Sole Survivor rework

We all know that Sole Survivor is obviously one of the worst survivor perks in the game because even while synergizing "well" with Object, you dont want a perk to only really work when everyone's dead, that's dumb. But of course to still be coherent it has to somehow work about other people dying. So I thought about this rework :

As more of your friends fall to the Killer, you become shrouded in isolation and the Killer's Aura-reading abilities towards you are disrupted

Everytime another survivor is sacrificed or killed, the killer is totally unable to see your aura for a duration of 90/100/110 seconds. If you are the last survivor alive, the killer cannot see your aura at all times.

Thoughts ?


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I haven't given great thought to what I would want it to do instead, but I simply hate perks premised on being the last remaining survivor (Left Behind as well). What kind of gameplay do you think that encourages?

  • Teacyn
    Teacyn Member Posts: 93

    "Last Man Standing" type perks are going to always slightly encourage a toxic playstyle, it's mostly about trying to design them in a way that they're useful enough during normal gameplay that that's not the literal only way they can be used. Left Behind is a terrible perk because it does literally nothing except show you hatch once everyone else is gone, which serves no purpose except hiding and camping for hatch.

    I think this proposed rework could be pretty neat. Makes you resistant to BBQ if people are not doing well to help avoid snowballing quite as bad, gives you opportunities to dodge Nurse's Calling, and can allow for clutch plays in endgame. It'd still probably be a pretty niche perk all things considered, but it would be less terrible.