Rework Bloodlust as a gauge... regardless of whether speedboost is kept, for Moris + other effects

Okay, I'm sure that whatever discussions are going on with Moris reworks are already probably past the point where suggestions will do anything. And probably the thinking on bloodlust either way, behind the scenes, is beyond what any one forum post could influence. But I just wanted to suggest it to get it out of my head:
I'm not here to talk about whether or not bloodlust, as a 'speed boost mechanic for killers who spend too long in a chase', is good or not. My suggestion is independent of it. Some of the conditions might change if speed is kept, but the fundamental concept works either way.
I think Bloodlust, as a concept, should be kept, and reworked into a gauge. Time in a chase fills it up... so does other things, perhaps (getting stunned by a pallet, etc). Other things lower it (pallet breaking, which should probably continue to lower it almost to nothing if a speed boost is kept, if not, it can just lower it a healthy chunk). Since it's a gauge rather than an on/off three tiered effect, it doesn't end the moment a chase is ended, it just loses a huge chunk from a hit and then tapers off rapidly from there. Or it could be like an Evil Within/Overheat gauge, where once you max it out, it 'freezes' for a short time regardless of a hit (with a possible negative, like extremely slow speed for a few seconds once the chase is broken/survivor downed).
Why? Well, for one thing, perk effects can be tied to it (Beast of Prey, for example, already is... and future perks could also key in on certain bloodlust levels). But the main thing is Moris.
Right now, (yellow Mori aside) you can use a Mori on anyone you've hooked at least once, which is obviously a bone of contention for a lot of people, because in addition to giving the killer, for one offering, a lot of power to make the game 'easier' for them, it promotes annoying behaviors like tunneling a survivor off the hook and then Mori-ing them.
But what if you made it so it's effectively the killer's been so enraged that they 'forget' to do the entity's bidding, and put them on hooks (or the entity, savoring the killer's rage, living vicariously through them, allows it, thanks to there offering). You'd still have to be hooked once for Moris to work, but now you'd have to be hooked once AND reach a certain level of bloodlust.
What does this do? Well, killers can't tunnel someone off the hook and mori them anymore, because such a short chase won't give them bloodlust to pull it off (unless they're really clever/lucky and arrange a long chase of someone else that ends in downing someone who's just unhooked). And, as the story goes currently, bloodlust isn't needed, you can mindgame around loops and thus only bad killers rely on building it up... well, then deliberately building up bloodlust in order to mori is going to make a longer chase, and something the killer has to weigh the pros and cons of.
Also, the killer has to make the decision to Mori RIGHT away... wait too long, and the bloodlust will fade and they'll be forced to move into a hook. You could even make a hybrid approach (where it takes LESS bloodlust to Mori someone who's already on their death hook, if you brought a Mori in to see the cool death animations but still made sure everyone got hooked twice fairly).
Now I can already hear hypothetical people complaining that this makes it another example of 'rewarding' the killer for bad gameplay. But a) Considering it's a downgrade from their abilities, when bringing a Mori, before a Mori rework, it's still a net positive for the game, and b) IMHO it promotes more varied and intelligent gameplay, because the survivor can sense that there's a mori in the game and that the killer is dragging a chase out and have to decide 'is dropping that pallet on the killer's face worth the extra bloodlust it grants, or should I drop it early and hope they have to break it. Or use other tricks to lower their bloodlust (a friend bodyblocking and taking a hit will reduce bloodlust as well) before the down. Maybe other perks on the survivor side slow the killer's bloodlust acquisition. Others might speed it up but gain a special additional effect to compensate (depending on whether or not speed bonus is in the game of course will highly influence how useful such perks are... without it, it's a completely useless perk if a mori's not in the game).
How about just keep Bloodlust 1 for the killers that are too dependant on it and remove 2 and 3 to prevent bad killers being carried by it.
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bloodlust is a band aid fix, once maps will be balanced enough it will go away