Hillbilly chainsaw heating up while not using it (and also a rank reset idea for brand new accounts)

Dozzy Member Posts: 12

After I broke a pallet at high chainsaw heat, it continued to rise for the next few seconds until I had to overheat it to start the cool down duration. Used brown add ons (the box thing and the gear I think), and low rank Tinkerer and Sloppy. I'm pretty sure this isn't an intended feature, but I haven't played in awhile so I may be wrong. If i am wrong, however, or if you have just a second, I have another small issue not bug related.

I just started playing on PC thru Steam from PS4 yesterday, and I'm enjoying what I'm playing so far. Not asking for cross progression, but I am asking for a rank reset bypass for the first month for new accounts. I literally played almost all day yesterday, both killer and survivor, and I lost all of my rank progress on survivor. Not game breaking, just kinda frustrating. I switched from an account with a lot, and I mean A LOT of hours and stuff, so I was already asking for a grind, but this rank reset kinda felt like a spit in the face by a face camping ghost face.

Other than that, good job and I'm having fun so far!

-Dozzy :)

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