Yes, the Wraith needs total invisibility but also Spirit needs a Wraith-like silhouette.

She can move really fast and attack immediately out of phasing. Having her look like the Wraith when he's cloaked or even some kind of trail would make her a lot more fair and you'd need to actually outsmart survivors rather than just standing still. She moves extremely fast so it's not like survivors have that much time to react anyway. Just make it really faint, so survivors have to actually try to figure out where she is.
Make it so that Survs can lightburn her.
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Not sure if bait but that'd be a bit much maybe?
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Just rework spirit at that point. You'd completely destroy her with that change cuz it turns from spirit guessing and survivor guessing with the advantage being in spirit's favor to spirit guessing and the survivor staring at her.
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I mean ok, let's say you're right, even if they at least make her shards glow when phasing that would at least give survivors some kind of clue that shes using her power and would eliminate the standing mid games which honestly are BS anyway. How is that fair that you can get rewarded for standing still? Where's the skill in that?
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I was more talking about the chase aspect. As for the whole standing still mind game thing, I don't really see how it's much different from skillful play in this game. The skill ceiling in this game is pretty low. Standing still or turning really quickly during a loop is not that different in my eyes. A survivor can be rewarded for standing still and hoping that the killer can't see them. They're also allowed to stand still at certain tiles and use the 3rd person camera to see what the killer is doing. The Spirit took the risk to bet that they weren't wasting their time standing still or the survivor wasn't going to turn tail and run.
Also, it's really weird to talk about the fairness of how much skill something takes. I don't really care if it's removed or not. I dunno if it makes a difference. I main survivor anyways.
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I think she should have like her passive phasing when using her power but it’d be like every 3 seconds so survivors could counter her but she could still hit you
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Why would it be a bit much? And it fits into exactly why Wraith and Nurse can be lightburned.
With this weakness Spirit's can choose whether to risk using their power in the open or strategically using it when out of LoS. Also gives Survs a choice to keep running or try to burn her.
Also they'd have to guess where she is to burn her while she's phase shifted.
Also the pallet mind game can be played around if the surv has a flashlight. Flashlight does nothing to the spirit? She's probably phase shifting. You hit the blind/burn on her? There she is.
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But she's like leaving her body. Whg would flashing a husk burn her?
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The entire point of Spirit is that you don't know where she is.
There was a bug that let you hear her general direction in phase a few patches ago.
It singlehandedly made her terrible.
Being able to see her exact location would make her complete dogshit.
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Gutting a killer is not how you apply balance changes. In my opinion her design is just fine, it's just that she gets a lot of benefits for being in her phase.
- I would say remove the ability for her to see scratch marks while phasing.
- Reduce the base speed and all of the add-ons that increase movement speed while phasing
- Once the spirit has been phasing for X amount of seconds, have the husk provide some kind of indication that she is phasing
- When phasing the sound of survivors cannot be increased or reduced with the use of perks (This means stridor no longer works while phasing, but it also means that iron will no longer acts as a counter)
- Increase the sound of her footsteps while she is phasing, this sound can always be heard by survivors regardless of whether they're within her terror radius or not.
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if something as minor as that i would hate to hear what you would think if she made a sound q when she phased and came out of phasing as well as a sever movement penalty before she came out of phasing. ie. what wraith has been for years
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.....You guys know u can stun her by flashing her husk right?
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... then she's literally a 110% M1 killer.
What you just described is potentially the worst killer to ever exist, even worse than old Freddy.
Please never speak again, I think each word you say causes a 3% increase in brain hemorrhages within our community.
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she's better wraith with no tells but i guess you're not ready to hear that
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Honestly only change I think she should get is not being able to hear the breathing or injury sounds of survivors. (she can still hear footsteps)
Survivors can't hear her why is she able to hear them
Either that or reintroduce the bug where you could hear where she was while phasing.