New Gameplay Mechanic: The Afterlife

So when you die on the hook and get murdered up into the great beyond, your corpse fades to this black spirit, right? You get ghostified.
What if we kept the corpse solid as it ascends and instead we became the ghosts, spirits no longer able to be seen by our teammates? It could then be argued that the whispering heard throughout the game isn't necessarily the entity but survivors who have been claimed by the entity.
You could finally add some alternative gameplay without affecting the base game. I'm not sure what spirits would do, what ghostly objectives can you think of? Maybe it could affect normal gameplay somehow but also maybe not. It would mean dead survivors who had a bad start or had their team DC aren't necessarily out of a game.
Everything needed to build the afterlife is already there. Spirits could play exactly like Freddy, be invisible to their team and killer (Maybe?) and be in their own plane of existence or sub-realm that resembles the DreamWorld. They would look like the shadow you become after getting hooked.
You can say there are more important things and you'd be right, but I think this would be pretty neat.
It would be they could do objective without making an in game effect to earn BP after death so those games where you get 8k bc the killer camped you as a bubba but you can't leave because that 1 friend is still alive
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You do realize this would be heavily abused by SWFs?
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How so? If they didn't let it affect normal gameplay then ghosts would have their own things to do, ghost stuff man.
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If the ghosts could freely move around, they could just follow the killer at all times.
The dead player could then just constantly tell their SWF teammates where the killer is and what he is doing. Something like an Object of Obsession, only now it would also work against stealth killers. Massive nope.
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Bam, now your teammates AND the killer are invisible to you as a ghost. Do you or do you not support ghost gameplay, sir?
Edit: Let me add on a little example here just so we can get a picture on the afterlife
- You die, you are dead now.
- *poof* You're a ghost in the afterlife, it looks kinda like the DreamWorld and your objective is to touch the gravestone for 1000 BP
- Now you can travel through the.. Ghost portal.. and leave the game... or something.
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I think most players would just rather move on to the next game to be honest. Interesting idea but don't see much use for it.
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Fair enough but I'm telling ya if someone out there expanded on this, found a use for it, it could turn into something.
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I kinda like it, I think it would make those games where you get killed a minute in because you didn't have ds or missed it, less frustrating. Reason being that I could still farm bp. This could maybe be used to even out the bp gain gap between Killer and survivor.
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How am I to support the ghost gameplay idea when you haven't actually explained what it is beyond "now you're a ghost WOOOOooooOOOOOooooo"?
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You have played too much phasmophobia.
We already have an Post-death gameplay, its called finding another game or waiting for your teammates.
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Yeah, hand the sweat groups another tool to communicate with outside VoIP and make it even more of a chore to play against why don't you?
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You just said it cupcake, it's an idea lol
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An idea can be elaborated upon. If you want to garner support for your idea, elaborating upon it would be very beneficial.
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I did, it's not my fault if you have no imagination. Maybe try adding a few extra OoOs to your ghost sound?
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When you actually have somewhat of a plan of how this gameplay mechanic should function, try pitching the idea again.
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OooOoookay. Lmao
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The OP's idea, while lacking in some detail, merits a conversation on the basis that it would push the game into a more team oriented focus, and give solo players a reason to stick around and help their "team". Refocusing DBD into a team game, rather than a clusterf*ck of solo idiots, will ultimately allow for proper balancing.
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Its not an idea. It is hardly even a concept. It is the pitch for a concept. You got like 5 more stages to go before this actually becomes a real idea.
I am going to say that the core thought process here isn't a good one though. Player elimination being something you will go very far out of your way to avoid is sorta core to DBD, and for the people most affected by losing games without much control (solos) the cost of death is extremely low as they can immediately enter another game. For SWF you can't, but your also in theory more in control over the match than anyone else: A duo has more control over the match than two solo survivors and a killer combined. So if you biff it early as a SWF group having to wait is a very fair 'cost' to that control: You had all the tools to live and everything was stacked in a way where if you played well you really couldn't die, and you died anyway. So any death is a fair one for you.
The fact that SWF REALLY don't want teammates to die compared to Solos who can be a bit more casual about it and say 'These guys are potatoes, I am going for the hatch' is also a key balancing mechanic because it allows the killer to apply more mental pressure to the more coordinated players, which is kinda important. Keeping death sorta unpleasant so SWF make mistakes trying to save a teammate from it and thus accidently ensuring it is actually part of the game's design and why the devs have said pretty much flat out they will not nerf camping or tunneling any more.
If no game state ever makes you feel bad, then the game's entire emotional arc gets screwed up and suddenly chases are kinda boring and doing exposed centrally located gens doesn't make you nervous and thus doing well in bad situations doesn't feel GOOD. It just becomes rote 'Hold W and press M1 at gens simulator' once survivors aren't stressed enough. That stress is kinda a hugely important spice to making the game work.
Its like trying to make getting struck out in Baseball feel less bad because 'that was your turn to play the game and the mean old pitcher didn't let you...' If you take away the consequences for poor performance and let every batter walk to first or whatever no matter what, suddenly the game just kinda sucks and there is no real tension in batting, even if you need to land hits to win.
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I see what you're saying, death still needs to feel like a penalty. How about:
Upon death, suvivors enter a ghostly realm where they can not be seen by0 or see other players that are living. There is a greyscale filter and survivors do not have items/perks. Survivors may exit through the exit gates at any time to leave the trial. They can go around the map to locate and pray at death altars, each requiring ~30 seconds and at least 5 extremely difficult madness skillchecks. For every 2 death altars prayed at, the living survivors are informed of one of the killers perks, with a maximum of 3 revealed. Once all 6 alters are complete, dead survivors are provided a small amount of blood points in the survival category upon the end of game or exiting the trial.
This gives some miniscule value to help the living survivors and score some bonus blood points for the dead survivors, but is very boring and tedious so its still a punishment
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Also, the altars are about as difficult to find as dull hex totems, maybe even harder due to the greyscale.
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Survivors do not need two lifes lol. Add 5 more generators if you want something crazy like that
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Trying not to die isn't unique to SWF though and I think the "SWF exists, therefore" arguments need to stop forum wide. Death is death and saying the cost of it for a solo compared to SWF being low is not a good reason to not have an afterlife. Also if the cost of death is so low for solos then what would it be taking away?
Make actions in the afterlife award the killer BP and now what? You have a whole SWF farming you BP. Give ghosts a timer before they fade away, now they can only do so much. There's a ton of ways to improve on this without altering the base game, which so many people desperately want to do.
It's more like striking out because that "mean old pitcher" was good, so now you go to the cool shaded dugout and wait for the game to end.
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That's a great idea! Literally a small blood point bonus for the living and some extra BP and gameplay for you. Definitely a step in the right direction towards something new.
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Well, living survivors get information on killer perks, not blood points. But hey, its your idea, sculpt as desired