Killer Qol changes


Feedback is appreciated and if you have ideas/suggestions post them please. Really hoping for some feedback on pro's cons from the more experienced players.

Some Qol changes that would hopefully be not only helpful but easy to implement and not game breaking.

For offering make it so only the killer can see all the offerings and or make it so survivors only see their own. Only secret offerings would still be invisible. The killer only view would allow them to keep their offering secret so all killer offerings could be secret. That way if they're going sacrifice/brutality etc the survivors won't know what teh killer is focusing more on.

If the killer is facing a full svf group then perhaps let them equip an extra 5th perk and or 3rd addon. The combination of the 2 might be a little op but considering they're not up against 4 randoms it would help them. If it's a smaller svf group say they get 1 extra addon of lower quality etc. The higher the group size the higher extra perk and addon quality they could use.

To offset the random(s) getting screwed perhaps make it so the added stuff has a debuff towards those or buff it only against the svf group. This option seems harder to implement via coding currently but with new code would be beneficial.

For looping, pallets and windows there's an easy solution to implement since the in game warning already warns you about it. If you jump through a window too often the entity temporarily blocks it for that survivor but not others. Why not make pallets and looped areas like the wooden barrels etc be the same way? If you keep looping around the same set of things in x amount of time/stand there the entity blocks it. ( this I could see killers abusing by simply walking back and forth similar to the way survivors do now). Perhaps making those clusters smaller with more openings might be better way to balance the stackables area.

On Autohaven I've noticed you get areas where there's lots of windowed areas along with stuff in the way, perhaps thinning those areas out and placing some in the more wide open areas to even it out. Since currently there's huge areas of nothing and others of too much . It's either feast for survivors famine for killers in clustered areas or reversed in the super wide open areas. There's a few maps with the same issue it's one or the other but if you look at say Lery's or Springfield or Red Forest it's pretty well spaced out better.

SVF groups the killer should get some type of bonus for facing them either in game or post game bonus with the bigger the SVF group the bigger the rewards/buffs and or debuffs to SVF group.