Post your ideas for perks

Or give feedback on perk ideas that have been shared. These can be new perks or reworks.
whenever a generator is completed gain a token, for each token earned recover from broken and exhausted status effects 15 percent faster. Whenever a teammate is sacrificed to the entity lose one token.
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Sole Survivor
whenever another survivor is killed rather than sacrificed if you are not already the obsession you will become the obsession and you gain a token. Get an increased speed to repairing generators, cleansing totems, and opening exit gates by 50 percent per token. If you have more than one token your aura cannot be detected by killers or survivors.
Post edited by konchok on0 -
Runner's High
After being in chase with the killer for 15 seconds while being at full health. Gain the haste status effect until you stop running.
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Killer Perks:
1) No one Cares- Damaging a gen causes it to regress at 100%/150%/200%... cooldown 80/40/30 seconds
2) Inner Pain: Missing a healing skillcheak causes deep wounds to appear when survivor attempts to heal themselves
3) In Your Head- While in chase for 30/15/10 seconds killer TR increases and decreases at random and red stain flickers until survivor is lost or is hit
Survivor Perks:
1) All I can- increase repair speed by 2/4//6% while no one is within 36m/24m/20m of you
2) Hard Work- Hitting 4/3/2 great skillcheaks activate this perk... for the next 10 seconds you see all gen auras that have progress on them (under 25%)
3) You Can't Break me- while in chase for 30/20/10 seconds while injured increases recovery rate of exhaustion for 3 seconds... activates after chase is lost
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Perk: Cursed Run
While in chase the entity attempts to help you by reducing incoming repairs to generators while your hunting.
Level 1: 20%
Level 2: 30%
Level 3: 40%
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I really really want Behavior to use Thrill of the Hunt's "Tokens per remaining totems" system for other perks that actually like... do useful things. So things maybe like...
Totemic Speed: Each token gives you +3% movement speed while not in a chase. (max 15%)
Totemic Hinderance: Each token reduces the speed of repairs by 5%. (max 25%)
That would give them a perfect way to add perks that are strong early game to patch up the fact that every killer is at their weakest when they first load in that naturally fall off as the game progresses. In addition, that would be a natural middle ground between boom or bust Hex perks and normal always on perks. Also... this gives the Survivors more reasons to cleanse totems.
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The only issue I see is how would survivors know that they need to break totems. I almost see it as like a side perk to an existing hex totem. For example I could see something like that added to Hex: Retribution where you get a bonus per totem still active.
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Like anything that would decrease survivors repair rate while in chase. Like one long chase feels like players get 3 free gens. Under two minutes.
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Well Totemic Hinderance would tell anyone working on a Gen that it's doing its thing... much like Thanatophobia.
However... for perks with that system that don't directly nerf Survivors, you do have a point. However it is one that I've considered prior to now (though I admittedly didn't mention it initially). It's fairly simple.
Add a 3rd state for totems. We currently have Dull and Hex totems... but we could easily get a state between those two that I call Smoldering Totems. More lit than dull totems, less lit than Hex totems. So if you see a Smoldering Totem, you know that it is doing something for the Killer so you might want to cleanse them. Both of the above perks would promote all Dull Totems to Smoldering Totems.
Side note... that's actually how I'd modify NOED too. A lot of NOED's issues stems from its surprise factor. But... if you have Noed make the Totems smolder... well... there's your warning.
Edit: That's also how I would make Thrill of the Hunt maybe worth running over Hex: Undying. Make it so its noise notifications proc on Smoldering Totems as well. Undying is better for protecting one particular Hex, TotH with its noise and slow down is better for protecting all your totems.
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Killer can unhook resulting in an entity stun of 9/7/5 seconds and a speed up afterwards of 5/7/9% for 30 seconds
Healthy survivor can perform a Dead-Hard tackle over a killer carrying a surv, resulting in a wiggle out and a 3/4/5 seconds stun, once per match
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•Hex=Leech: The power of blood and death powers this hex and forces those who witness the carnage to become fearful of their own impending doom.
+For each totem standing this hex receives a token. When a survivor is repairing a generator while you are in a chase, all good skill checks regress the generator without alerting you and all great skill checks no longer grant additional progress. The amount regressed is 1/1.5/2% per token this hex has (maximum 5 tokens). When this hex is cleansed, all generators that have not been repaired will instantly regress by 1/1.5/2% per token that remained before this hex was cleansed and continue regressing.
•Bloodletting: The sight of blood brings memories of past pain and nostalgia, a wonderful time it was.
+All blood trails moderately hinder (5%) survivors that walk through them. All blood pools made by injured survivors linger slightly/moderately/considerably (25/50/75%) longer.
•False Truth: The lies eventually become truth if told enough and forced into the minds of the unwilling.
+While in a chase, any vault point that a survivor fast vaults or medium vaults is blocked by the entity for 7/11/15 seconds or until another vault point is blocked by this perk. This perk can only block one vault point at a time.
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I like bloodletting and false truth. Hex-Leech is a bit confusing. I'm not sure I understand what it does.
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This is actually a really cool idea imo
It makes getting rid of dull totems an actual objective rather than an optional waste of time. A lot of killers dislike NOED (currently one of the main reasons, if not the only reason, to cleanse dull totems) based on the fact that it only helps you at the end of the game (if you even get to there) when they could be using that perk slot for something to help prevent all gens from being finished.
I'd love to see other people pushing your idea tbh. The smoldering totem is also a good solution for alerting survivors to the fact that they need to cleanse totems, too.
In any case, it really sounds like a good and worthwhile idea for an addition to the game. In any case, people bring Corrupt Intervention (a perk that lasts a max of 3 minutes) for beginning game slowdown so I definitely think a perk like the one you came up with could see HEAVY usage
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My idea for survivor and killer perks
Killer teachable perks:
You become obsessed with one survivor
Anytime the obsession performs a cooperative action the obsession suffer from the exposed status effect for 40/45/50 seconds
Alone has a cooldown of 60 seconds after downing the obsession
You can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time
In The Dark
A successful kill hides your dreadful presence for the next hunt.
When a survivor is hooked or killed you gain the undetectable status effect for 30/35/40 seconds or until you start a chase with another survivor.
After kicking a generator, any survivor within 5 meters of the kicked generator will revel their aura for as long as they are in the range generator.
Omniscience has a cooldown of 35/30/25
Survivor teachable perks:
Level Headed
You are able to keep a calm mind even in dire situations
When you are in the dying state, your aura will not be show to the killer under any circumstances and grunts of pain while in the dying state is reduced by 80%/90%/100%
You bleed out 50% less blood
Back on track
After being side tracked your able to effectively get back to the task at hand
Generators that are regressing will be show to you in a red aura, until it has stopped regressing
Stopping the regression and repairing the generator you have a 10% increase in repair speed for 5 seconds
Back on track has a cooldown of 55/50/45 seconds
Serve and protect
Your willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others
Once the exit gates are powered you become the obsession and your aura is show to the killer for 50/40/30 seconds. During that time you gain the endurance status effect. If your put into the dying state the killer gains the ability to kill you.
While this perk is active all other survivors that are still in the trial will leave no blood trail or scratch marks, and aura will not be show to the killer
If you escape the trial. are killed or sacrificed the perks effects are deactivated.
Decreases your odds of becoming the obsession
Post edited by dspaceman20 on0 -
I'm glad you like it. I posted it to the Feedback section quite a while ago and didn't really get any traction.
And yeah... Corrupt Intervention is an absolute godsend on setup killers like Trapper and Demo. Seriously... now that I got it like... 2ish weeks ago it has not left those characters builds. It would be really nice if there were a few more options for that slot.