Long Queue Times Need to be Fixed

Zayn Member Posts: 365
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

It really sucks to see survivor queues getting longer and longer especially during evening and night times. It's obvious that this is because of a surplus of survivors and shortage of killers at these times. As a content creator, it isn't fun spending a lot of time in queues trying to get footage for the next morning and I'm sure this is also an issue affecting non-creators as well.

I think there should be an incentive to play a side where there is a shortage of at any given time of the day. Maybe a percent of bloodpoints depending on how severe the shortage is? This, as well as a "Queue Time Estimation" feature like DBD Mobile has which shows players the estimated queue time length before they decide to enter matchmaking.

We could also buff killer gameplay as a whole in some way but that's a discussion for another time although with the long queue times I've been getting lately only to get teammates who don't know how to touch a generator, that may not be as big a problem but I digress, like I said, an issue for another time.

What do you think? Is a bloodpoint increase enough of an incentive or do you guys have any other ideas?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Maybe something like Final Fantasy XIV's "Adventurer In Need" role queue could work. Offer iridescent shards as an incentive to play a certain role.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2020

    It really is a one sided problem I main killer and wait on average 5 seconds at any point of any given day. Survivors are much more of a gamble sometimes I get in at the right time and takes 1-2 minutes, other times its 20+ Im a single, just doing some old challenges for funs. Most of the time if I am waiting to long I either quit and play something else or go back to killer. Also im red ranks killer and green ranks Surv atm.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If we want more people to play killer then the devs have to make it actually enjoyable. Unfortunately I haven't a clue how they can do that.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    It was enjoyable before they ruined the Nurse... at least for me.But I dont think I am the only one...

    A lot of Nurse/Billy mains have been degraded to "look at this baby Trapper, what a Noob"

  • AzazelTheFallen
    AzazelTheFallen Member Posts: 17

    Agreed, I play Overwatch a lot and there is a shortage of Tank and Support players, most people only play DPS, you can be in queue for 10+ as DPS and less than 3-4 as either of the other two. So as an incentive for ppl to play anything other than DPS they give out loot boxes and coins. So giving Iridescent Shards for every 5 games played as killer or smth sounds pretty reasonable

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Not sure what the answer is but it definitely shouldn't be buffing killer. For nearly two years there was a shortage of survivors and only recently has it been the opposite despite a laundry list of killer buffs, map nerfs, survivor nerfs. I think most console players play survivor because playing killer with a controller is harder. PC Killer is much easier. Most of the time you'll have a PC killer and 3 or 4 console survivors in a match at least in my experience. I can create a killer lobby and 9 out of 10 times 4 console survivors pop in instantly.

    Killer already gets more BP but give them an extra BP at the end if it is a SWF.

    2 SWF = 1.25x BP

    3 SWF = 1.5x BP

    4 SWF = 2x BP

    or something like that to incentivize playing killer when there's a shortage.

  • Vibe_plant
    Vibe_plant Member Posts: 26

    Ah, must have messed up the date in my head. Point still stands though. Some might call it outdated but... An old fox loses its pelt but not it tricks.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    To be fair, I play both sides. It's just that my viewers enjoy survivor content much more than killer content. I started playing DBD close to console release near the end of 2017 and was actually a killer main back then as a Myers main. Then, when I switched to PC at the end of 2019, I played survivor more and am at rank 1 on both sides every season. Survivor is a lot more chill and looping killers is my favourite thing to do in DBD so that allows for nicer commentary.

    I am a Ghostface main on killer and play with no addons usually and use Corrupt, Pop together all the time. I don't think builds have as much to do with it and instead players avoid killer because of SWFs. I don't find SWFs much of a problem because it boils down to downing survivors quickly to generate pressure but I also think survivors don't like to go out of their comfort zone. Holding M1 on gens and running around a pallet before throwing it is much easier than juggling survivors, micromanaging chases and generator patrol so survivors don't want to deal with any of that as killer.

    I really wish some of them would go out and try killer. Some of the best killer players are made from previous survivor mains and vice versa.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    There was a survey not too long ago that asked if people were willing to switch sides for blood points and if so, by how much. I really wish BHVR would be more open with these surveys and talk about the results more. I'm curious to know how people voted.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Bribery will not work.

    Why? Because once killers get more bloodpoints, survivors WILL complain that they get less and that it´s unfair.

    Wanna make the game fun for both sides again? Split the playerbase by introducing 2 more game modes.

    • A casual mode, where death isn´t permanent and more gens exist. Since there is no tryharding, you could also increase the amount of killers and survivors for the match. Killers could play with their friends and survivors could play in bigger groups. For the people that just want to relax after work.
    • A hardcore mode, without hud, aura reading, perks, heartbeat, scratchmarks, red stain, etc. For the people that want a horror experience. Just think about Jump Scare Myers on Lerys.
    • Turn the ranked mode into something meaningful. Something with real incentives. Like regular tournaments.
  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Yep the rampant hypocrisy of the community negatively effects the game and queues.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    In terms of the bribery, a BP bonus should be offered to play whichever role needs more players. For me, during the daytime, that's survivor. In the evening, it's killer.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Bribery also won´t work, because why would i want more bloodpoints for playing killer, when the balance is so off, that its simply not a enjoyable experience?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Bribery could work for some people. We won't know until they try. Personally, I play whichever side has the short queue time, and if the matches aren't fun I play something else entirely.

    Trying bribery first would be easy and may have some effect, even if it's small. If it's not enough, then they would need to research what the problem is and look for deeper solutions.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Provide a Blood Point multiplier the longer you play killer, per match.

    Provide another multiplier after the match if the killer went against a SWF of any kind.

    BHVR needs to entice killers to play killers.

    Right now, as a killer main, my hours played for 2 weeks went from 190-something ish to 40.

    I do not want to play the game, or killer at the moment.

    BHVR, give me a reason to help the killer shortage.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    We are long past the "bribery would work" status of the game.

    Maybe half a year ago, it would have fixed things. But right now? Naah

    There would have to be some major overhauls to fix things.

    I can´t wait for the new kill stats. Now that moris are gone, they should look very different.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Survivors always have been long in the evening.

    It's because most friends wait for after dinner to play together so there are a lot more survivors players queuing. When in the afternoon/day, some of those friends like to play killer and so there are less survivors in queues.

    Easy to remember :

    • Day up to 6PM = fast survivor queue / long killer queue
    • After 6PM = long survivor queue / fast-instant killer queue
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Yeah I was upset with that rework. The fact they said they were going to touch her add ons then ######### slapped us with a CD. She's still buggy since then and they have yet to address it.

    Ive played both games. The only issue I see with a hero in need system is there is only 2 sides. When you play FF14 there's 3. Almost all the time it's tank that is in need. Sometimes you'll see healer. I think I saw DPS once and I've had the game for 4 years maybe? Same with Overwatch. Mostly tank, sometimes healer, have yet to see dps in need. This game, because there's only 2 sides, it will always be Killer in need.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    Edit to my novel in TLDR: It's time to deal with swf now that moris aren't in the game.

    Special Note: An Evil Dead multiplayer comes out, supposedly next year on last gen and current (next) gen consoles including switch and also will be on pc and hopefully the survivor vs deadite play (if that's how it is, kinda like l4d versus I'm hoping itl'll be) will be the game that kills this game since they shouldn't have to worry about some prick suing everybody over anything evil dead like what happened with friday the 13th. Saber made a well running game, even on consoles with world war z (I played it on both ps4 pro and pc) and if it weren't for the fact almost everyone I played left 4 Dead with is on steam and that game was never on steam along with it's pvp being cod and not L4D versus like I would probably have still been playing it to this day. Maybe Evil Dead will be the game that forces behavior to start stepping up their game, or maybe it'll just be another game that passes quietly in the night or will even be incredibly disappointing. Realistically, it would be one or both of the last two but I'm hoping not. Even 76 is becoming more fun than dbd and that really says a megaton.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    This is what happens when Survivors act like jerks to Killers. When you outnumber them 4 to 1, you are already at a huge disadvantage in terms of queue. Maybe you should quit the BM behavior and asking Behavior to stomp on Killers and their ability to play with constant nerfs to how they are run and you won't have such a long queue.

    Or you can keep pulling your endgame collapse gate antics and enjoy your hyper-long queue times. It's up to you.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah survivors who do things like that then complain about queue times and only facing freddy or spirit...

    as for the issue itself possibly increased bp, -and- increased xp for shards for playing whichever role is currently needed, and maybe some charm for playing whatever is needed often enough idk. Something more enticing than BP alone anyway.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    Giving killers more bloodpoints should work, since during bloodhunts everyone goes on to play killer.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    probably only to get more bpf or their survivor perks ironically, unlocking bad teachables as killer isn't ideal since as survivor one maybe two with all the teachables and you're good to go but for future killers you don't want bad teachables cluttering up their webs since it can run into the millions of bp before getting just a single useful perk on anew killer's web if you have too many teachables. so the extra bp they already get even has it's appeal wear off after a while until the next killer comes out. Extra shard/rift xp is appealing though. The potential problem there though is that during times when it's especially unfun or miserable playing killer people will only queue as one to afk that xp lol. It still doesn't encourage them to play if the gameplay itself is still unfun.

    Fixing the gameplay, making it fun, is the only way to address the problem. And with swf still in the game, even if they do make a fair nerf to keys so survivor can never escape before all gens done under any circumstances, without moris anybody that doesn't eat sweat for breakfast will eventually be worn out playing killer and they will have a much lower retain rate than survivors in the future. The only way to avoid it is a separate queue for swf, where killers and solo and duo survivors can pick either queue but 3 and 4 man swf can only use the swf queue. The game can survive on a lower pop without swf, but it cannot survive on very few killers and an extremely high survivor pop especially when it has to tetris in 3 man swf everywhere and 4 man straight snatch a killer all to themselves to potential be the group that drives another one off the game or that side of the game. swf needs to finally be dealt with one way or another if you want short queue lengths again on survivors. Newer players won't know the game ever had moris, but, they'll also have a very low retention rate as they look for options that don't require a phd or turning dbd into an unpaying job.

  • CacahueseSeco
    CacahueseSeco Member Posts: 73

    Pc, steam.

    Queues at night really are annoying, i usually needs more than 10 minutes to find a match of survivor, and many of those times, DBD sends a message saying: 'an error ocurred, u removed from the party' ... AND U NEED TO START THE QUEUE AGAIN.

    I started playing just killer at night, if i play, because is no sense try to play as survi.

    Fix it pls!!

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    Bribes may help to get killer mains to play some more matches, but it would be better to address fundamental issues that make us stop in the first place, making it a bit easier to get into chases, maybe by adding more variety to skill checks to increase the chances of a failure to give us a faster target than meandering around the map from gen to gen, while survivors are gone long before we get there because of the terror radius, also make the crouch animation longer, like 2 seconds to go from standing to crouched and back, this would make it ineffectual as a taunt, which is to be honest one of the main things that makes me drop the game is seeing this happen, i am trying to learn the ropes still i do not need some jerk taunting me because i don't have every possible hit box and wind up times for my hatchets commuted to muscle memory yet,