Nurse Rework?

The nurse is insanely difficult if you're just starting the game but is such a cool looking killer. I want to be able to play her, and I've tried, but her teleport is just so difficult to grasp the distance.

What if her blink had a glowie indicator on where it would land? Perhaps it could detach her vision field glow (the one that the survivors see) and move that ahead to where she'd be blinking too and for balance sake, the survivors could see it too. I think this is probably more of a nerf than a buff, but I don't think it'd make her completely unplayable, and it'd help new players get into her a bit easier, and help players not get slaughtered quite as bad by a nurse who's really good with her.


  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408
    edited June 2018

    She has a very rare add-on called Plaid Flannel that does just this. I think the add-on should be common though, because the whole purpose of it is to give new nurse players a feel for how she blinks. It makes no sense making it something you cannot get until level 30 or so because of how rarities work and how many very rares she has.
    Also the idea for letting survivors see where the Nurse is blinking would only effect low ranks. High rank survivors already know these things just because of the amount of hours they have in the game, and the fact that apparently every other rank 1 survivor match is vs the Nurse.

  • NeoGriim
    NeoGriim Member Posts: 18

    I haven't come across this addon yet, but I'm only level 30, the only ultra rare I've come across on my web is the splinter to play freddy. I agree, though I wouldn't say common. Probably uncommon. It does some like it'd be a "must have" at least until you've completely conquered how her blink works.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    @NeoGriim As a killer main, I understand your point and where you are coming from. However the nurse is a high skilled cap killer which she can be either a blessing or a bust killer depending on the user. If you want a indicator for the location of the blink then you'd use the Plaid Flannel addon to practice with her blinks (I did heard it's bugged but I'm not completely sure if the information is true or not). Hopefully this will help you with your understanding of her blinks.

    Now, the change that you suggested could make the game unstable for both survivors and killer's. If the nurse became easier yet keep her devastating value, you'd see nurse through ranks 20-1 and personality I love to see variety as a survivor. Additionally this would be a tremendous buff to the nurse because even if survivors can see the location of the nurse's blink, survivors will have fractions of a second to dodge the blink. Hopefully this will help you with effects of this buff! However great idea through and through!
  • NeoGriim
    NeoGriim Member Posts: 18
    Thanks nickenzie, and I agree completely that it could over buff her. I'm sure if, hypothetically, the devs were to make this change, they'd give her a debuff as well as it would indeed completely throw her balance off  Perhaps lowering the accuracy of her blink to where the area indicating where she could blink to, she could blink anywhere in, making the space slightly bigger for long blinks  
  • SquirtleSurgeon1
    SquirtleSurgeon1 Member Posts: 70

    @NeoGriim said:
    The nurse is insanely difficult if you're just starting the game but is such a cool looking killer. I want to be able to play her, and I've tried, but her teleport is just so difficult to grasp the distance.

    What if her blink had a glowie indicator on where it would land? Perhaps it could detach her vision field glow (the one that the survivors see) and move that ahead to where she'd be blinking too and for balance sake, the survivors could see it too. I think this is probably more of a nerf than a buff, but I don't think it'd make her completely unplayable, and it'd help new players get into her a bit easier, and help players not get slaughtered quite as bad by a nurse who's really good with her.

    There is an add-on for where the blink shows up/ blink placement, and if the survivor could see it too, you would never be able to hit someone, as there would be no sneak attacks on people or predictions that could be made.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Don't touch my nurse! :( that add on hurt more then helped me honestly

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @NeoGriim said:
    The nurse is insanely difficult if you're just starting the game but is such a cool looking killer. I want to be able to play her, and I've tried, but her teleport is just so difficult to grasp the distance.

    What if her blink had a glowie indicator on where it would land? Perhaps it could detach her vision field glow (the one that the survivors see) and move that ahead to where she'd be blinking too and for balance sake, the survivors could see it too. I think this is probably more of a nerf than a buff, but I don't think it'd make her completely unplayable, and it'd help new players get into her a bit easier, and help players not get slaughtered quite as bad by a nurse who's really good with her.

    Difficult? Yes, but it is intended, so not everyone can be a god with her. The only thing they could change is 12412414deadzones on maps, because she literally can't blink through half of the objects on some maps.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    I believe they need to make her easier to pick up for newbies and also not as powerful once mastered. Its an issue with her skill cap. She reminds me of playing a football game on 'manual' rather than auto. Nearly impossible at first, but allows for so much more once mastered.

    Not sure why they couldnt just speed her movement or leave it the same, and slow her attacks, but show where they are going to land.

    Alternatively, they could make successful hits have a really long fatigue, but misses have a much lower fatigue. Personally i preferred it where you hold it down to travel greater distances. Was easy for me to understand and predict, both as killer and survivor. Now, i know a lot of Nurse mains like the changes as theyre even harder but even more powerful.

    However i cant see them changing her again.