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Killers who slug for the 4k when they don't know where the last survivor is are boring



  • Member Posts: 521

    It is, but it's the Killer equivalent to constantly saving and hiding and not doing gens to maybe get the hatch when it's clear you've already lost, which is 100x more common than slugging for the 4K with no info

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Or sometimes you need that 4th kill to pip because the survivors gen rusher and left you with no time to get chases or some other arbitrary metric the devs want you to get to be able to rank up and earn blood points.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Dc’ing is against game rules. Sack up and bleed out.

  • Member Posts: 468

    Games not over til its over. I can slug to give myself some extra time to find the Hatch or the last survivor. Its part of the game if your losing get better so you don't lose next time.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Its still boring to win that way though, I don't slug for the 4k anymore and I still get 4ks no hatch escape like 80% of the time

  • Member Posts: 651

    The hatch is only part of the issue. The other is the emblems scoring. That 1 extra hook can make all the difference for thoses who care about pipping on consider a black pip game a draw. Its especially important when the survivors are good and the killers don't have the luxury of slowly hooking every single survivor 3 times each.

    But in my experience the most boring games are the ones where the last 2 survivors are hiding, waiting for the other to die and get the hatch. Nothing gets done until one of them get bored or the killer finaly manage to find one fo them, but unless you have some very specific perks its really hard to find survivors who are dedicated to doing nothing.

  • Member Posts: 1,261
    edited December 2020

    Spoiler alert: Killer don't play to give you fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    It’s true, we are all horrible, bitter misers who want nothing but to inflict pain and suffering upon all around us. ;)

  • Member Posts: 747

    I slug to get the last survivor for points. If the match was really close then ill definitely slug to find the last survivor. Its stressful going against really good survivors or a toxic team and a 4k just shows that as a killer I did very well against these survivors. If I see the survivors are struggling I just hook the 3rd person im not really worried about the last survivor. But see here's the problem sometimes when a survivor escapes through the hatch they'll just go "ez baby killer" I haven't seen it in a while but it happens.

  • Member Posts: 463

    Thats like saying survivors who open exit gates and leave are sweaty and unnecessary. If you completed all the gens, shouldn't you be happy with that and just let the killer kill you? Anything you can say to defend opening the gates after completing the gens can also be used to defend slugging for the 4k.

  • Member Posts: 825

    existence if hatch+ no definitive win condition= the only way to win is to slug if you don't know where the final 2 survivors are

  • Member Posts: 288

    The anger/frustration should be directed toward BHVR. They need to address this scenario. It's not on the killer or survivor who use the game options to slug or to leave the game.

  • Member Posts: 650

    I could not agree with you more. I have probably left games more over this BS than any other killer tactic. If I am slugged and the other bro is not injured or I think they know where hatch is, I am gone. I have BP running out the ears and 5 minutes isn't a deal breaker to help a team mate. Especially, if we have already gotten each other up and they just keep trying with the slug to 4k, I am def gonna bounce.

  • Member Posts: 650

    People did have the option to leave without consequences but the base whined so much they instituted the DC penalty. So now you are forced into matches and no matter how toxic they play if you DC, you take the punishment for their BM. Is is fair, hardly. But as long as the majority support it, it will be around. Personally IDK why people support or put up with it. As far as getting rewarded for a DC, nah. I do think losing the points and depipping is fine, but that should ge all the penalty you have to swallow. It is a small price to pay to not have to acquiesce to people playing abusive.

  • Why not just give yourself up to the killer then?

    I mean in all seriousness I find survivors at that point of the game will almost always try and hide to bleedout even if you just downed them, IMMEDIATELY killed the other person and went back and tried to find them; if they can get away to bleedout even after hatch is closed they will.

    I've never held that against them, so I don't see a problem with a killer actively playing the game how they want to play it either.

    I mean, there are survivors that will not do gens and just tap them to avoid crows; and do nothing but hide for even an hour rather than let you kill them, to try and "punish" you for having killed 2 other survivors already.

    If a killer slugs you to get a 4K they are TRYING to kill the survivors, they are actively trying to do their job. If survivors want to keep trying to stay alive by hiding, crawling off, etc- they can; if they want to just die and get it over with they can do that too. They have FULL control over that situation; so in no way can you blame the killer.

  • Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2020

    If you are getting slugged all the time try unbreakable, tenacity or other perks like WGLF. If that is not happening as much as you are telling you don't need any of those and it's just bias from recent games. Sure, you get slugged here and there for 4k, if you don't want to continue or have no means to continue, just stay in one place and crows will be over your head and you don't have to wait. Otherwise, use your head to survive, because it's not everyone that wants to always give a free hatch, or to look at the same time for the hatch.

    If you really don't want to wait, make it easier to be found, simple.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Survivors who hide and let their teammate die waiting for hatch are even more boring. Imagine losing the game and still thinking you are entitled to an escape.

  • Member Posts: 126

    well, you are the one saying that, i do think face camping is something that should not exist, sadly the devs wont do anything about either of the dumd mechanics, but anyway, one does not justify the other. but survivor mains will be survivor mains, so i dont expect u to get it

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Having a 3k doesn't guarantee max blood points or double pip. This game is such a grind, us killers have to do our best all the time. If I suspect I haven't gotten the medals for a double pip, you can bet ima leave a slug and try to get in at least one more hook. Personally, i prefer to walk away and hope the survivor gets picked up.

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