Pre-game report function

DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Why? Because some people are absolutely unreasonable maniacs in the pre-game chat and shouldn't be playing this game.

I joined a lobby as the 3rd Survivor. Shortly after me, a Claudette wielding a flashlight joined as the last one and then texted in the pre-game chat, that "the Killer might dodge", probably because of her flashlight, I suspect.

I then answer her, that "a flashlight-wielding Survivor is nothing unusual these days though".

She immediately, without any apparent reason, texts this back (since swears get censored, I'll paraphrase it): "shut the f-word up, Russian slur for a gay man, before I have intercourse with your dog!"

I'm sorry, but I have ZERO intention to endure playing an entire game with them first before I can finally report them in the aftergame chat and since the Player Report Form is gone, I can't use that either.


  • Sleepy
    Sleepy Member Posts: 107

    Understandable, if I were you though I would've just quit before the game started and found a new session.

    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    @DocOctober I agree that there should be a report function in the killer lobby, but since the killer can see all of the survivors names and characters they chose, its a little bit one sided. On console, there isnt even a chat we can type in so I feel like reporting may be abused. I kind of feel like they should just take the chat away on pc pre-game.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    The chat is intended to discuss pre-game strats and load-outs, so it does have its place in the game, at least on PC..

  • redjasper
    redjasper Member Posts: 143

    I block them and leave the match the first second the match starts. 5 gens to escape and killer has the advantage ;)

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @redjasper said:
    I block them and leave the match the first second the match starts. 5 gens to escape and killer has the advantage ;)

    Punishing the other two that did nothing and only risking a ban for me. No thanks. I'll simply dodge the lobby instead.