Ranking system and match making are bs

KinkyPegLeg Member Posts: 6
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I just made my way to green ranks as killer and now 80% of my lobbies are either full red rank survivors or full red rank swfs. I even had this problem probably 50% of my grey rank lobbies. Idk why this is happening to me. I’m a red rank survivor and almost never get a green rank killer let alone a grey one.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    We don't need no MMR. We just need a better ranking system. Also what's the point of rank reset?

    Rank should be based on 50% looping skills. 25% great skill checks and such. And other 25% for bullying the killer skills.

    If u can't do any of these 3, should be low to medium rank.

    A fresh killer or survivor should not be reaching high ranks just becuz they play a lot in a short amount of time.

    I can just breathe and reach red ranks.

  • KinkyPegLeg
    KinkyPegLeg Member Posts: 6

    @noctis129 i know potato red ranks exist but I’m constantly going up against people with dbd related names with 4 mans rank 1s sometimes rank 2. Im actually done with the game. The match making is bs there is about a 1,000 bugs, no hit validation dedicated servers are dog sh cross play servers are even worse and consistently getting dog sh frames. One of my favorite games is now one of my most hated.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    I would buy so many cosmetics if only they had good matchmaking.

    I just end up playing a few games, realizing they don't after dealing with people I shouldn't be facing, and go back to watching streams, and being on the forum.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I get red and purple swfs with my level 18 killer. I'm in the same boat, I never get baby killers. And when I swf'ed before all my friends quit this game, we'd have the opposite. One red purple killer to match me, and then my three teammates who were yellow ranks. It was miserable and literally all seven of my friends who tried this game quit over it.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    "One of my favorite games is now one of my most hated."

    This is true for most ppl. I just keep playing until they butcher the game so much so that I finally move onto other games. T hasn't got there yet. But it's close.

    I really liked how the game was back when the deathslinger was released. I really feel like that was the best state the game was in.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    Yeah, I'm getting tired of being a rank 13 killer and getting match after match of red ranks and high purple ranks. The constant tea bagging and great loops. I mean, good for them playing well, but I'm not a red rank killer. It gets frustrating and makes me want to uninstall this game and move on. Which is too bad because when the ranking is right, it's a lot of fun to play. I like a challenge and I'm good with two kills. But it's just not fun when you get maybe two hooks the entire game and constantly bullied by survivors.

  • Kadajacs
    Kadajacs Member Posts: 43

    Completely agree. This will be what stops me playing if it does not improve.

    I have only been playing since Halloween this year so I know full well I have a lot to learn and improve on. Thing is I will never get a good chance to learn if every game I face 4 red survivors with full meta perks and god like looping skills. Competitive skills improve bit by bit when facing similarly skilled opponents

    Would an amateur boxer ever improve if he only ever got to fight Mike Tyson. No he would get fed up of being pasted 1st round and do something else.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Im a killer main amd im so bored of losing to red rank swf lobbies.

    I've personally started to face camping just to get 1 kill in the game.

    By time i've downed a red rank and hooked them 2 3 gens hsve popped. Instead of all escaping i try and take 1 down woth me.