Unable to use abilities or be healed after unhook

Rybe Member Posts: 44

Platform: PC

Description: After being unhooked I was unable to be healed by the Claudette who unhooked me. The heal prompt just wouldn't come up on the Claudette's screen. If I was broken, there was no indicator on the UI anywhere. I also could not use the map I was carrying (again, prompt simply wouldn't come up), and it did not look like it was in my character's hands anymore. And I couldn't use sprint burst despite not being exhausted (I would just run normally, no exhaustion notification/timer anywhere.) I didn't have any status effects on my screen that would cause any of these things to occur. This lasted for about a minute.

Steps to reproduce: It SEEMED to be triggered by the unhook. Beyond that, no idea, just happened the one time so far. The person trying to heal me started opening the door and eventually I was just able to use my map/be healed again. A chase was happening on the other side of the map, not sure if anything happening over there impacted it. I was playing Jeff, map was Springwood, killer was Deathslinger, happened after my second unhook.

It's only happened the one time so far but considering the severity I figured I'd report it.

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