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New Killer: The Thing

The Thing, from the 1982 film starring Kurt Russell, would make an amazing Killer. It could quickly shape-shift into survivors, infiltrate them, and murder them one by one. Maybe to travel across the map quickly, it could turn into a dog with only a subtle sniffing sound to alert wary survivors that a Thing is nearby. Getting around voice chatters might be tricky, but The Thing wouldn't need to infiltrate long before making his move. Think of the Spy from Team Fortress 2.

Just imagine: match starts and the team splits up. Nea and Jake go to a gen and start working. But after a moment, Kate joins them. Then Jake notices a second Kate approaching from the woods. It turns out the Kate working on the gen was just pretending, and is The Thing, and bites Jake's face for a hit. Everyone flees the gen and questions who their allies are.

There's a lot of possibility for The Thing and I would love to see him in the game.
