Is this a joke from the devs?



  • DoctorShockBoi
    DoctorShockBoi Member Posts: 152

    They've been needing to feel this for a long time but they continue to impress lol

  • murnk
    murnk Member Posts: 6

    It’s unlikely that the dev team decided themselves to release the chapter this early. I do believe that this is the fault of a higher up or investors pushing to get it out right away despite the lack of progress.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    They just want our money and all the people who bought the chapter despite all the bugs with it just basically gave them what they wanted. It's just terrible because it seems like they just care about money and not about the gaming experience

  • DoctorShockBoi
    DoctorShockBoi Member Posts: 152

    The last time I said something like this. A mod told me a survivor with 5 hours can have more knowledge than a survivor with 3k hours.... *the devs in a nutshell*

  • Felnex
    Felnex Member Posts: 334

    People always say that. I think you'd be surprised how little interference suits actually have when it comes to quality.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,547

    That one frustrates me a lot as my personal experience working on a software project known for consistent and regular, high quality releases, we've been 100% working from home since mid-March, and we've not only maintained quality but done well enough it is very unlikely we'll ever be back in our building full time again. I've said this multiple places, but had we done a release with as many bugs as this chapter, people would have lost their jobs here. Though really we'd have not gotten to production because our project managers understand it's far better to delay to fix things than it is to push the bad product.

  • ImpressionableTeen

    Read through the whole thread. The thing is, the other killer bugs were NOT in the known issues section. That means they didn't play legion, hillbilly, huntress or looked through their add-ons (just read them) to make sure they were working ONCE. It literally takes how many killer games? 22? to make sure every single one works. They didn't even do that. It baffles me. HOW CAN YOU NOT PLAY EVERY KILLER AT LEAST ONCE WHEN YOU KNOW AT LEAST ONE OF THEM IS GONNA BE UNPLAYABLE EVERY PATCH

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    Because they 1) don't have time and 2)only care for the new killer. They hope the other 22 will work 100%

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Wow folks... lets just be silly fops when it comes to this. think about this:

    1) They do not have to take any abuse typed about them on their own forums. There is no first amendment to be applied here, they can remove comments for what ever reason they want.

    2) when you call them names, and curse and ######### and moan and try to make them sound like the next serial killer they have every right to remove your comments. They don't even have to give you a reason or even tell you why you are no longer able to post here.

    3) when a mod says be respectful to everyone well they aren't just saying to the dev and mod team but to EVERYONE.

    4) you guys are correct they did not do a good job at all here, with bugs and everything sure you could go ahead and get the dlc and then complain it's busted even after you knew it'd be busted at release and they don't have to give you your money back.

    when you respect people in general you do not call them names and make remarks that might make your grandmother blush, you are not being respectful to anyone what so ever. You can actually criticize without being condesending or even down right rude. try this on for size "You know you ######### broke the stick I had supporting my roof and I hate you all and your teeth are misaligned!" this is rude and uncalled for, how ever you can say this "You know what? I know who brok the stick supporting my roof and you might want to visit a dentist for a check up." This is not so rude. why did I just do this? because I didn't want to call anyone something that puts them on the defensive. but for example with this dlc being released like it is you would be better off saying something like this: "Hey Behavior, I believe you made a mistake because of bug A, bug B, Error C, and many other issues that others have brought up. I am not going to buy this DLC, nor recommend it to my friends what so ever. Oh I won't even use Iridescent Shards to buy the killer or survivor as I earned those putting my valuable time into this game so I make my statement politely and in a way your metrics will tell you that you did it wrong."

    This is my mind set, I just mentioned there are bugs and errors without being a childish person and told them they won't get any more money from me till further notice or atleast till it is fixed. and I will make good on that promise personally. I have told others not to use iri shards to but the killer or survivor or even pay money for it and I will continue to do so till I feel it is properly fixed and then some, because though I give the benefit of the doubt to the devs, I can not do so here.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,425

    My guess is that "power validation" was moved to the dedicated servers doing that, and these issues are caused by the servers for the live game being different than the ones for testing.

    The Hillbilly power for example looks to me like the "signal" that you stopped using the chainsaw isn't being sent or handled properly, so the heat bar keeps filling.

    It would be nice to have an explanation though, if that really is the case or if there was just not enough testing like you suggest.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I know different people do different things but how about less cosmetics and more function. Can't sell as many hats if there aren't people to buy em kind of thing.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 543

    Just gonna leave this here. Seems like a good and relevant place for it.

  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280

    Looking foward to the next patch when blindness will cause pools, alarm clocks, and pig boxes to be hidden from survivors afflicted by blindness perks.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854
    edited December 2020

    I’m as critical as they come as evidenced by my current incarceration for calling this chapter crap, but this video is super pointless and will only serve to get this thread closed.

    it added nothing to the discussion

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,502

    good call.

    I'm going to close this now, people can't seem to refrain from attempting to insult others - not just the developers either, from the comments I just had to delete.

    We are aware of the frustration that you're all feeling right now, nobody is denying that - but insulting people is never the way to get your feedback heard, but it's a great way to get it ignored! Constructive criticism is never censored, never warned for, never deleted and notice that I said criticism there. But threads where people just want to attack others, of course those are going to be closed.

This discussion has been closed.