I just lost an entire game because of DS's bullcrap.



  • LeleLP
    LeleLP Member Posts: 153

    It's never the killers fault though. It's DS. It needs a nerf. If I went after the same person the in 60 seconds it's DS's fault not mine!

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    The amount of people blaming the killer for playing well is sickening.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited December 2020

    I just have to laugh when people use words like "Invincible and can't be touched" simply because the survivor has DS.

    This is incorrect. The survivor can still go down and they can be slugged completely rendering their DS un-useable. You just have to be SMART about how you play. The game isn't intended to just be a hit n go hook type of game. You have to play smart too. This includes but it is not limited to understanding survivor perks AND outsmarting them in the ways they use them.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    So there was 3 gens left to do, 3 people on hook and 1 guy downed and you still lost?

    So when they never had ds you could down all 4 survivors and hook 3. But as soon as 1 used ds you can no longer down anyone and lose the game even with 3 gens left?

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    He ain't blaming the perk cuz he's sloppy, he's blaming the perk for being too much reward with no risk at all.

    He says he downed the other 3 Survivors, then picked up the Nea and got hit with an "anti-tunnel" perk. Yes he made the mistake of picking her up to put it so blunt, but what of the pay-off from downing ALL the other survivors? They just got a free pass because of one perk. That is a super power perk to me XD and what if there were more than one Nea's? Sometimes I face a crew of Blendette's and it becomes hard to tell. Just go for the injured one, but what if there are two or three Injured Survivor's?

    Decisive Strike really has the flaw of being a pretender, it's not an effective ant-tunnel perk. Often I take the stun then down the Survivor anyway, unless they're pressuring a Generator nearby. What do you normally see from players with Decisive Strike after being unhooked? They block you from hitting other Survivors, they do Generators in your presence, they run over to unhook or pick up other Survivors. Doesn't sound like they're running away from being tunneled, sounds more like they are aware they cannot be touched for 60 seconds.

    Slug them? Unbreakable or Borrowed Time might be in effect.

    Don't go after them? Well what if they're trying to finish a Generator or rescue another Survivor in my face?

    Don't pick them up? Well we are back with Unbreakable again.

    Honestly, we do have one experiment to balance Decisive Strike: the Incapacitated Status Effect. Survivors cannot do Generators or escape Exit Gates as long as they suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effect, if I recall correctly. I say that would be a neat way of balancing Decisive Strike, would definitely make it more suitable for anti-tunnel. Can no longer do Generators, can no longer be used as a get-out-of-jail free card during the Endgame Collapse.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    The game IS fundamentally flawed and the devs know about it but don't do anything. Doesn't mean you can't do your best to win.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    If doing your best ensures playing the game through slugging and camping tactics then they wouldn't be having fun nor would their opponents.

    Anyone can make the decision when having knocked down three other survivors that the fourths ds would be gone. It's not a mistake with person it's a fundamental flaw in a perk that in an ordinary match you can't always count on. I'm saying it's not their fault because the perk is flawed and anyone would assume three downs would take up the one minute timer for ds.

    There's no point saying Oh you should've done this. Because they shouldn't. The game should be designed better. Period.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Downs 4 survivors and hooks 3 all within 60 seconds... goes for fourth hook still within same 60 seconds.. gets one DS.. loses the game.

    Something doesn't quite add up here.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited December 2020

    Exactly right but people just love to complain. survivors aren't allowed to have any perk in response to recurring issues in the game. So never bring decisive strike, borrowed time or unbreakable. Most killer players perceive these perks as unfair.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Touche, i havent played in a few months and keep.forgetting OoO exists cuz of that. You are right though

  • Grum_P
    Grum_P Member Posts: 79

    Just so you know the day this game happened I was running an obsession perk. And there were two Neas, one with the spray paint hoodie and the other with a similarly colored outfit. So I couldn't tell if that was the one that I had hooked three hooks ago. The perks I was running were: Make Your Choice, I'm all Ears, Corrupt Intervention, and Save the Best for Last.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    A lot of things can be true here:

    DS is ridiculous when all four survivors have it. There are some perks where that shouldn't be possible.

    I get that a killer can keep track of DS, count to 60, etc. Should they have to though? Should DS really have 60 second timers for every survivor that runs it in a trial? That's a lot of stacking hook immunity when you think about it.

    I think killers need to know when to selectively eat a DS. There are moments where a slug doesn't give you that much more pressure and you can eat a DS with minimal collateral.

    PH is awesome for situations like these. He can be lethal very quickly.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Exactly what I was thinking LMAO, I thought he must for sure be a Bubba to get all those downs and hooks and STILL get hit by DS, because I'm having a real hard time imagining ALL of that happening within 60s unless he got a chainsaw down on all 3 of them near a spot with a lot of hooks around. But the perks he mentioned don't look like a Bubba build to me haha

    Sounds like you were already willing to risk DS on the other Nea since you say you couldn't tell which was which, which means you would have gotten the exact same result either way since you were unwilling to slug the Neas to wait out the possibility of DS.

    "I hooked a nea, she got unhooked, I downed and hooked three survivors, then caught and downed her, then was promptly DS'd"

    In any case, you would have had to slug for like... probably only a couple of seconds before you could have picked Nea up without an issue, because unless you're playing Bubba, it takes a decent amount of time to down, pick up, carry, and hook 3 different survivors.

    Also, when I run an obsession perk, I always assume that there is DS, too, since there is no way to say for sure that there ISN'T DS.

    It sucks that you lost this game but it definitely was 100% avoidable on your part if you slugged for probably literally only 5-10 seconds maximum.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    DS is BS, pure invincibility for 60 seconds, I have won so many games because the killer thinks they've secured a kill right at the end by catching me in the gate, I DS them and escape with bonus bloodpoints.

    I've played both sides and know how obnoxious it is when survivors play offensively, and you can't do anything about it because it's either you waste time chasing the bodyblocking unhooked survivor with BT and DS, or chase the survivor who just unhooked their teammate who's already made it to a loop.

  • HowsMars
    HowsMars Member Posts: 40

    Issue with that logic is that there are 4 survivors with 1 killer, if your able to keep a killer busy for that many gens to go off its blatant that the game is unbalanced and chase times are way to long compared to gens speeds with the possibility of 3 survivors doing separate gens at once, if the killer was plain bad then thats understandable but often enough that's not the case past green rank. A killers objective is to kill all 4 survivors as the survivors are to do all 5 generators. Killers need 3 hooks to "fairly" kill a survivor and get enough bp out of it to even matter. In your situation the killer could complain because yes, the gens popped off if one chase that took too long and he shouldn't of committed to it so now he's going to de rank, its a loss, your 1 of 4 survivors. 3 of which escape and "win" the game. Even in the case of a survivor getting the hatch after 3 kills, They technically "win" the game and in red rank hurts the killer alot more than youd think.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    I was in a similar situation a week or two ago, but I was the survivor and I missed the ds by a hair so thin it looked like it was actually on the line at the very edge. I'd like to blame it on lag but I just knew I hit it just a hair too early as soon as I went to push the button. I thought to myself, "I just cost the entire game, I could have gotten this person i was moving toward into this spot to safely get down, and then one of us could have gotten the others down even if the one he chased got caught." and was glad that match was on console so i couldn't see everybody tell me to hillary myself afterward. I got a laugh, not condescendingly, from reading your story since it was like a marvel What If with a really good ending.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    What exactly would be the point of running it at all then? It would literally become a useless perk. No killer in their right mind would ever pick up a survivor if they knowingly had DS. From your suggestion they might as well make all perks visible to all players killers included. “Oh I see the killer has devour let me immediately and immensely go and hunt the totem down so they won’t be able to use their perk”. That’s not a good idea. DS needs to deactivate when either someone else gets hooked, you heal up or touch a gen.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    yep. It’s this kind of crap is why DS gets so much flak. It’s a get out of jail free card, especially if you have unbreakable. Honestly the second nerfed version of DS was the most balanced. Generally only one person got it, it could be mitigated with enduring, and counter played with juggling in the right conditions. And the fact enduring got nerfed when no one was asking for it just makes it seem like there devs really want DS to be an invincibility perk. It’s frustrating and anti-fun. But the devs only seem to care about survivor fun.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    But you get robbed of your momentum either way, earlier in the game or later. There's many scenarios where taking the DS early is what causes you to lose the game. You have no way of knowing whether or not you can afford to take the DS. I've advocated for giving an indicator for when someone has DS so you don't have to play around a perk that isn't even there, or taking the stun unnecessarily by assuming they're bluffing.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I can 100% assure you that in all my games I’m able to engineer “checking” if every survivor has DS early or by mid game, they lose, or at best one escapes or they get a key escape. Seriously, eating DS stuns early mostly hurts the survivors, not the killer.