Sidney Prescott should be a survivor (Concept by me and art by me)

Okay so this is going to be a long shot, but I've been thinking this for so long and thing the Devs should definitely add this to the game, since ghostface doesn't have a survivor, or a map. I know he is a different character, and isn't billy/stu or any other killer from the four movies, but I was thinking about it and Sidney would be the perfect survivor for him, since she's the main character and even though jed Olson/Danny johnson isn't the same killers; sidney has always been the last girl, along with Gale Weathers, and Dewey, think about it, you could take their looks from all of the movies, and make them outfits, I was thinking this, (I'll get to perks later) you could make sidney a survivor for ghostface, even make the map the original neighborhood(Woodsboro) like you did with halloween, or even make it the warehouse shown in the trailer. Cosmetics for sidney could be all of her looks from the movies(sets or separate pieces, either would probably work but probably sets would work best), as well as her prestige could be from the end of the original scream, when she kills billy and stu with Gale and Randy. Other cosmetic wise, you could also give her gale, similar to Cheryl with Lisa and her other skins. You could use Dewey and Randy as well, make them sort of a legion type deal. Sidney Prescott would come with her default outfit from the original scream, the prestige being like I said from the end of the movie,her bloody and beaten up self, when she is with Billy and Stu. Now onto perks, these are just ideas. I have given them a lot of thought.

Stand alone-

You are used to being the last one, being alone fills you with the will to fight back.

When all other survivors are sacrificed/dead/escaped, you gain an enhanced aura reading ability, allowing you to see the killer within 3/6/9 meters. (This is only a rough idea, but I thought it would make sense for sidney)

A call for help-

When you're in danger, you'd do anything to save your own skin, no matter the route you have to follow, and no matter who you have to ask.

When in chase with the killer, quick vaulting over a window causes the window to be blocked by the entity for 4/6/8 seconds. Has a cool down of 80/70/60 seconds.

Does not give the exhausted status effect. (Unless you think it should this is just an idea, not up to me.)

Never break-

When in dire times of need, you use what you have around you to protect you and the people you care for.

Once per trial, you have the option to rebuild one destroyed pallet/breakable wall anywhere on the map, this action takes 40/30/20 seconds.

This perk has a cool down of 100/110/120 seconds.

Default outfit- "SCREAM" 1996 + grey sweater optional customization

Prestige- same outfit but bloody "SCREAM" 1996- End scene

Other cosmetics could include but are not limited to:

If anyone does end up seeing this, please post this everywhere you can so maybe the devs will see it and we can get this survivor/concept possibly in the game! I know licensing may be an issue, but it's worth a shot! This concept is by me, so please credit me, I also made the perks as well. As for if anyone needs to contact me, message me and I can give you either my discord or my email! As always, I hope everyone has a great day/night, see you in the fog!
