New Autohaven is too dark

The lighting is so inconsistent especially at loop tiles. As Survivor you already have enough to worry about while looping, it shouldn't feel like my monitor turns off whenever there's a shadow. The only reason Autohaven is even playable for me right now is because I have the tiles somewhat memorized. As Killer, I walked into a pre-thrown pallet once because I literally couldn't see it and thought it must've already been broken.
Being able to see the game should never be an issue. It's almost as bad as the PTB version of Dead Dawg Saloon for God's sake.
Yeah autohaven is a little too dark, plus the distance fog is essentially non existent. You can nearly see across the entire map. Just looks very weird to me.
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I like it that way more. Creates an atmosphere that is more fitting to a horror game.
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I agree. Sometimes it's hard to see pallets in between the rubble.
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I'm having trouble seeing pallets on loops or even having trouble figuring out what map I'm even on thanks to how dark it is.
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The atmosphere is much more spooky, but I agree: it's way too hard to see and it actually hurts my eyes. There's too much contrast between the lights and shadows. The fire barrels are B L I N D I N G.
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This whole game is too dark for my liking. I use gforce and add some filters to brighten things up. Helps a TON!
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And for console?