BBQ and Chills minimum safe distance needs a nerf. Too easy to find Survivors seconds after a hook.

40 Meters safe distance could mean hitting a new survivor in 5 seconds flat. Not only is BBQ the most meta perk its too good for short range finds..
Suggested Change:
If it gave survivors at least a 50-60 range safe distance thats fine. Or a Debuff indication showing that their aura is being revealed.
But at the moment I've been close enough to a hooked survivor where I think I'm in the safe range only for the killer to run up to my hiding spot a few seconds later. BBQ and Chill should make a killers want to go after survivors much further away, not give the killer a free survivor find seconds after a hook. And it should be clear for a survivor to know if they are being revealed or not.
Killers rely on this perk to much. And the meta is honestly getting really boring.
Why do survivors keep trying to nerf the perk that makes killers not camp or tunnel to get the fulk usage?
Its a survivors wet dream zhat a killer has to equip.
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I think BBQ is probably one of the most balanced and useful perks in the game. It only gives 4s of aura visibility for a start so as a killer you have to look around fast to judge where the survivors are and which one to go for, and it also lets you know if a survivor is nearer to the hook.
As a survivor it's not difficult to play around, I always assume that the killer has BBQ at the very first hooking (because why wouldn't you have it!), so you outplay it as much as possible - jump in a locker, get within the terror radius, distract the killer by moving one way for those few seconds and then double back on yourself, or stay on a gen and take a chance (which is my usual way). The killer is more likely to chase the survivor that's doing gens, because that's the way they put pressure on a map.
When a perk as strong (and as useful) as BBQ is, I really don't think it's something that needs to be altered when it has a great deal of counterplay - it's just a matter of applying what knowledge you have to the situation.
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Here's the thing with BBQ... it's so easy to counter. If BBQ bothers you that much then just get in a locker, or hide in the killer's TR.
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Always assume the Killer has BBQ. Jump in a locker or get in the Killer’s terror radius.
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Just wanna give a +1 to everything said so far. BBQ is not too strong and easy to outplay.
Besides that, there are way more annoying metas in the game being worse, but don't wanna start a whataboutism
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idk...I trap hooks and still capitalize on the info after.
I preferred the perk's distance tiering over #of stacks for assorted balance reasons.