Huntress Hatchets Phasing Through Male Character Models Point Blank (PC)

desadia Member Posts: 6


KNOWN UNAFFECTED: Nea, Kate, Felix, Jake, Dwight

MAP: Temple of Purgation

LOCATION: 4 pillar archway that spawns next to shack in any corner where the pillar is to the left and a locker is to the right (a corner that a survivor can be pinned into)

SURVIVOR POSITION: Must be facing into the corner away from the killer. If the survivor is facing the killer, the hatchets do not have this effect.

AIMING LOCATION: Anywhere above chest of survivor, once the aiming gets to about mid torso and lower they will connect.

I haven't tested this on any other map and any other corner that a survivor can get trapped in because I first experienced it with a Steve in that specific corner spawn, so I only went into custom games and tested it there. It appears that it will only logically occur on certain male models. Further testing is welcome, and if any clarification or elaboration on this is necessary I'm willing to do so.

I'm also not really sure if this would be classified as a bug, but I don't think it should be intended that different survivors have different registerable hitboxes for hatchets or any other attacks for that matter, so I figured it was worth reporting even though the simple solution is to just aim lower since the survivor is pinned in anyway and can't simply run away.

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