Perk Rank system idea to help diversify the meta

Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is concept pitch, the numbers are mostly just spit balls to give a idea, the devs would obviously have more insight into how to adept this to the game proper,

Perks would be divided into 3 Ranks,

Rank 3: Sees less than 40% usage among characters who have it available no changes at all,

Rank 2: sees more than 40% usage but less than 65% usage among characters who have it available, only 1 tier 2 perk can be equipped,

Rank 1: sees 65% or higher usage with characters who have it available to them only 1 tier 1 perk can be equipped and it takes up 2 perk slots if there is more than 1 available,

% use would require that the character be lvl 15 or higher and they must have the perk currently unlocked, each character can only have 1 perk in each Rank above Rank 3, and only counts public games, custom games would have an option to disable Rank limits,

this system would encourage more build variety, and as you can see the system is set up to ensure Adept challenges are always doable, tier list would be updated monthly, possibly a more complex system about deciding what counts for usage would be needed as if a character is just super popular their perks could be artificially boosted in Rank, possibly only register it above certain player ranks,

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