New Killer idea: Witch/The Ring Girl


I know I'm making a bunch of topics for killer ideas I have, I'm not sure if they're appreciated or not, I'm just having a bit of fun with it.

So, the witch or "The Ring Girl" (I know she has a name but I can't remember it could swing two ways, depending on which one you use.

The witch would be like the witch from Left 4 Dead, obviously you can't just have her sitting their crying (although it could be like the huntress with her lullaby) and her move could be;
Tantrum: Screams loudly and charges forward, swinging wildly with her clawed hands. When finished she'll cry over the guilt of throwing the tantrum for a bit, before getting up. If approached while in this state, she may throw a second tantrum unless the survivor crouches.

This skill would be similar to Leatherface's chainsaw, moving into her stance like she has in the Left 4 dead games (like leatherface's tantrum, except unable to attack people with it) and it could hit multiple people if the hits are close together. The second tantrum, due to the fact it's after a longish stun, could be faster and more brutal, making nearby survivors not hit by the first one have to pay attention, and crouch away, with the second one.

While thinking of this one, I thought... she's awfully similar to the little girl from the ring, and automatically came up with a second power for a killer that'd pretty much look the same. Like the girl from the ring, who phases through the tv, "The Ring Girl" could have a power like so;

Phase - "The Ring Girl" (Christ I wish I remembered her name) phases through a wall, grabbing any surface on the other side to pull her through.

This could have multiple effects, but her terror radius would have to be super small or she simply wouldn't work at all. She could auto grab survivors on the other side of walls. I think that if her terror radius was only line of site based, this would make a top tier jump scare/ambush killer.

Obviously, if any of my killers are used, the devs can definitely work with what I hand them in the description for balance purposes, and I'm posting it in the forums for them to discover and for other to discuss. I just think these would be some insanely interesting additions to the killer roster, plus the witch would be great to accompany Bill.