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Killers who slug for the 4k when they don't know where the last survivor is are boring

Like really? Do we have to drag the game out for so long that you have to slug for the 4k like is it that important? So often they do this and they don't know where the last survivor is like what's the point? If you slug me and don't know where the other survivor is i'm taking the dc penalty idc i'm not gonna sit around and bleed to death


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  • Member Posts: 868

    I love when the slugged surv dc and the other one escape using the hatch. Usually the killer never say anything in the chat, I can imagine their faces :D

  • Member Posts: 868

    Sure you don’t think is a problem loosing a deserved 4 escapes because of the very not dumb mechanic of facecamper a guy at the egc

  • Member Posts: 951

    If the hatch wasnt a dumb mechanic that was given to survivors so they can have an easy 1/2 escape no matter how bad they played then most killers wouldnt need to slug for the 4k. Imagine if in league of legends they had a mechanic that said "If your team is down by a 6 tower loss by 20 minutes, you can kill baron and instantly win the game no matter how good the previous team did.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    I agree, get rid of the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    And killers can slug the 3rd survivor and find the 4th survivor. That's just how the game is.

  • Member Posts: 334

    When it comes at the price of one person just crawling around, yeah, it's a valid complaint. that sucks. haven't you ever been slugged? does that feel like good game design to you? all for the killer's ego. it's lame.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Ever heard of an Adept? Especially at high ranks, you often need to kill all 4 Survivors. Not to mention theres so much toxicity from both sides, they kinda cancel each other out. You wanna bring a key or run OoO against me? No problem, I have no problem getting the 4k and destroying that key, or tunneling that Object into oblivion. Personally I'm only as nice as my opponents, that's how I keep things fair :)

  • Member Posts: 298

    Why slug for the 4k when you can give the last survivor hatch? feelsgoodman

    It's already bad enough playing solo queue right now, gotta give them something.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Honestly, being slugged for 4 mins isn't fun. Not sure how people can try to justify this. It's incredibly boring for the downed survivor.

    How does slugging change this outcome, at all?

  • Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2020

    I think that after a certain amount of time has elapsed in the match, survivors should be able to forfeit/give up and get whichever emblems and however many bloodpoints they've earned up to that point.

    If the killer wants to leave someone slugged to go for an easier win, fine. To me it's a little bit sweaty, but it's not unreasonable. But no one should be forced to participate in a game that's no longer fun for them--the fact that there's no way to leave a match without DC'ing, and that there's a DC penalty, means you're essentially held hostage. If a player leaves, it should count as a sacrifice and also towards Adept achievements.

    This goes for killers, too--there have been plenty of times when I get a couple of early kills, maybe at 4 or 5 gens, and the remaining two survivors just hide and refuse to do objectives. I'd much rather leave a game like that than play it out, and killers should have the option to forfeit as well.

    People would probably leave games fairly often, sure, but if the game is going poorly enough that people would rather leave than keep going, who benefits by forcing them to continue? I'd much rather be in a tightly contested game that's interesting enough that everyone wants to stick around, instead of wasting my time playing a drawn out, mediocre game where people are only sticking around because they don't want to depip and lose all their bloodpoints.

    At the very least, if someone DC's at any point during the first 5 minutes of the game, everyone should at a minimum safety pip and have the option to leave immediately without penalty.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Lol 'earned win/escape'...nothing is entitled to anyone in this game, yet people feel the need to go that extra mile to ease their fragile ego...the stem of toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally I always slug for the 4k. Do I care? No tbh. I only care about getting points so slugging for the 4k is the only way to guarantee points without having to chance a rng hatch escape.

  • Member Posts: 444

    Actually that's a good point why do some killers kill sint they know its cringe to play the game

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    It's boring to play against. That's what we're saying.

  • Member Posts: 28

    2 changes would fix this:

    Allow the survivor to pick themselves up if slugged more than 3 minutes.

    Make it so that if a survivor has not touched a gen or healed a slugged teammate for over 5 minutes they get crows, even if they're on the move. Reset timer when in chase/within killer terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Personally, I think the hatch is just a bad mechanic in general. When you're down to 2 survivors and they've achieved their minimum of 3 gens done, the hatch spawns and then they stealth until one of them finds it. At which point, one plays the bait and the other camps hatch.

    I don't like hatch campers. It's boring and the survivor just waits, teabagging at the hatch until you find them, and as soon as you approach they take hatch almost as if they're rubbing it in that they escaped.

  • Member Posts: 189

    If it was a close game I want my 4k. If It was a sweaty group of survivors but they weren't toxic and it was close I might let one have hatch but of my OWN accord not them finding it. At the end of a match I've already won I determine who lives and who dies. I've let survivors live because they made me laugh before. But if you make me sweat Im getting my 4k or your eating your 5 minute penalty so your teammate can get hatch.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Survivors changing their objective from completing the gens to "outlasting the other remaining survivor" is even worse.

    You dont evenhave to do your objectives at all as survivor, just hide in a corner and wait till every other sucker died, then go for the hatch, and when that doesnt work, for the then functional gates.

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    I slug for the 4k, kill the 4th, and give the third the hatch for waiting patiently:)

  • Member Posts: 3,259
    edited December 2020

    Umm maybe if there are perks available to counter it you could actually run the counter and save everyone instead of playing worm simulator crying on the forums? Slugging is part of the game and it's not even hard to counter anymore with perks like unbreakable, soul guard, we're gonna live forever, desperate measures, for the people ,flip flop, power struggle etc... If the killer is slugging, divide and conquer, pick the right time to step in and help someone and don't just group together cluelessly or ignore people going down left and right like a bot waiting until you're the only one left up to try and help

  • Member Posts: 64

    Giving me some time to find the hatch?

    Giving to survivor the chance to keep hiding himself or save his team mate while im looking for the hatch?

    Things Like that for example.

    If you dont want to be slugged, maybe you should open a Thread complaining about Genrush , the main reason for all killers to play this way Like Tunneling + Mori or Slugg. Or you just can DC, like more than 50% surv players on red ranks do when the killers play like Killers should

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    That still doesn't change the outcome if a survivor is planning to DC for his friend, unless you AFK on the hatch as he DCs. Anyway, I'm not going to talk about DC's further.

    Genrush doesn't come into this scenario that OP describes. 1 person is slugged and only one other person is alive. One person can't genrush. So I don't get your last comment.

  • Member Posts: 334

    I had tenacity? Didn't matter I guess

    you're a very rude person that you feel the need to insult me rather than just offer advice

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    Not all killers play for YOUR enjoyment.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Just like with "Gen Rushing" it's an "Non-existing" thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,261
    edited December 2020

    *Wrong topic, plz delete*

  • Member Posts: 293

    So you can't complain about Facecamping or Slugging when it's part of the Killers own Objective lol.

    Can't say one is a problem and the other isn't.

    Tunneling can be easily countered anyway I don't see the point in that.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Maybe they should remove the hatch then.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Might as well get rid of the Players sight when looking at survivors on hooks or or even just don't give the killers a basic melee attack.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    The only time I find it sorta silly is when they just hover around the slug for 3 minutes and 50 seconds, and then get surprised (or even mad) when the last survivor caught on and just let them bleed out and then escaped. Unfortunately this works more often than it should, as some survivors and killers seem to think survivors are 100% oblgitated to be altruistic even if it's suicidal, lol.

    Besides that specific situation (which isn't common but I still see sometimes, at the latest yesterday) I don't really care.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Well I did offer advice and you were rude to me as well but I do apologize , my patience sometimes just gets worn how people refuse to use counters to what they're complaining about

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    If I'm not mistaken, most people would be totally happy with a 3K. Besides, does it matter if that last person gets out? NO, you still won by that point. Slugging for the 4K is understandable if you're going for the Adept but otherwise, it's just extremely sweaty and unnecessary.

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