New Gameplay Mechanic: The Afterlife

RamblinRango Member Posts: 389
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So when you die on the hook and get murdered up into the great beyond, your corpse fades to this black spirit, right? You get ghostified.

What if we kept the corpse solid as it ascends and instead we became the ghosts, spirits no longer able to be seen by our teammates? It could then be argued that the whispering heard throughout the game isn't necessarily the entity but survivors who have been claimed by the entity.

You could finally add some alternative gameplay without affecting the base game. I'm not sure what spirits would do, what ghostly objectives can you think of? Maybe it could affect normal gameplay somehow but also maybe not. It would mean dead survivors who had a bad start or had their team DC aren't necessarily out of a game.

Everything needed to build the afterlife is already there. Spirits could play exactly like Freddy, be invisible to their team and killer (Maybe?) and be in their own plane of existence or sub-realm that resembles the DreamWorld. They would look like the shadow you become after getting hooked.

You can say there are more important things and you'd be right, but I think this would be pretty neat.

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