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Every Killer Balanced to Actually Be Threatening...

Killing_Time Member Posts: 894
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

With this post, I'm going to attempt to put every character on a tier to where they are actually threatening. Let's start...

Trapper... Start with all traps, traps darken to the terrain by default (no addon needed), and trap set time sped up.

Wraith... True invisibility until 8m, NO SLOWDOWN ON UNCLOAK, and Windstorm add-ons basekit while cloaked.

Hillbilly... Overheat mechanic removed, add-ons reverted, charges do not stack, and he keeps need add-on to go through pallets with chainsaw BUT it one hit downs regardless.

Nurse... Basekit nerfs reverted.

Hag... She can transport to any trap on the map.

Myers... 115% tier 1, multi-stalk works again, add-ons somehow buffed to modernize. He keeps tombstone piece, tombstone, & tuft hair. He keeps spooky myers build.

Docktah... Tier 3 madness bar resets on interrupts, iridescent queen possibly basekit, and shock delay basekit. (It makes no sense for this to be an addon.)

Huntress... Give her a new red add-on (she's fine otherwise. Yes I'm keeping iridescent head. It's rarely used and makes her a threat. It's already been nerfed.)

Leatherface... Perfectly balanced.

Freddy... Rework the blocks (they're literally useless and never picked. Freddy is fine!

Pig... No idea. Didn't buy any I hate her.

Clown... Can't drop pallets while gassed (similar to doctor shock). PGTW nerfs reverted.

Spirit... Remove window animation, make purple phasing add-on basekit. She's fine as is really.

Legion... Can see progress of mend bar again, miss frenzy cancel removed, cold dirt nerfs etc reverted, terror radius deep wound removed, frenzy ending cool down reverted.

Plague... Fountains remain corrupted and don't automatically cleanse themselves if all used, vomit regresses Gens at the same rate of Tier 3 Ruin, full sickness reduces gen repair speeds 10%. (Yes it stacks with THANA)

Ghost face... Hooked survivors can't reveal you, downed survivors can't reveal you, and given a 3 sec dash out of stalking. (😎 OP?)

DEMO... Sucks... Didn't buy. Not interested whatsoever in the killer. Community decides.

Oni... Survivors drop more orbs the longer they stay injured, does not lose rage on dash hit, and actions injured double orbs dropped.

Deathslinger... Didn't buy, so limited knowledge, but total add-on rework, 115%, reload speed add-ons basekit.

Pyramid Head... All nerfs reverted.

Blight... Perfectly balanced.

Twins... Survivors pounced by victor can't vault, do gens, heal, and victor makes it harder to move. (Similar to boil over perk). Victor can 1 hit down if not removed in 20 secs, bigger killer moves 116.5% WITHOUT Victor and possible add-on buffs. Transition time between victor and main killer instant. (😎 OP? Didn't buy so I don't know.)

What do you guys think? Did I go too far?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    As Trapper main, yes too far.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
    edited December 2020

    Lost me at hag being able to teleport to any trap on the map.

    + Lost me even further by saying iri head/hatchets is fine. No, it isn't. Specially with her hatchets having the size of a bus.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    You go ahead and play as survivor against these proposed changes, most won't.

    Btw, huntress iridescent head is rarely used because survivors will immediately dc or kill themselves on first hook.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,582

    Let me guess... You are a Killer Main?

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452


  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    These killers would be braindead to play.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    No ones mentioning how ridiculous Wraith moving full speed while uncloaking is. I've seen a bug where he actually did that and... Whoo boy. Could he stand to move a little faster? Definitely. But moving full speed (which either means 115% or his 126% during Cloak) would be too much. He's already pretty good at getting first hits. And I say this as someone who absolutely loves Bing Bong Boi. True invisibility (which the Dev's have confirmed is coming) and a higher Cloak speed is fine though. Not ALL of them base, but Green is totally fine.

    Also, Slinger moving 115%? Jaysus. Slinger moves slow because his chase is arguably the best in the game.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited December 2020

    Pretty bold statement saying you hate The Pig ,because there's alot of Pig mains on the forum's,Also the Demo just need's the right perks and addons,and some skills his shred needs a buff.

    Shred: If you go into launch stance which slows you down ,if a survivor's knows how to loop then they will just wall hug which will either make you hit the surface or you'll miss completely. It also basically turns you into an M1 killer for 45 seconds.

    Otherwise I like the ideas especially Pyramid Head's 😉

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Survivor is braindead to play. It's no secret survivors only die because they're either fooling around or just don't like the killer. Threat changes would give survivors the true challenge they need.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    SWF is brainded to play* FIFY

    You clearly haven't played solo to think it is easy.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Typical statement of someone who would last 15 seconds top in a chase before going down in 2 m1s, but then gets looped for 5 gens because me holds W and me takes 3 steps back when going near any pallet.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I like these changes if they were in a completely different game mode, like hard mode. With killers as strong as these, survivors would need a slightly weakened DS and BT for basekit.

    That or put them in a 2 v 8 mode.

    Also for Pig, Tampered Timer basekit. So the party hats can be slightly more threatening and increase her slowdown out of fear.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Trapper... Start with all traps, traps darken to the terrain by default (no addon needed), and trap set time sped up.

    • Starts with 6 traps instantly as basekit. This is equal to DOUBLE Purple bag
    • Lets say Yellow darken, as basekit.
    • Yellow set time speed up, as basekit

    2 Purple, 2 Yellow add-on as basekit.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited December 2020

    So, basically, you want survivors to not stand a chance no matter what killer they are facing. How about survivors also start the game injured and there are neither exit gates nor a hatch?

    In all seriousness, not a single one of the things you asked for are balanced, nor are some of them as they are right now (Blight being the only exception).

    • Freddy needs a nerf that makes him less of a mindless spammer and more of a strategical placement killer. He would need to have 5-6 snares or 4-5 pallets. Also, he should receive a slight movement penalty everytime he sets something up, until he is done placing. And don't get me started on his hitboxes.
    • Spirit should become partially visibile/appear and disappear if she is in a certain range of survivors.
    • Deathslinger would actually need to lose fast reload add-ons, so he can become something different than a spam spam killer.
    • Ghostface: As much as I think hooked survivors should not be able to reveal him, that would also encourage camping, which should not be a thing.
    • Twins are kinda ok, though they could use some adjustements. Victor should be recalled when you want to, instead of only after some idle time.
    • Plague could use that vomit regressing, but it should be less than Tier 1 Ruin, as it would be demolishing if paired with Ruin.
    • Clown should receive some buffs (which he appears to be receveing in some time) but be unable to spam as much as he does now. Spamming should not be a thing on any killer. No idea about how to buff him, though.
    • Pig is ok, maybe give her some more traps or allow her to teleport between lockers.
    • Leatherface should lose a charge.
    • Huntress should receive new add-ons and lose Iridescent Head. Also, her hitboxes should become more consistent. She tends to hit when she should not and miss when she should have hit.
    • Nurse can still wreck as she is right now, don't see any reason to give her that much power back.
    • Billy is ok as he is now.
    • Wraith could use that true invisibility until a certain radius from survivors, and if you want him to have no slowdown on uncloak, he should not get a boost after that.
    • Pyramid Head is kinda ok-ish.
    • Hag can already do that, with an add-on.
    • Trapper could use a buff that lets him start with 2 traps.
    • Doctor is ok as he is, he already spams too much.
    • Oni is ok as he is, perhaps he should actually have his power meter completely depleted after picking a survivor up if he still is in Yamaoka's Wrath.
    • Legion is ok, they do what they are designed for, slowing the game down.
    • Demo needs a slight buff, no idea what to do for him though.
    • Myers could maybe have the ability to reset stalk level on individual survivors, but that's it. Going against someone who downs you in one hit for a whole match, while also doing most things faster and having a bigger lunge is already tedious enough as it is.
  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Freddy is fine. Survivors can't loop EVERYBODY!

    Spirit is fine. She's been nerfed ENOUGH.

    Deathslinger doesn't need that nerf. He's already 110% and all his add-on are useless except reload.

    Ghost face... I get what you're saying, but let's settle on they can reveal you if you're within view for a certain time. I personally think they can't since their head is down on hook.

    Twins... I like my changes more, but we can agree then.

    Plague keeps my changes but it don't stack with ruin. Fair?

    Clown is fine with my changes. It'll require a different playstyle. He still lacks map pressure do the usual gen rush will stop him.

    Pig... Don't even care lol.

    Leatherface is fine as is. He does NOT need nerfs at all.

    Nurse can only do that when used by the best of the best killers. The way she is now dudes away new players and that is distantly what the devs don't want.

    Billy is not fine... He sucks and you know it. He's not fun to play at all and I'm a Billy main. He's my only p3.

    Wraith I can agree with you on that. I still like my changes but we can agree.

    PH needs the nerfs reverted. Play more unpredictable and you'll be fine.

    Hag don't need that as an add-on, it should be made.

    Trapper needs all his traps at minimum and the reason I added darkening is because on certain Maps it's useless. On laboratory, the traps stand out too much. They need to match the terrain.

    Docktah is better with my changes. At minimum shock delay base.

    Oni is better with my changes. He doesn't need to lose all rage when picking you up. That's disastrous.

    Legion is better with my changes

    Demo... Don't even care. Hate the character...

    Myers is better with my changes

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    So, all you can say to "justify" your proposed changes is that those killers are "better with your changes". Even though pretty much everybody is disagreeing with you. I guess I don't need to spend any more time in this thread.