Add options to play against SWF


I want to have the choice who plays with me. When i am the host,why is it not possible to set SWF to 2,3,4 players ?
I make the host but have no rights to setup my game. Sounds good Kappa.
The same with highping players. I am not able to kick the 500 ms guys from MY lobby. Sounds again....good.....NOT !


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Rush_b_naked said:
    I want to have the choice who plays with me. When i am the host,why is it not possible to set SWF to 2,3,4 players ?
    I make the host but have no rights to setup my game. Sounds good Kappa.
    The same with highping players. I am not able to kick the 500 ms guys from MY lobby. Sounds again....good.....NOT !

    Because the only reason you’re host is because the devs can support serves. Don’t take it to your head, killers are only host because they’re is only one and it’s requires every match. If servers existed killers hosting would lose all importance

  • Rush_b_naked
    Rush_b_naked Member Posts: 49

    would. But it is not. It sucks that i must close the whole lobby because of 1 highping guy. Thats the point.
    You even cant set a ping maximum... same bs imo.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Rush_b_naked said:
    would. But it is not. It sucks that i must close the whole lobby because of 1 highping guy. Thats the point.
    You even cant set a ping maximum... same bs imo.

    Ping is bullcrsl I agree. Should show survivors each other’s ping as well, and have vote to kick, if 4 people vote yes, kicked. Could this backfire??? Also yes.

  • Rush_b_naked
    Rush_b_naked Member Posts: 49

    if you would be able to set in the game options max ping to ~100 it would be equal if you are killer or survivor.
    No need to kick/vote ;)