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Developers fixing match making?

Does anyone have a clue if the Devs are fixing the match making? Tired of these uneven matches. It is getting really old.


  • Pega6
    Pega6 Member Posts: 53

    Devs are aware of the issues and it seems their current plan to fix it is to add a MMR system, was tried out a while back but was universally hated. I imagine they're probably refining that MMR system/reworking it entirely so eventually we should have skill-reflective ranks.

    But currently there isn't a lot of high rank killers in the game as it can be rather frustrating in high ranks as a killer so the matchmaking system has to start being less strict when it comes to balancing a match, otherwise once you hit red ranks as a surv your queue times will probably be around 10-30m (might not be exact but based on my experience it feels like that's how uncommon it is to run into red killers as red survs)