Obsession perks In general

EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

First off lets keep this as unbiased as possible. I am a survivor main with the occasional killer game, and these are my opinions on the Obsession perks in game right now. on both sides of it. i will use a scale of 1 to 10 and rate the upsides and down sides to each obsession perk in the way i feel it is. i would love to see others rate these perks along these lines as well. i also think there needs to be far more obsession perks in the survivor perk pool.

first up Survivor perks.

                             Upside,  Downside

Decisive Strike: 10, 0
seriously this perk never should have made it in game in its current form but this will be changing soon I hope.

                                         Upside,  Downside

Object Of Obsession: 5, 5
pretty much a good balanced.

                                  Upside,  Downside

Sole Survivor: 5, 0
perk not used much but even so there is no downside to using it this perk really needs to be reworked even the upside to it is stupid.

Now for the killer perks.

                              Upside, Downside

Dying Light: 10, 7
slowing gen progression is king for killers. this perk even though has a pretty rough downside to it is pretty balanced as it is.

                                            Upside,   Downside

Play With Your Food: 4, 7
Perk is pretty well balanced when you consider the time it takes to build stacks to use against the others the down side probably outweighs the upside though might need a minor adjustment here in the killers favor.

                     Upside,   Downside

Rancor: 10, 2
lets face it this perk gives great power! for a downside of a perk (Dark sense) never used by Survivors. needs a little more downside or rework of the downside. currently a fair bit out of balance.

                              Upside,  Downside

Remember Me: 5, 3
lets face it if the obsessions been hit to max tokens more often then not that obsession is more then likely dead. overall this ones pretty balanced.

                                          Upside, Downside

Save The Best For Last: 5, 5
This perk in my opinion is now the most balanced perk when it comes to the killers Obsession perks. a body block by the obsession really sets the killer back so equal upside and downside to it. I would say do not touch this one it is fine the way it is.

of course these are my opinions on the obsession perks currently in game. I would love to see what others would rate them and there reasoning behind it. If they feel inclined to suggest what they would change about them please do so. lets keep the fighting and flames down to a minimum. also let us know what you view yourself as as a survivor main or a killer main. or do you play both equally.


  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122

    The whole Obsession mechanic doesn't follow a consistent theme, as a result it's a mess.

    Some obession perks want you to not interact with the obesssion, some want you to focus and tunnel the obsession, there's no coherent mechanic to it. It's just a badly designed idea from the ground up. If everytime you were the obession you'd go "oh damn I need to be extra careful" then DStrike might even make sense. But right now if you're the obsession, the only impact on the game is that everyone assumes you have DStrike, and then when dying light shows up in the debuff bar everyone's like "I never expected this". Literally zero gameplay impact.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    as for my suggestion for sole survivor I would love to see it reworked to the following
    it increases your generator repair speed by 2 3 and 4% but the downside would be it increase the killers movement speed by 1,2 and 3% this would also stack if multiple survivors ran it so the killer would get larger passive movement speed boost with the more who run it.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    OoO is a troll perk and an open invite to get camped for using it.

    And Dying Light is a terrible perk to use, usually 4 gens are done, before the perk shows any effect.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2018

    @Wolf74 said:
    OoO is a troll perk and an open invite to get camped for using it.

    And Dying Light is a terrible perk to use, usually 4 gens are done, before the perk shows any effect.

    rate them all and explain why you rate it that way lets get some quality feedback going on these obsession perks, what do you feel the point of the obsession perks are? should it be gain a power lose a power or only gains or what. the perks in general seem to be geared more towards high reward with some kinds of downsides. in my opinion I think obsession perks are far better then hex perks. that is if the power gains of obsession perks have an equal downside to them. you think dying light takes to long to become active well what kind of changes would you like to see to it to make it so it could be activated a little sooner? what if it was something like this? when the obsession is on a hook all unrepaired generators begin to regress at a set amount per second till the obsession is no longer hooked.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    OoO is a troll perk and an open invite to get camped for using it.

    And Dying Light is a terrible perk to use, usually 4 gens are done, before the perk shows any effect.

    rate them all and explain why you rate it that way lets get some quality feedback going on these obsession perks

    DS: Terrible perk to begin with. Does nothing for low skill player that miss their skillchecks on a regular basis, but boost those player that are good on their own. Pair that up with 4 copies in the team and you have a serious issue.


    OoO: Basically the same as above, low skill player don't benefit from it at all, but it is a big thing for survivor that know well how to waste the killers time anyway. And for a full SWF on voice com it is another major boost to be exploited.

    SS: I like the idea of a lone wolf build, but it is only a niche perk.

    DL: in a decent team of survivor 3 gens will be done, when the fist victim is hooked. Good luck for you IF it is the obsession, but most likely it is not. And you will still lose at least another gen before you get the obsession killed. So you will be down to one gen at best, when the perk starts working. Useless in high rank, but a noobstomber perk if you get your obsession quick in low rank/low skill matches.

    PWYF: To weak, to situational.

    STBFL: Half way decent now. But good survivor will exploit it. The obsession will constantly run into you and do dangerous stuff, just to provoke attacks and wastes of token.

    Rancor: Haven't played it yet, but it is a seriously overrated perk imo. Survivor complain about it because they might be that one guy that suffer from that mediocre perk

    Remember me:. Pretty balanced perk. It has his moments to shine, but in a nutshell, you will often go with it without ever getting any benefit from it. It is an ok perk, but with only 4 slots available it is most often the 5th perk you would choose.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    @Wolf74 said:

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    OoO is a troll perk and an open invite to get camped for using it.

    And Dying Light is a terrible perk to use, usually 4 gens are done, before the perk shows any effect.

    rate them all and explain why you rate it that way lets get some quality feedback going on these obsession perks

    DS: Terrible perk to begin with. Does nothing for low skill player that miss their skillchecks on a regular basis, but boost those player that are good on their own. Pair that up with 4 copies in the team and you have a serious issue.


    OoO: Basically the same as above, low skill player don't benefit from it at all, but it is a big thing for survivor that know well how to waste the killers time anyway. And for a full SWF on voice com it is another major boost to be exploited.

    SS: I like the idea of a lone wolf build, but it is only a niche perk.

    DL: in a decent team of survivor 3 gens will be done, when the fist victim is hooked. Good luck for you IF it is the obsession, but most likely it is not. And you will still lose at least another gen before you get the obsession killed. So you will be down to one gen at best, when the perk starts working. Useless in high rank, but a noobstomber perk if you get your obsession quick in low rank/low skill matches.

    PWYF: To weak, to situational.

    STBFL: Half way decent now. But good survivor will exploit it. The obsession will constantly run into you and do dangerous stuff, just to provoke attacks and wastes of token.

    Rancor: Haven't played it yet, but it is a seriously overrated perk imo. Survivor complain about it because they might be that one guy that suffer from that mediocre perk

    Remember me:. Pretty balanced perk. It has his moments to shine, but in a nutshell, you will often go with it without ever getting any benefit from it. It is an ok perk, but with only 4 slots available it is most often the 5th perk you would choose.

    ok so what changes would you like to see to these perks to make them viable and fair?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    That was a cool video; answers my questions as to why survivors complain so much about looping being somewhat less effective.

    For Obsession Perk Reworks:

    Perk Buffs:
    Sole Survivor - I would run it almost every game because of its potential if the activation/way the numbers scaled was slightly different. Below is what I would do with it:
    Sole Survivor

    • _Reduces the range at which killers can view your aura by 6/8/10 meters
    • Start the trial with 4 tokens
    • Each token doubles the range at which the killer is unable to see your aura
    • Every healthy, injured, or dying survivor temporarily removes 1 token.
    • Considerably increases the chance to be the killer's Obsession._

    Reasoning: The Sole Survivor I have put forth is infinitely better if only because of two things. The first is that in case of a DC, sole survivor will increase in power whereas now it does not. The second is that if a survivor is hooked and the killer looks around for auras shown by bbq, a Sole Survivor would count that hooked survivor as not "healthy, injured, or dying" and increase the perk range to help counter bbq and chilli. This rework also covers OoO, which it should. I would still like immnity when all survivors are dead with tier three of the perk, but that requires more complicated code probably.

    PWYF - I would always run this perk on hag if only to surprise survivors with super speed. The same goes for huntress. I cannot do this on huntress because of the amount of offensive actions I take and miss. It's just not worth it on hag.
    Play With Your Food

    • _You become obsessed with one survivor
    • Every time you engage in a 20 second or more chase with the obsession and let them go, you gain a token up to a max of 5/5/6 tokens
    • Each token grants 2/3/3 additional movement speed
    • Each time the obsession is downed, you lose all tokens_

    The perk would no longer be hard countered by self care when playing a hit and run style of gameplay. PWYF no longer results in such a noticeable change in speed; this keeps survivors from catching on too soon, and it makes for a smoother killer experience. Injuring survivors, but letting them heal can also be seen as playing, so I don't think this goes against the spirit or name of the perk.

    Not a buff:
    Decisive Strike - it's an extremely good perk that is infuriating to play against because of the time it can give to all survivors to completing objectives.
    Decisive Strike

    • _When in the killer's grasp and underneath a pallet, press the activate ability button to throw down the pallet and free yourself. This ability has a 60/80/90 % chance to succeed and will not activate if you are captured by the killer underneath a pallet. This ability can be used more than once and is affected by luck.
    • If not the obsession, this ability activates only once there are 3/2/2 other survivors dead
    • Considerably increases the chance of being the killer's Obsession_
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    Sole Survivor doesn't really have any business being an obsession perk.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    CoolAKn said:

    Sole Survivor doesn't really have any business being an obsession perk.

    It doesn’t except for the fact that if it was buffed, it would make that survivor much more powerful late game and consequently more of a sensible target early game.