Matchmaking manipulation

DariusB92 Member Posts: 122
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

matchmaking is still bs as ever. Only getting matched with teams is bs. And its extremely obvious that they are in a team and using comms to coordinate.

Now they have found a new way to glitch the system. They are using new rank(probably new accounts) to team up with their low rank buddies and get matched with killers of their low ranks. Example: a rank 18/19 should never be ranked with rank 4-10. But now with just one rank 18 in their group, they get ranked with a rank 18 killer. Then they use their unlocked and tier 3 perks to bully new killers. Rank 18 feng (prestige shirt) with DH purple , SC purple, lithe purple and prove thyself purple. Its completely absurd to say they were taking a break for a couple of months and their rank dropped when i see them in my lobbies pretty often since im an avid player of both roles.Yea thats totally believable. .

This has happened to me several times lately and I have noticed there's always at least 1 rank similar to my rank(brown) and the rest.of them are red, green and purple. This is abusing a system glitch and needs to be dealt with. My stake in this game is becoming less and less with this BS, id rather enjoy and spend my money on a different game

.Like seriously, you suck at going against killers your rank so now this is the level you're stooping to? Its pretty pathetic.

Devs- you need to be aware and handle this. It's should be against rules since its literally manipulating your precious system so they can get matched with very new killers and make a killing.

Im probably just gonna report every player who I see abusing this because its sheer BS.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • David_Leon
    David_Leon Member Posts: 33

    3 red ranks add a purple rank to the SWF. They will be playing against a purple or a gren killer. I see this a lot.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    This has been a problem for a while. 3 red ranks 1 rank 20 smurf account.

    I believe the term is a boosted swf squad

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    when they pushed pairing up to the highest (rank 1 etc) survivor that BROKE the match making and it never worked. it was reverted back and then they put in the MMR which was also broken and didn't work (I still honestly think they just removed all matchmaking) and when they removed the MMR it went back to matching as normal. know the history of their attempts first, there was nothing that ever worked to rank with the highest rank survivor.

    so you can not bring a new player into the game and throw them to the wolves? it is just as likely that they get a killer that is way above their rank (the low ranked survivor) as it is that they get a low ranked killer. first of all: the current match making is average of the group plus or minus 6 so if you have the following: 20, 20, 1, 1 that's 42/4 which is approximately 10 just above it actually so the game tries to find a killer from rank 4 to rank 16 (10-6= 4 and 10+6= 16). now if the group is waiting for a while or YOU are waiting for a while it will (as described by the devs) start opening that window up, so that 4 to 16 could become 1 to 20 easily. What we do not know and probably will never know is

    1) how long before the game starts opening that window up (remember the survivors might be waiting a while thus your rank 17 killer could easily been the next in line.

    2) if the match making is actually looking for anything by looking at individual ranks to add the killer in. so in the above options without opening things up and it looks at each rank individually it could easily be rank 1 to 20 (possibly not even ranks 8 to 13 due to the range)

    3) you are not in possession of all the facts, you can not blame anyone for this without those facts and by doing so you make your point pure speculation and thus most people will disregard your conclusions.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    They changed this at one point to only go for the highest ranked survivor in the SWF, but it proved problematic, cause high ranked survivors had a hard time introducing the game to friends, since they'd end up going against Rank 1 killers. Then they reverted the change.

    I personally think they should just go for the average of the group. Like a rank 1 and rank 20 should go against a rank 10. It's unfair for Rank 20 killers to go against Rank 1 survivors.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    The issue is likely more to do with the much longer queue times for survivor. It has nothing to do with a median. Some groups might be trying that weird trick but it still take an abnormal length of time to queue for survior.

    As a test try and join a survivour queue now and compare it to killer you will see a vast difference. Matchmaking likely throws a prolonged survivor queue against any killer in proximity because waiting 5 mins for a 5-10 minute game is unacceptable.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    edited December 2020

    Some platforms offer a system like family sharing, e.g. Steam. It is a service offered by those platforms, there is not much we can do about it. Steam automically allows games to be family shared if you use that function.

    The devs have turned the MMR off back then and said they're going to improve it before it goes live again. You can expect changes to the ranking system at some point, but please do not report every player you assume is doing so.

    Someone may have simply not played in a while and is just coming back or has not played one role for a while and focused on the other role. There are also players who get the game after watching their favorite content creators play it for a while so it is possible they know about mechanics a new player usually wouldn't.

    Reporting them does nothing but take away time from tickets that actually report rule breaking things. The creation of false tickets still wastes time the ACMs have to spend checking them.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    If you want to swf groups in this gamw.

    The rankshouls be basrd on your best player not your worse

    Id you have red rank player in your lobby you ahouls only gdt a red rank er

    If you have best player of purple you should get a purple rank killer

    Iver the lsst few days i've seen a massive rise in 3 red ranks and 1 btown rank.

    I'm gdtting bores of getting done in bt swf games already

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Wow this site ans phone don't mix on spelling lmao

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    The devs are fully aware of the smurfing that goes on, they simply don’t give a $#!¥. The matchmaking use to go to the highest survivor in a swf group. Unfortunately because these incompetent devs can’t program a sundial to work properly, MMR is a pipe dream to them.

    side note: the above problem combined with the devs hard heads around the grind for new players will only have this problem get worse.

    devs you only need to look in the mirror to figure out the issue with killer retention of new players. Keep on disregarding the worst matchmaking of any pvp game ever made.

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100

    TBH it's actually easy if you are way higher ranked then the killer you don't get BP or other progress, killers should not be in matches against teams with entire color grades above them unless you change the balance or offer them a reward for wasting their time,