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Game Not Acknowledging Completed Generators

PC player, playing on the Ormond map against a Huntress.
One generator was completed on the map, but it still said that 5 generators were needed to escape instead of 4. Upon reaching the post-game chat, I asked the other players if they had seen the glitch. The Huntress had mentioned that they did notice it and it was strange, and that they did get a visual cue that the generator was completed but no audio cue. This is the first time I've noticed it while playing (even while playing on Ormond), but I thought it should use some reporting anyway because that's a pretty bad bug if it's more than just a visual glitch and there really are 5 gens needed after popping one.
How fast was the gen completed? I know that when a Gen is completed quickly at the start of the trial the game may have trouble updating properly.
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I mean, there were three survivors on it, but I can't give a specific timeframe as to when it might've been completed. I've had a gen pop with four survivors on it at once in the beginning of the trial numerous times in the past, but I've never seen a visual glitch like this. Could be the case though, I'm not sure.