How do you feel about the Add Ons for The Twins?

Just managed to purchase all the add-ons available for The Twins, unfortunately their add-ons are as powerful as those available for The Demogorgon, The Executioner, The Pig, and The Legion. Meaning, they fail to impress or leave enough of an impact to be worth using, in my opinion of course. Most of the add-ons add a status effect for less than 20 seconds, none of them enhance the gameplay enough to change or increase a certain tactic or playstyle, few of them do feel like an increase to their power, and even the Ultra-Rare add-ons are quite lackluster and comedic. I feel like they need a rework for a majority of these add-ons.
Their are few add-ons I feel are great and fine as is, with minor alterations perhaps. I will go about listing the add-ons from Common rarity to Ultra-Rare, and I will be adding their descriptions as well as my comments for what they should be altered into.
Toy Sword (Common)
- Slightly decreases the charge to Pounce.
This decreases the charge by -0.25 seconds which is fine. No change needed for this one.
Tiny Fingernail (Common)
- Moderately decreases the time for Victor to separate from Charlotte.
This reduces the Unbinding time by 0.5 seconds, which is half of the total 1 second Unbinding time. This is probably the highest value for an add-on that claims to be moderate, but because it is for Unbinding and not decrease Pounce charge or something more powerful then I think it works as is.
Soured Milk (Common)
- Slightly increases the radius of Victor's shrieks.
Increases the shriek radius by 2 meters. Shriek radius means how far you can hear Victor when he is growling, this add-on fits for its rarity.
Cat Figurine (Common)
- Displays the target location of a Pounce.
Simple, good for beginners. Perfect as is.
Madeleine's Glove (Uncommon)
- Moderately increases the radius of Victor's shrieks.
Increases shriek radius by 4 meters, double from what the common version of this add-on offers. I don't see much value from increase the shriek radius aside from using Victor's Killer Instinct tracking. Not something I would focus on for an uncommon rarity, perhaps alter this one so that it slightly decreases his Pounce cooldown by 1 second off the default cooldown timer of 3 seconds.
Ceremonial Candelabrum (Uncommon)
- Slightly increases the time needed for a Survivor to crush Victor.
Increases the 0.35 second time to crush Victor by an extra 0.15 seconds. Seeing how his Pounce cooldown is 3 seconds, I doubt this add-on would change up the gameplay for Victor but I will leaves this as is just in case. Sometimes the devil is in the detail and perhaps I could be proven wrong if this add-on does come in useful. Only time will tell.
Cat's Eye (Uncommon)
- Victor's shrieks stop when Pounce is fully charged
Brief and to the point. I don't see this add-on as very helpful, when his pounce is charged his Movement speed is decreased by a large amount therefore this won't really help sneak up on Survivors. Besides, his quick Movement speed is enough to cover the distance. Change this add-on so that when a Survivor suffers the Incapacitated Status Effect, their aura is revealed for 30 seconds.
Bloody Back Hood (Uncommon)
- Slightly decreases the time it takes for Charlotte to be awoken from her dormant state.
Switching from Victor to Charlotte takes 3 seconds, this reduces it by 0.5 seconds. Perhaps add to this add-on so that not only does it decrease the time it takes for Charlotte to be awaken, but it also slightly decrease the charge to Pounce by 0.25 seconds. Basically include the effect of a Common add-on to add more importance and versatility to this Uncommon add-on.
Baby Teeth (Uncommon)
- Survivors who remove Victor suffer from the Blindness Status Effect for 15 seconds.
Increase the effect to 60 seconds, or have them suffer from the Hindered Status Effect for 15 seconds instead.
Weighty Rattle (Rare)
- Survivors removing Victor suffer from the Broken Status Effect for 20 seconds.
Increase the effect to 30 seconds.
Stale Biscuit (Rare)
- Slightly decreases Victor's pounce cooldown.
Pounce cooldown is 3 seconds, this add-on reduces it by 0.5 seconds. Increase its effect so that the cooldown is reduced by 1 second, or add to this add-on so that it moderately increases the time it takes for Survivors to remove Victor by 4 seconds.
Sewer Sludge (Rare)
- Slightly increases time needed for Survivors to remove Victor.
Removing Victor takes 8 seconds, this increases it by 2. Increase the effect to 4 seconds.
Rusted Needle (Rare)
- Survivors removing Victor suffer from the Haemorrhage Status Effect until healed.
Replace it with the Mangled Status Effect.
Madeleine's Scarf (Rare)
- Slightly increases Victor's Movement speed.
This is perfect, it increases his speed by 0.4m/s and I think it fits the value for a Rare add-on.
Victor's Soldier (Very Rare)
- If a Survivor crushes Victor while he's idle, their Aura is revealed to Charlotte for 6 seconds.
For a Very Rare add-on, it sure has a weak effect. I would say increase the time their aura is revealed however I used this suggestion for Cat's Eye to fit the name of that add-on. An alternative suggestion for this add-on would be that when Victor is Idle, Charlotte gains the Undetectable Status Effect for 15 seconds. Or have it so when a Survivor removes Victor, they suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect for 60 seconds.
Spinning Top (Very Rare)
- Moderately increases time needed for Survivors to remove Victor.
The time to remove Victor is 8 seconds, this increases that time by 3 seconds. Not an effect worth increasing in my opinion due to how short it is and the high rarity of this add-on, I'd rather the effect do something like
Forest Stew (Very Rare)
- Moderately increases Victor's Movement Speed.
This is definitely their best add-on and it does not require a change at all.
Drop of Perfume (Very Rare)
- Survivor's within Victor's shriek radius suffers from the Oblivious Status Effect.
Doesn't this go against the intended design, like if you find yourself Oblivious at random won't you know that Victor is nearby? Maybe give this add-on a new effect, like Slightly increases Charlotte's Movement Speed by 0.4m/s after she is awoken from her dormant state for 15 seconds.
Silencing Cloth (Ultra-Rare)
- After waking from her Dormant State, Charlotte is granted the Undetectable Status Effect for 12 seconds.
So this is a bold suggestion but here me out. Ultra-Rare addons I believe offer permission to play the game in a different strategy for a Killer, they either change their power by a drastic way or enhance it by a large margin. This should be the former. When Victor is crushed, Charlotte gains the Undetectable Status Effect for 30 seconds.
Iridescent Pendant (Ultra-Rare)
- If a Survivor crushes Victor while he's idle, they suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 12 seconds.
The timer is too small and I feel like adding an Exposed Status Effect for an Ultra-Rare add-on is a bit predictable and unimaginative. The last Ultra-Rare affected Charlotte, so let's be fair and hand this one to Victor. When Victor latches on to a Survivor, reveal the aura of all other Survivors until Victor has been removed.
So those are my thoughts and suggestions, what do you think about the add-ons for The Twins? Should they be changed or do you think they work fine the way they are? Would you like to offer other changes that you feel work better instead? Share your thoughts and comments on how you feel about The Twins thus far.
Most add-ons are useless the best imo is fingernail and hood