There should be a killer blacklist for Matchmaking

Now that the killer can't switch character, once he's searching for a match, We could make lobbies Killer related. As soon as a killer enters the lobby, the game marks the lobby as [killer]. For example, I play the trapper. I get into a lobby, and now this lobby is marked as "Trapper". Survivors can blacklist killers they don't want to play against and won't get into these lobbies. If survivors join the lobby, but the killer leaves, the lobby stays marked as the killer that joined before, so another trapper in this example can join.

While I know that this would make loading even longer, because you also have to wait for a killer to actually play Blight for example, it would still make the game more fun, if you don't play against 10 trappers in one day. Also you can always leave the blacklist empty
