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Frustrated at NOED

KDawg Member Posts: 29
edited December 2020 in Ask the Community

Maybe a dumb question, but how can I change my view of NOED to not be so frustrated when playing against it? When I play against it, it feels like it rewards the killer for not preventing us from doing gens. I know the counter is "Oh, just do totems!" but I cannot tell you how many games I've run around exclusively looking for totems and not been able to find anything. And (if I understand NOED correctly) I can even find 4/5 totems in a map (while still getting gens done, looping killer, etc.) and it still won't be enough to prevent NOED. Maybe it has to do with me being a newer player, but it feels pretty crappy and I'd like to find a new way to look at it

EDIT: Might actually help if anyone knows the purpose of NOED in the game balance. Right now it just feels like a slap in the face to survivors that don't know the maps well haha

Best Answer

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259
    Answer ✓

    I'm gonna try to be helpful here, but ultimately you don't have a lot of options.

    The main thing is like you said, do totems. You will learn totem placements in time, but even then sometimes gens must be your priority. There is perks to cut down on the time in takes to find totems such as Small Game and my personal favorite Detective's Hunch. You could also use a rainbow map if you have one. Apart from that it's the only tips I can really give you. It's a perk that has needed changing for a while and should probably be reworked all together but don't hold your breath


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    NOED is a misunderstood Perk. In a way it is no different than the Survivor Perk: Adrenaline in that it is an End Game build. It gives them Insta-Down at the very end of the match. Many people get tilted by this because they feel they have earned their escape. That is the thing; you are wrong. You haven't earned diddly squat until you open the gates and get out. What NOED really means is the following:

    1. The Killer has been playing down one Perk all game.
    2. You know exactly when NOED will go off.
    3. You can prevent NOED from going off by doing Bones.
    4. Even if NOED goes off you can still turn it off by finding and killing the now lit Totem.
    5. There is no guarantee the Killer will find you, run to the right gate, or catch you.
    6. You can still loop and do all the wonderful things you could do before.
    7. There are Killers that have Insta-Down the entire Match, and Killers that can trigger it, and otherwise get it.
    8. It is your mindset that is wrong, not the Perk.
    9. Stop thinking of it as a second chance Perk and as an End Game Build.
    10. Lots of things let you find Totems.

    Look, the only reason NOED feels wrong to you is because you feel you did all this work and the rug was pulled. Do you feel any better when someone downs you all at the start of the match using a chainsaw or mid-match when someone busts Haunted Ground? Do you feel any better when Myers slugs you all using Tier-3? NOED is no different from those things. In fact, you have FAR MORE WAYS to deal with NOED than you do those other Insta-down options. Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

  • Metalhead
    Metalhead Member Posts: 34

    "... you did all this work and the rug was pulled."

    Hardly sounds fair now does it? Let's put the shoe on the other foot. Imagine as a killer that you have 3 survivors on hook and have downed the last one after 3 to 4 minutes of some intense play. You were skilled enough to pressure the survivors so that they didn't get many gens done if any and you are about to enjoy a well earned victory over survivors who played poorly up to that point. You pick up the last survivor and hook him only to discover to your horror that they had the perk Hex: Sandbagger. You are temporarily stunned as the survivors are immediately all unhooked and given a haste effect on repair and run speed until you can find the right generator to go and kick.

    The now buffed survivors immediately begin popping gens with their boosted repair speeds while you are forced to roam around the map once more trying to duplicate the work against much faster survivors you already outplayed to get a victory you already did this work for.

    I've chatted with several killer mains at upper skill levels and they all have agreed that NOED needs to be changed. It's not that it can be countered, it's that it's effects are completely tide turning without the killer having done anything to get to that point. No tokens earned, no time spent in a dangerous situation, no unique goals achieved during the match, you just played poorly and got over compensated for it.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    That's really the idea of NOED (a way to salvage a game that didn't go well for the killer). It's why it's a general perk; it's supposed to help salvage poor performance with a straight and simple instadown. However, they will be down a perk for most of the game. 

    It is kind of cheap, but it's really the only way to help beginners who haven't learned how to keep up pressure. 

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    Except that you are wrong, and I don't know any high level Killers who are campaigning to change NOED (or care about it). The Killer has done something to earn it. They played the entire game (all five Generators brought up) down a Perk. They took a gamble too, that you won't just cleanse those Totems. Hex Perks are high risk and potentially high yield. That is why it behooves SURVIVORS to do their Totem objectives too. Don't blame the Perk or the Killer for the FAILURE of Survivors to want to deal with Totems. They are making a choice, and if that choice bites them on the rear at the end of the match, that is on them.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited December 2020

    Oh, and I forgot to address another funny part of your post, i.e. the idea of a Survivor Hex Perk. If said Perks existed, or were introduced I would not be unhappy at all if/when it triggered. Why? Because it would be my job to cleanse the "good guy" Totems, and I would have worked it into my patrols. Are you picking up what I'm putting down. Most of the bad things that happen to Survivors are because of choices that Survivors make. We all know the game. We all know what is out there (or should). Totems are also an objective. I know that Survivors just want to work Generators, but things like NOED are why you should FIND THE TIME. There are only five Totems on any map, and there are four Survivors. I have YET to play a game where I did not walk by 1-2 Totems on the way to one place or another. If every Survivor took the time (the very short time without skill checks required) to cleanse what they see (or come back to it) NOED would be very unimportant indeed.

    NOED is the boogeyman of the Potato Ranks. It becomes less and less important as you go forward. Interestingly enough, when Undying came out to boost other Perks, NOED took a SEVERE hit. Why? Because suddenly everyone started cleansing those unlit Totems so Ruin wouldn't have anywhere to go. NOED tanked beyond the Potato Ranks because of it. The gamble just didn't pay off as often. Now that some other Regression Perks (which are not Hex-based) have been coming into favor, NOED has crept back in (a little).

  • KDawg
    KDawg Member Posts: 29

    Awesome. I hadn't tried Tapp yet and Detective's Hunch is fantastic. I think I'll run it for a while until I learn totem possible spawns better.

    From all the responses, it sounds like it's somewhat broken at higher ranks but avoidable through knowing typical totem spawns at lower ranks.