Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Barbecue and chili

This perks is just too much,...

it tell where every body,... but not it only reveal those outside of a range from the hook!!

well those who aren't outside are inside...(except for locker hidder)

so in essence it show what are every other player doing, and those nearby are more likely doing nothing but to wait for the killer to leave to rescue the hooked survivor.

So this perk just give too much info, and BP bonus also, mixing it with iron maiden and you pretty know where everyone are.

the perk should be reversed... show only those within a range of the hook...

in a sense it will do the desired effect... if he see nobody nearby he will go a far in search of others unless he is a facecamper.

The purpose of that perks was to show where are other survivors OUTSIDE of the range to encourage him to go get them, but by showing only those within nearby range it will even more encourage him to go away.

because right now it show where are people outside and what they are doing and by deduction those who aren't seen are or in locker of nearby not doing anything so just going around will mostly ensure finding one.


  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793


  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    BBQ & Chili limitations include:

    • It only lasts for four seconds.

    • It is blocked by other auras, including generators.

    • It will not reveal characters in a locker.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Let's think about something. How would this change the game?

    if BBQ revealed people near hooks, this would encourage killers to camp more as they know where a survivor is. If you're, say, a Leatherface, you can see the survivor, down them quickly, and then camp the hook and slug at the same time (or both hooks if there's one nearby).

    This would not be healthy for the game. Right now, BBQ encourages killers to leave hooks and can be countered if the survivors predict that the killer has it (the same way killers have to predict if a survivor has BT, DS, etc).

    BBQ is fine where it is. Changing it wouldn't be good for the game, especially with your suggestion.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Ah yes, change it so killers want to camp if they see ANYONE in the radius.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    The maps are smaller now. In red ranks nearly every killer can rely on it. It's just more effective for killers that cover a lot of ground quickly. I only use it during bloodpoint events because as survivor I think it's annoying to play against since nearly EVERY killer runs it.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465
    edited December 2020

    Barbecue and Chili is meant to encourage killers to leave hook to find other survivors (sort of like devour hope). Your changes will do the exact opposite, killers will just camp the hooked survivor.

    Post edited by BasementDweller on
  • Teacyn
    Teacyn Member Posts: 93

    While I do think BBQ is way too strong of a perk, this is not a good way to change it. This will just result in killers being directly encouraged to camp hooks even more than they already are, and not actually accomplish anything useful.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Ah yes, let's nerf a balanced perk instead of ds+ub.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited December 2020

    Lol are you serious? Nerfing a perk that encourages the Killer not to camp and has several counters? Sounds like you need to get good.

    Also that suggestion would encourage camping, which is something you don’t want to do.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    It's not balanced. Not since they keep making maps smaller and a killer like Trapper or Clown can just keep walking over to the next survivor without doing any hunting.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    well currently that perks do the same, since killer is encouraged at camping the hook or searching around if he see no one with BBQ,

    the difference now is that by showing no one neardy it doesn't do:

    1)disrupt all other activities to hide into locker to avoid the revealing;

    2)give map wide knowledge for action to take.

    By showing only people WITHIN range that would actually prevent him from camping by telling him that no one is nearby, he might look into some locker but that's it. he gonna go out of hook assured that none are nearby waiting for the hook.

    I would even make that within TR range so that the killer that take the most benefit of it and is the top killer and can teleport to any gen neardy survivor cannot use it... Freddy.

    thus it would get synergy with agitation.

    Because right now you take BBQ & Chili along Iron Maiden and it's GG, you'll gonna get notif and expose on those who exit lockers.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495

    If you use BBQ and still camp the hook, you have already lost the game

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    then you got no argument here to the suggested change.

    nightmare and nurse are already the Top killer, so changing that perks would just penalize them a little.

    In the end the result gonna be the same, make the killer go AWAY from the hook, but instead by showing those far away, by shoing those nearby, still that killer might look into few locker but eventually gonna go out to find someone else.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    I disagree, by showing there is no body around will ensure the killer leave,...

    Right now if everyone is hiding in locker then the killer see nothing thus camp the hook, because the Chance for people being within 42m when you see none outside are greater.

    By not showing outside but inside you encourage are

    A) looking in nearby lockers


    B) go elsewhere because there is no body around for the quick unhook.

    In the end it will accomplish the goal better.

    I've noticed actually (with kindred) that alot of BBQ killer rely on that and most of the time they are proxy/face camping.

    if the perks goal is to prevent that then it doing it badly.

    with my suggestion that perk will actually accomplish its goal more accuratly, and will prevent to be so broken on killer like Demo, Nurse, Freddy.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    well If that'S the perk goal then it doing it's job badly, most proxy camper use BBQ& chili,

    have you wondered why?

    and you are wrong, my suggestion would not encourage more camping, since it will actually show that no one is nearby;

    that's reverse psychology, the killer will feel more confident to go out in chase,

    right now let say 1 is hook, 2 is within 42 m ready for the unhook , 3 is hiden in a locker and 4 is keeping working on his gen at the far reach opposite of the map... what those BBQ tell the killer?

    it tell him that that dude is to far and gonna finish that gen before yopu reach there,

    and the 2 others are prolly nearby for a save since that other dude ain't moving thus counting on other for the save...

    Result: killer proxy camp

    with my suggestion that same Perk will just show the survivor 2... thus killer will start chasing him.

    giving opportunity for someone else to unhook.

    In the case he see nothing then he will just start looking into locker or more far away from the hook since there is none nearby.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    ya but the purpose of BBQ is to encourage killer to not camp, and he fail at doing it.

    and no if currently if you BBQ and see the 3 others on a gen then you know where they are and that this gen is done anyway;

    if you see one stopping repair and running toward hook that you know someone is coming thus no need to go anywhere he will come;

    if you se none then there is no reason to go outside because they are nearby...

    that perk do the opposite of it's purpose right now.

    Worst right now when there is 2 survivor left and killer hook one of them, then it force the other to hide into locker, for 4 seconds instead of going for the rescue, otherwise killer gonna see his last target and then will leave the hook pretty much sealing the fate of the last survivor.

    By changing it this way it will actually assure killer that none are nearby so that he might go away.

    The perks will actually do it's purpose.

    Let's not forget the potencial when in combo with iron maiden.

    that combo will remain with my suggestion by even more it will entice killer to stray afar from the hook.