More Motivation to Prestige?

Currently, there are only 2 motivations to prestige: bloody cosmetics, and slightly better access to rarer items. I think each Prestige Tier should reflect a learning curve for the character, with Prestige I only having access to basic materials to get the game rolling, and Prestige III having access to the more advanced things.

Some Ideas:
*** Restrict learning other character's perks until Prestige II. Teachable perks may still be unlocked in Prestige I and in the Shrine.**
*** Adjust access to not allow Tier 3 perks in Prestige I and no Tier 1 perks in Prestige III.**
*** Change item, add-on, and offering rarity chance to heavily favor Common and Uncommon rarities in Prestige I to more even distribution in Prestige III**

    • Prestige I - 40% Common, 30% Uncommon, 20% Rare, 7% Very Rare, 3% Ultra Rare
    • Prestige II - 35% Common, 25% Uncommon, 20% Rare, 15% Very Rare, 5% Ultra Rare
    • Prestige III - 30% Common, 20% Uncommon, 20% Rare, 15% Very Rare, 15% Ultra Rare
      *** Change what offerings become available in the blood web by category:**
    • Prestige I - Blood point Boosters and Dark Mist
    • Prestige II - Props, Cypress and Ivory Momento Moris, Luck, and Shrouds.
    • Prestige III - Wards, Realm Selects, and Ebony Momento Moris.


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    Make blood a toggle for compatible outfits. Instantly more incentive.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Terrible idea. You shouldn't punish those who don't want to prestige. You should only reward those who do. I have a much better (imho) idea to do so.

    Prestige 1 Unlocks ability to pay 50% bloodpoints to exchange items and add ons on blood web to an item or add on equal rarity. For example, on The Trapper if you had a padded jaws on your bloodweb, you could pay 1500 to exchange it for a Trapper Sack. You would then need to pay the 3000 bloodpoints to purchase it. Only things accessible to buy can be exchanged.

    Prestige 2 Unlocks ability to exchange specific offerings for offerings of the same rarity for 0 bloodpoints. No exchanging rares for party streamers or uncommons for survivor puddings. The only ones that can be exchanged are the category offerings. For instance if you wanted to exchange your sacrifice offerings for a brutality offering, you could do so.

    Prestige 3 Unlocks ability to pay 25% bloodpoints to exchange items and add ons on blood web to an item or add on equal rarity. For example, on The Trapper if you had a padded jaws on your bloodweb, you could pay 750 to exchange it for a Trapper Sack. You would then need to pay the 3000 bloodpoints to purchase it. Only things accessible to buy can be exchanged.

    This would make it so that players that reach the end game with a character would have more control over what add ons, items and offerings they would have access to. But players that choose not to prestige are not punished in any way.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited September 2018


    Yeah, getting a 50% refund for all items, add-ons, offerings, and perks you lose while prestiging would be a great benefit. The idea is to make the current arrangement the "normal" for Prestige II. Have Prestige I more for learning the characters, especially the killers, with reduced availability of everything, and have Prestige III more for the experienced players to get better access to good items.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    @CoolAKn said:

    Yeah, getting a 50% refund for all items, add-ons, offerings, and perks you lose while prestiging would be a great benefit. The idea is to make the current arrangement the "normal" for Prestige II. Have Prestige I more for learning the characters, especially the killers, with reduced availability of everything, and have Prestige III more for the experienced players to get better access to good items.

    I understand what you are saying, but I don't quite think you understand what I'm saying. I'm not talking about a refund at all. What I'm suggesting would require spending extra bloodpoints. The idea being to make it so players who have reached the point of the game where they have a character they love at prestige 3, have all perks rank 3 and have used up most of their decent items/add ons have a reasonable way to stockpile up the stuff they like without getting random garbage they will never use on their blood web.

    What you are suggesting is to strip away content that has already been earned by players and essentially forcing them to grind to prestige 3 just to play the game they already have been playing. That can never happen. It would be the death of this game. That isn't just hyperbole either. The game would literally die if they did what you are recommending.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited September 2018

    @Dreamnomad My idea is not to force people to prestige at all. If they don't want to. This idea is to have more motivation to prestige. This isn't meant to punish people who don't prestige, what I have suggested are just ideas, not that I want all of them in the game. Other suggestions I have seen is when people reach Prestige II all perks are automatically at Tier 2, and for Prestige III, all perks are automatically at Tier 3.

    The ideas in the original post are mix and match, they can be largely ignored. If all of those ideas were implemented, current players at Prestige I would not lose their inventory until they prestige. It would only apply to new characters and new players (older characters and players would be grandfathered in). Like I said, how the game is now is how I see Prestige II ought to be.