Can hatch do a usefulness check?

Terro Member Posts: 1,171
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm really tired of People just giving up and waiting for their team to die for hatch without contributing enough. If you did 2 gens and realized that your team isn't doing anything then it's fine. Escape through hatch. But if you haven't done anything and noticed that only 2 gens have been done after five minutes and decide that you should wait for hatch, u can't escape. Basically you can't escape through hatch unless you succeed in a usefulness check.

I'm not sure what would be good parameters for the check though. Maybe if all gens are not finished you need to be in the top 2 survivors in terms of bp, black pip, been on hook/slugged for x amount of time or something else that shows you contributed enough to the team. As long as you fulfill just one parameter out of a list than you're free to go.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,100

    That would be a nice change. Like the entity takes pity on the survivor that earned their inevitable death to be delayed to another trial or something. Or on the other won't give a survivor an escape if they didn't earn it.

    But will get people, saying that there will be matches were you don't even have the time to fulfill even 1 of the criteria because killer at op or the game is killer sided or whatever.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,739

    It would be interesting and it could encourage survivors to try. However, I can see this being very buggy and taking a long time before it's not bugged so I doubt it would happen.