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Another Wraith bug...

After finding that Wraith loses his weapon once the match is over and he's walking on the left, I've now found that randomly I can't use my power as the game thinks I'm in cloak form. Usually this is because a player has dc'd, and the game stops after a minute or 2, but this was the whole game. I cloaked automatically at the start, then uncloaked, and the found the bug. It gave my the option to cloak by the button at the bottom, but I couldn't, as within 0.1 seconds it would stop and my screen would do a little up and down jitter. The same would happen with picking up survivors. There was now chase music and it was the same as when you carried a survivor, and I apparently had no terror radius. I could still swing and break pallets though. I ended up downing everyone and they all bled out with nothing any of us could do My theory is that the game thought I was cloaked, and a bug meant I retained all the qualities of such (no terror radius/ chase music, could not pickup, could break walls and pallets.) The only difference was I could do a full swing to down and I couldn't change back. Speciallitt07 was streaming it.

This was on Ormond, and we were all on PC, no idea how to recreate

Hey, at least I got my archive challenge done!

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