Perk Changes | Surge


Your eerie presence charges the air and interferes with technology.

Putting a Survivor into the dying state causes all Generators within a 16/20/24 meter radius instantly to explode and begin regressing.

Surge does not trigger on already regressing Generators.

What changed?

  • Removed the Basic Attack requirement.

Just this small change alone already makes a big difference, but there is still a room for improvement!

  • Slightly reduced the range.

This slight nerf just makes sure that you can't reach most of the Generators on small maps.

  • Now applies the default regression penalty. (10%, like for missing a Skill Check)

8% is ok, but it could be better, making it 10% would allow Surge to compete with other slow down perks!

Also just a note, I removed this information from the perks description, because it already says that the Generator explodes, so you could probably tell that it applies the same penalty as for missing a Skill Check.

  • Removed the cooldown.

Removing the cooldown could be a little too much, but since I'm significantly reducing the range I thought that having more perks without a cooldown is a step into the right direction!

  • Surge doesn't trigger on already regressing Generators.

This is just so you can't down 3 Survivors and completely remove almost all of their progress from the game, also I'm not sure if this is a thing already, so please let me know!

Thank you for reading! Also what do you think about these changes?


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    I wasn't expecting this to die so quickly, the feedback and suggestions magic I guess.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'd rather not reduce the range. Its already quite low considering how most times only 1 maybe 2 are in range.

    I also think removing the regression on already regressing is a bad idea as thats how I get most of my use out of it. If you removed it I'd just use another perk like Pop. Personally I think they should just remove basic attacks and keep the 40 sec cooldown. It would make the perk viable on more killers.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I think these are some good changes. Maybe the devs will implement them (or at least do something to Surge) when Demo gets its add-on pass.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Don't lower the radius, let it be 32m or maybe it should scale with the current TR of the Killer.

    I'm so mad we have only 2 decent perks to regress gens. Some simple change in a perk can make it viable.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    I think this might actually be a bit of a nerf more than a buff (which Surge desperately needs).

    1. the Range reduction. 32m is already short since it requires you to down a survivor. Shortening that is just harsh, and can make its utility very limiting. While I understand wanting to make a perk less harsh on small maps, the fact is, most maps have gotten pretty large now and the range reduction would severely hurt the perk.
    2. 8% to 10% is just... miniscule, especially when removing its ability to hit a gen multiple times. Let me explain. 8% of a gen is 6.4 secs, and 10% is 8 secs. You're giving up the ability to hit a gen multiple times for just 1.6 secs. That is not worth it.
    3. Removing the cooldown is nice but.. well, with the above change, it doesn't mean much.
    4. You're noticing a trend, it's that I discourage removing Surge's ability to hit a gen already regressing. It's one of current Surge's best qualities. And if you down 3 survivors rapidly, as a killer, you deserve to be rewarded, honestly. Either you've made an amazing play, or the survivors have made a horrible misplay.

    I don't mean to be discouraging. You're on the right track. Here's how I would change it.

    1. Either keep the range 32m or slightly increase it to 40m.
    2. Remove the basic attack requirement
    3. Removal of the cooldown is great or at least a reduction from 40 to something more like 20.
    4. Rather than increasing Surge's current 8%, I would honestly like to see Gen's regressing because of Surge regress at a 50% faster rate to compete with the likes of Pop and Ruin (this is triggered by Gens regressing because of Surge; it would then not stack with Ruin for 250%—that would be absurdly OP).
  • Sif
    Sif Member Posts: 51

    Im guessing you're referring to Ruin and PGTW. What about Oppression though? I use it all the time now. It's great with surveillance.

    As for these suggested changes. Yeah don't reduce the range. 32m already feels like it's too short since most of the time the survivors will run more than 32m away from the gen when you approach. Other than that I like it. Especially with the lack of need for basic attack means that Demogorgon himself can fully enjoy his own perk unlike now. But I don't think the devs would go for this since it'd make it rival meta perks.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I completely forgot about Oppression, now that you mentioned, I'm sure it's a really good combo for gens information, I will try it later.

    They just need to edit some 10 lines of code to make it work on any attack, really sad devs won't listen, as always.