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Why don't more killers play twins?

Sif Member Posts: 51

Title. I hardly ever see any twins while playing survivor which feels weird since they're a new and highly unusual killer.

Best Answers

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    Answer ✓

    1) some people don't have them since it's the newest killer

    2) a lot of bugs, both with gameplay (mainly related to Victor) and emblem scoring

    3) twins are overall not very strong as of now

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806
    Answer ✓

    A few reasons, mostly mentioned already.

    First, they're a buggy mess. Not sure how much was fixed in the hotfix patch, but I don't want to find out because...

    I dislike plying killers that are unfun to play against. I generally avoid playing hag, spirit, freddy and slinger too often because I want both sides to have fun. Twins are now on that list, because the most optimal way to play is by camping hooks and/or slugging the whole team to win. Extremely boring for me, unfun for them.

    Lastly, her perks are some hot garbage. Hoarder is a meme, and CdG is far too restrictive. The only half decent one is Oppression, but even that doesn't really open up any new ways to play. My blood webs are full of enough crap perks already, thanks.
