Fix console or limit cross play FPS!

Firstly I have always been a supportive advocate for the complex issues involving game design and how console optimizations factor in to it; that being said this is utterly ridiculous. It’s bad enough that the vast majority of pc players have more experience and skill than the console players on average, but on top of it all they also have the insane benefit of a superior frame rate.

Don’t wanna optimize ps4 and Xbox1? I can dig it, new gen on the horzon and all, but why in the frick would you not limit pc frame rate to compensate? It’s painfully obvious that your loyalties mostly lie along the pc player base , but this is inexcusably incompetent. If you refuse to either optimize console or fix your effing game ( I assume you are aware that several game companies use your same engine to much better and far more impressive effect without dropping frames every three seconds) then you can at the very least do the minimum amount of effort to make your cross play mode somewhat fair.

Until such a time, and I won’t be holding my breath on it, I’m turning cross play off because it’s hot garbage and while it might benefit your precious pc player base it only brings your console players aggravation and anxiety (me at least, I can’t be the only one) and it can all be avoided with simple common sense and decency. Fix. Your. Game.

There are no excuses at this point we’re several years in and you have the resources. I’m done defending you. Fix it or balance the discrepancies until you do.


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    One of the most blatant things that stops DBD from being an AAA game is the awful fps problems, across its multiple ports. Other games get trash talked because they're running at 30 fps instead of 60, but to us DBD players they sound ungrateful. Without a good frame rate, you cannot even see what it is going on in the game. It is rage quit-worthy at some points.

    I almost want to give up hope that console fps will ever be fixed, in which case cross-progression will become a top priority of mine. I cannot wait to move to PC where fps problems are not the norm.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Good luck. They don't care. This is coming from a console player.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    They're designers at heart. Sure, they have programmers, but programmers aren't leading the call, it's designers. Sure, they can get things done aesthetically, but when it comes to really making things work, they fall short. A computer scientist needs to be in a leadership position, otherwise they don't get it.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,162

    You let it sound like all PC players play with constantly 60fps.

    No, we don't. It is the same hell on older systems like mine (5y old). I may get about 60fps on medium on older maps for the most part, but some maps like Lèry's are just horrible with 15-30fps when I play killer. Yes you heard that right. And even on other maps my fps drop to 20 sometimes.

    I know console is horrible, but punishing other players for it? No thank you. Because that's what would happen: everyone would switch crossplay off because 30fps is no fun at all. And I know for a fact that PC queuetimes are a lot shorter than console ones. So you just hurt yourselves with this.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    Just because of the fact that poor people like you are in the minority, it doesn't change my perspective. Nor my point. Limit ALL players to the exact same FPS limit or admit your bs bias. The end. We're done here.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,162
    edited April 2021

    Please don't assume that I'm poor just because I don't buy a new PC/phone every year. That money is better spend somewhere more important. I don't know about people like me being a minority since you can't provide stats.

    You are the one who is biased, not me. You think that "all PC Players play with 60fps and have an advantage", not me.

    Have a nice day.