pretty much everyone.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    First post on the forums and you nailed it!

    good job on pointing out flaws in the game -not for one side or the other explicitly- and still maintaining a civil tone without insulting the devs or parts of the playerbase! That’s sadly far from the normal criticism here.

    i agree that matchmaking is the biggest problem currently and I really really hope MMR turns out to do what the devs intend for it to do.