Do you want 12-hooks-games?



  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I dont play a lot of killer but when I do, I'd rather earn it. I don't want the noobs to let some poor soul die on their first hook. I have fun playing the game, so getting 12 hooks would be just that. I know a lot of killers don't have that mentality though. A 4k is all that matters. Could be because they never have the long waits that survivors do.

  • This is flat out incorrect.

    Tunneling a survivor only works if they are bad enough you never needed to in the first place; if you try and tunnel a skilled SWF they are going to realise what you are doing and going to just weaponize that on you. A killer being foolish enough to focus only one person is literally their favorite thing, it means an easy game.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Depends on the killer. Sure you can run some killer for ages and normally they would leave you on this tiles, but when they have a power to deal with it, they will get you. Tunneling with a wraith is stupid, but with a chase killer like deathslinger its more useful.

    Thats a misconception bc many killer who tunnel are bad. They can be looped for enough time for 5 gens. The fact that tunneling is a common tactic in tournaments shows that it is working.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I still remember the time when killers actually had the luxury to 12 hook survivors. Killers got a 3 or 4k and survivors had between 20 and 26k points. Even if they died.

    Now survivors gen rush out and escape with 11k points.

    If survivors really want longer matches, they would have to stop the rush. A killer who loses 3 gens in the first hook will feel pressured and play accordingly.

    I really don't understand what's the fun in waiting 15 minutes in a lobby to have a 5 minute match.

  • Grum_P
    Grum_P Member Posts: 79

    Idk but I always love 12 hook games because you're sitting at 1 or 2 gens and then you down someone, kill them, down another, kill them, and then it starts to fall apart on the survivors side.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    I don't find 12 hook games that hard

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Bu its their goal. I would only call it genrush when they let other survivor die for gens or everyone brings good toolboxes.

    But when they just do gens, its normal. Its the objective. What should they do instead? Blame the game, not the player.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Meh, 4ks are fine regardless of hooks. I at least want a safety or 1 pip though so I don't camp or anything. I only try for 12 hook games when its an adept.

  • HowsMars
    HowsMars Member Posts: 40

    Gen speed is the biggest issue with the game at the moment, not to mention that its the only objective that's important to a survivor 100% of the time causing them to go off in mass easily. The best way to increase game time, enjoyment, and gameplay for both sides is too increase gen time and add an objective worth equal amounts of points that both killer and survivor engage in. Besides that there are alot of thing in the game that can remove enjoyment for either side, camping, godloops, god pallets, etc. Things that are a free win for either side should be reworked so that no one gets punished because of brainless gameplay. The game is only fun if it is fair for everyone and rewards good gameplay, crutch perks and mechanics remove any enjoyment from them because they aren't an award they are a free win.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Busted things on both sides should really be reworked.

    But the problem in this game with balance is that the skill gap between players is huge.

    The average survivor is simply not good at the game. Increasing gen time would destroy them.

    I personally dont care, bc i think its not hard to reach a decent level when you really try it, but many players could leave bc of that.

    Its the same as the killers who relied too much on moris. Some will now adapt and get better, others will leave.

    So every balance chance must work for every skill level.

    But i think we need to rise the average skill level with a tutorial or something similar.