Your Ideas for Freddy

All I ever hear about Freddy are complaints, but no suggestions of how to change him.
So, what are your own ideas for him?
** This is not a post to whine, it's a post for legitimate ideas **
change the way survivors fall asleep. having survivors becoming vulnerable without effort is what makes him strong imo
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I think Freddy doesn't need change. Just NA server users don't know how to deal with Freddy. In Korean server red ranks, nobody pick Freddy. Because nurse and spirit is better and Korean survivors are good at facing Freddy.
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I feel like a big issue with Freddy isn’t that he’s OP, but rather that he’s one of the most boring killers to play against and has a bloated kit.
so for my change I would give some sort of counterplay to his m2 so it can’t mindlessly be spammed, and remove passive survivor sleeping
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Limits on snares/pallets, 10 on the board at any given time and cannot lay a new one without another getting used. That's doable, I think.
I've long said that passive timer could use an increase, maybe set it at 1:45 and see how it goes.
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Freddy has to many, no effort strong powers and combined with no effort build (ruin/undying) and slow down add ons, it's hard to lose if you know the basics.
Why no one plays Demo, billy, nurse etc? Because they play the braindead non skill Freddy and Deathslinger.
They need to change the sleep mechanic, gen teleports, and dream snare spamming or reduce the hindered penalty.
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What are your suggestions, then? This is a discussion of ideas for changes; pitch yours.
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Freddy was my 2nd main Killer I committed to after Nurse. Nurse is definitely top tier, but, imo, Freddy is nearly right up there with her, yet waaaaaaaay more forgiving and easy to play.
His passive ability of putting everyone to sleep is strong but, I think what makes him strongest is placing traps with no slowdown in movement speed. He's the only Killer that can do something like that, I think? You can end a loop before it really starts with him this way - you see a survivor heading to a loop, you trap the pallet immediately, follow them around, trap the other side, they scream their head off and you either get them when they drop it, or when they vault back over. Trapping the hooks also is handy, as is trapping gens as you run by. Pair that with gen teleport, he is a great "always moving" type of Killer that, with his passive, forces the Survivors to always be moving too. He's a complete package!
So, make his traps slow him down while casting is one change I'd consider. Possibly revert the Sleep mechanic back to the way it used to be, which I think was you had to hit a survivor and then manually "pull" them into the dream with you, right? Not sure on that as I've only been playing 2 months but I've seen older videos of it. Nerfing both in those ways might be too much so, maybe just do one or the other.
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I just told you my suggestions.
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Just rework him into something similar to Freddy 1.0
Freddy 1.0 was REALLY fun (I haven't played it, since I came in after Oni came out, but from the looks of it it was fun as hell). Freddy is the master of the Dream World, yeah? He also likes to play with his victims. He also is limited to the Dream World. So why is his power just teleport to gens and slow people with blood? That doesn't feel great. I love Freddy, but rn he's just a better Clown.
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Freddy version 3.0 a blend of the Old Underwhelming Freddy and New Powerful Freddy. Now the abilities that come with new Freddy will stay but be tweaked. However falling asleep passively and with a hit is gone. And the old mechanic of you putting them asleep returns.
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Just put some small CD on his snaresz that's it's, he won't be able to 'spam' snares anymore, so let's see what will be excuses then
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I'm pretty sure some of my recommendations is why Freddy is in the place he is right now. The only thing is lorewise unless Freddy has been pulled out of the dream world he can't interact with awake people so people need to be asleep for him to hit them, but you're asleep so often in the match that it becomes a nonissue. You just play asleep.
I'd make being awake/falling asleep more dangerous. If you're awake and Freddy wants to hit you he can press M2 or something to rapidly increase your sleep timer so you fall asleep super quick but he has to actively do it, and make falling asleep slower at the start of the match so you have a reason to go wake up.
Freddy should have absolute power in the dream world without a doubt and his powers are fine. Survivors just fall asleep super easy even without interaction with the killer.
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You did not, you just complained. All you said was, "Change his powers," without offering suggestions of how.
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Make it so that he either has to hit the survivor or use his old pull into dream power to pull them in. Pull in dream takes much longer tho like 15-30 seconds but can be done from a decent distance. Means Freddy has to be active but doesn’t have to be an m1 killer for most the match
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If they could make his lunge not hit me from space that would be enough for me.
"But his lunge is the same as everyone else's his model just doesn't match up" Yeah, I know, I get that- I still hate it though it screws up my timing with things. God there is a little bit of ping in the mix.
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Give him an animation where he stops to place down his snares, kinda like Demo's portal placing animation. It means that Freddy has to be more of a trap based killer and can no longer snare survivors during chase. For Dream Pallets, let Freddy see the aura of all pallet spawns or broken pallets and allow him to place dream pallets there while reducing the chances of dream pallets automatically spawning.
Same logic with dream projections. Freddy has to kick the generator in order to trap it and he can only teleport to trapped gens as well as only being able to trap one gen. Makes Dragon Grip pretty powerful on Freddy and so that there's a reason to change Red Paint Brush which will now allow you could use the old dream projection mechanic
Basically the point of these is that Freddy's powers are no longer automatic, they have to be strategically placed in such a way in order for them to function well
Also swing chains and jump rope should instead reduce the chances of getting skill checks instead of action speeds. As Freddy, you actually don't want them to be hitting any skill checks
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Why does he have 10 snares available at all times? When killers like Clown have only 4 bottles AND he has to reload them.
Also, I think survivors should be able to wake up with any clock in the map.
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Revert the rope add-on number nerfs but make it so they can’t stack. You’ll only be able to take one slowdown add-on (Outdoor Rope, Jump Rope, or Swing Chains). What does Outdoor Rope do anyways, like 4% slowdown? That’s nothing.
That’s really interesting if you’re telling the truth. Korean users are able to perform well against Freddy but NA users aren’t? Why?
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I like everyone's ideas on either slowing him while placing a snare or making him stop completely to place them down (Probably the former).
The main change I'd like to see is one of the following:
Make it harder for survivors to automatically fall asleep and add other ways of waking up, for example I think completing a generator should wake you up as they make a loud sound and flashing light.
OR move Oblivious to being an add-on. The fact that all survivors get forced into Obliviousness automatically is rough and then it makes hook saves virtually impossible as he can bypass Borrowed Time which is really painful to watch.
I know people are going to say "Well just wake up before going for the save 4head" if he hits you while you're going for that save, he puts you to sleep sooo
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Revert the rework. Let him put survivors manually to sleep. No false pallets, no blood puddles, no gen teleporting.
But, let him interact with survivors that hold a action button. So he isn't defenseless against survivors cleansing a totem or healing others.
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That sounds like a terrible idea.
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Waking up when a generator is fixed is a great idea!
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Why? It's what Freddy mains asked for before his rework.
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I don't believe that. That's just stupid. It sucks all the joy out of playing him.
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No, that made him unique. Hit&run attacks. Attack one then go for someone else, and when the first survivor feels safe enough to heal, go back for the down.
Keeping all 4 survivors asleep was challenging but also very rewarding. I would know. I was one of the few Freddy mains.
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"Attack one then go for someone else"
That's the worst possible thing right now. I don't know if you've played recently, but healing is very in vogue right now. Freddy would never get a down. You're thinking of Freddy in the 2018 meta.
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It would still work with the aura reading and the heal speed.
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These are my random ideas (doesn't mean Freddy needs all of these adjusted ideas at the same time)
- Change micro sleep mechanics #1
- Awake duration now has 90 seconds(maximum). If it decreased to 0, the survivors will become sleep.
- Failing skill checks will increase the awake duration by 30 seconds.
- The "Wake Up" action now will always take 4 seconds to perform but it will increase the awake duration by 45 seconds.
- Using an alarm clock will increase the awake duration by 90 seconds.
- Change micro sleep mechanics #2
- The awake duration now has 30 "charges"(maximum). If it decreased to 0, the survivors will become sleep.
- While outside of Freddy's terror radius, The awake duration will not decrease.
- While inside Freddy's terror radius, The awake duration will decrease at 1 charge/second.
- While being chased, The awake duration will decrease at 2 charges/second.
- Failing skill checks will increase the awake duration by 30 charges.
- The "Wake Up" action now will always take 4 seconds to perform and it will increase the awake duration by 30 charges.
- Remove alarm clock mechanics.
- Swap Freddy's terror radius and lullaby
- Awake survivors now can only hear a lullaby while sleep survivors can hear his terror radius.
- Slowdown Freddy while charging dream snare
- While charging dream snare, his movement speed decreased to 100%.
- While fully charged dream snare, his movement speed decreased to 110%.
0 - Change micro sleep mechanics #1
The sleep timer needs to be a thing because before when he manually pulls people in he was absolute crap. I agree with the slowing when placing a trap, I feel like that would affect the game quite a bit
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Most of these ideas will be taken from the Old Freddy, as he was my favourite iteration of the killer.
Alright, here we go:
Dream Mechanics
- Restore the old method of pulling survivors into the dream
Survivors will no longer passively fall asleep. Instead, Freddy will pull them into the Dream with an active ability. Freddy will no longer be able to interact with survivors who are awake.
- Restore the Dream's Aura Reading and Action Speed Penalty
For those of you who don't know, asleep survivors had a 50% action speed penalty and could be seen by Freddy while being outside of his terror radius.
- Give Freddy a way to interact with survivors during the Dream Transition
The biggest issue with Freddy pre-rework was his inability to immediately stop survivors from performing an action if they were awake. Giving him some way to stop these actions would make him so much better.
- Add an indication of Freddy's current visibility during the Dream Transition
Freddy would periodically turn invisible while the survivor was falling asleep. Advanced Freddy players would memorize the times of when he was invisible and use this to mindgame survivors. Adding some indication of when you are invisible would remove the hurdle of having to remember these times and allow you to pull off the tricks that good Freddy mains were able to do.
- Remove the ability to wake up during the Dream Transition
Having a survivor self-care in your face and wake up before you could hit them was annoying.
Dream Powers
Dream Projection
Honestly, keep this one. Survivors who are awake shouldn't recieve any indication that he's teleporting or where he's teleporting to, however.
Dream Snares
I'm kinda undecided on this one. These might have to go simply due to the fact that we're running out of buttons to give abilities to. However, if they were to stay, they should be less effective.
These, like most other ideas, are taken from the Old Freddy. A comparison between his Old and New addons can be found here. Addons that I wouldn't change aren't listed.
Red Paint Brush
Remove the Movement Speed penalty and remove the Dream Transition reduction time. The 8m terror radius is good by itself.
Black Box
A terrible addon pre-rework (unless you were running Dying Light and an Ivory Mori), I think the newer iteration of this addon is better. However, having a 50% decrease to every action for the entire game is really unfun. Here's my idea with this addon:
- You become Obsessed with one survivor
- The obsession starts the trial in the Dream World
- Tremendously Reduces the Dream Transition for the Obsession. Time to fall asleep reduced by 4 seconds.
- Does not stack
The Dress Series
The effects of these addons didn't match up over the tiers. The Green Dress had a greater decrease in skill check chance, but an increased Dream Transition time. Just swap the effects of the Green and Blue dress, while removing the Dream Transition penalty to normalize the scaling.
The Rope Addons
Maybe make these do something else? I'm undecided on this though. These could affect the generator teleportation instead.