Glad to see Hit Validation is working as intended!



  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    You can clearly see the hits were all severely delayed. Same with the pallet stun. The killer froze every time they picked up, hooked and opened lockers. The only hits that were denied were the two Dead Hards with blood spatter, but I've seen that happen even way before hit validation was even announced.

    I don't know if the killer ping was exactly 450, nor the method used to increase latency, nor if it affected more upload or download speeds, but it's clear that the killer was lagging severely.

    I'll leave this here for the skeptics. This is Battleguy, one of the best Hillbillies NA, playing with his SWF. Notice that the VOD is already from when hit validation was re-enabled. You can see the survivors' pings at (you need to pause the video).

    Notice the hits (or whatever that was) at and You can hear the impromptu reactions of the other survivors on comms as they saw the massive delay on the latter.

    Notice the extremely delayed stun at .

    There's also the hooking jitters at but we can gloss over that.

    Not once in the remainder of the video the killer goes through the weapon swiping animation without injuring a survivor (i.e. getting a hit invalidated). Meaning that when he missed, he actually missed on his own screen as well.

    This was a killer who was evidently on high latency. In the end, believe what you want.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    I live 30meters away from my provider control unit, 400km away from frankfurt server, the killers that usually get horrible hits live 4000+km away from frankfurt. But surely it's my fault with my own lagspikes even tho the fiber cable in my city is 8months old and all my home cables are 6 months old.

    Sometimes those killers stream, they have over 100 ping, i always have 30 ping even when i connect to uk's server i never have more than 50. I don't even know why people still try to deny that when a killer has a cheap connection he's gonna get unfair hits.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    Just don't get hit 4head

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you can be one meter, you still go to a trunk line which carries everyone else to the substation if you are on a cable internet like. if you are on DSL you're still going much slower than what cable internet is, and if you are on dialup it doesn't matter this is the slowest transmission. latency can change once you're past your ISP going to your destination too. this is not a "DISTANCE" issue, the only time it is is if you can use DSL "Digital Subscriber Line" or not.