Camping should get punished after too many times

Dipper Member Posts: 149
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know this discussion is on since the game came out. But I just don't understand how a "strategy" like Camping or Tunelling is considered legal, if these two are one of the few "strategies" that are not fun to play against.

Some say "Just counter it with perks". Well fine, but I don't want to play every round with the same four perks forever. Also even if Camping shouldn't get banned, there should be at least a timeout of 10 minutes for it, if you do it too often. I get it can get disappointing as a killer to get looped over and over, and sometimes Camping is a good strategy against it. But I also have rounds, where the killer is really good, and still thinks it's fun to camp and tunnel.

So long story short: If you camp, it's okay, if you camp too often, you should just stay off the game for a short time to think about changing the strategy

PS: I started this topic again, because just because some say "That's the game", doesn't mean it's okay. A game should make fun for everyone, not just one party, and rules should be there to accomplish this.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • [Deleted User]

    Tbh I never really had a problem with campers before for the most part; except recently.

    Like 8/10 people picking leatherface just do nothing but face camp with him, to a point it makes me question why this killer even exists in the game. Let me be clear, if they camped us on last gen or end game or something, sure, I mean no problem- but I mean they are going into the game with NO intention of actually playing at all, just to face camp the first person they can.

    Makes me sad, they are a fun killer to play as and against, but no one wants to actually put the effort in as him anymore because it's easier to just face sit someone =(

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    It's because he is the only Killer in the game that has an effective multi-target insta-down.

    It is an extremely satisfying feeling to use that chainsaw to let survivors swarm the hook, let them start the unhook animation, and then come in swinging. Leatherface revs up and gets not one, not two, but THREE downs all at once. I can't name many more satisfying things I've done in game. It feels GREAT. The temptation of "Don't you wanna go get that guy ALLLL the way across the map with BBQ & Chili?" pales in comparison.

    I know it may feel cheap, but it is extremely rewarding and gratifying. As long as Survivors are still willing to hook swarm Leatherface is going to keep doing it.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    It's because he's the best killer in the game to camp with. If you do it, there's nothing the survivors can do. Even BT doesn't do much against Bubba when he can chase you with his chainsaw and has enough charges to do so.

    As a Bubba main who rarely camps, it makes me sad seeing people do it when he has such amazing lethality in chases now..

  • [Deleted User]

    Yeah but they do it anyways, like you just do all the gens and leave, and the person unlucky enough to be selected just....isn't allowed to play at all. After waiting so long in queue it's quite frustrating.

    Honestly, I suspect that if people actually keep doing this with him as much as they have, BHVR might actually cave and make a change. Maybe not, and definitely not anytime soon, but if people keep ONLY doing that it might trigger a response....we'll see I guess.

    I feel the same way my man. He is a ton of fun to play and people are passing up on that fun to just stand there all day.

    It bothers me because I feel like I am being cheated out of actual fun bubba games. If it was only like a small percent of them that face camped it wouldn't bother me, it just sucks cause MOST of them tend to use them for that purpose.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Because there is no reason not to. Why would I run around getting mocked by flashlights to the eyes and teabagged at pallets when the meat will come to me?

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    The only way to really get rid of these strats is to make them not super viable, this will mean either Survivors focusing on gens and not rewarding the camping with the possibility of another down and free pressure, or mechanics designed to make hooking someone else as, if not more valuable than rehooking the already injured guy who will be gone for good, like a 2+ minute or until a sacrifice no gen repairs after being hooked debuff, and will need to have various forms of ingame taunting removed cooldown on crouch and flashlights consume a full second of charge each time they are turned on to avoid killers getting annoyed and punishing the survivors for being jerks if/when they finally catch one,

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    So as I play Survivor I have always hated camping and tunneling and wondered why it has never been punished. If you use them as a strategy find a better one because they ruin the game for survivors. When I play swf my friends and I always get mad when it happens which ruins the mood, nobody then wants to play the game and we all depip because a killer couldn’t find a better strategy. Personally I think if killers do this they should lose bloodpoints after a certain amount of time of camping and or if they keep tunnelling a survivor. It ruins the fun.

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    Stop looping, it's the exact same, a boring unfun experience born out of one person's need for an efficient strat, i don't enjoy camping but if the exit gates are open and i have only one person on hook and the gate is close i ain't trading that because the others want to waist our time instead of just leaving because they feel entitled to a perfect win,

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    The problem with camping is not that it happens, it's that it happens to people that didn't do anything to deserve it. Often times, as killer, you encounter SWF groups that are unbeatable and sometimes that unbeatable-ness is so infuriating that you end up using a mori the next match. Or if you don't have a mori (or they make mori's impossible to use like they did recently) you end up camping, because you want survivors to go through the same nonsense you went through in the previous match. You don't have to talk to them, so why would you care, as killer?

    Really, the SWF folk should be punished, but the devs won't ever do anything about them. The profitability of this game comes from the survivors being able to stomp the killers - just look at all of the DBD videos that are popular, they speak for themselves. The devs see this, too. If you want camping to stop, you need to stop SWF groups, and other in-game bullies.

    Granted, that won't stop everyone, but it will stop the majority of campers. Anyone outside of this population, you should just attribute to being angry, from something else. But, it rarely has anything to do with the people who experience it.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    The thing with camping, it often works way better than it should. I usually camp when the gens are done because there isn't much else to do besides securing one more kill. And very often survivors literally start killing themselves trying to get that unhook. I've had multiple instances of what should've been 1k turn into 2k, 3k and sometimes even 4k.

    Camping very often is rewarding to the killer to the point that if you don't camp you simply handicap yourself.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    In this situation, I don't know what else you could do. Camping is all you have left to make progress, and it's true that survivors make tons of mistakes trying to save hooked survivors- especially if they finished gens quickly.