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Ranking up

Howdy! So I’m very new to DBD, but I’ve been playing non stop for a week now and I can pretty much say the game has swallowed me whole.

however, I’m struggling to rank up. I’m fixing at least 1-2 gens a match, healing and unhooking, sabotaging the hooks if I have the toolbox add on AND engaging in chases with the killer. Am I doing something wrong because no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to rank up


Best Answer

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited January 2021 Answer ✓

    You are doing (more or less) the right thing (except for hook sabo - it does not affect your emblem scoring in any direct way).

    Rank ups depend on emblems only, info on how emblems work can be found on wiki:

    You need to repair as many gens as possible in terms of how many charges you yourself repaired - if you are co-op'ing with someone else, you get half the points. Killer distraction while someone else repairs gens also boosts this emblem by a small number; besides that you can get some points for doing totems.

    Unbroken is kind of straight forward, just remember that getting downed once already denies you iridiscent quality in this category.

    Benevolent has a large negative adjustment for the total amount of times people on your team got hooked, and to cover up for that you'll need to personally unhook as many of them as possible.

    As for evader emblem, you need to win at least some of the chases (=escape them), cause otherwise your current chase score is cut in half.


  • ellxmarie
    ellxmarie Member Posts: 6

    Thank you so much, this really helped me I didn’t know about some of the point being cut in half if someone helped you with gens etc

    I need to improve my chases and try to pay more attention to totems

    thank you!

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited January 2021

    This is not explained in the game itself, but it is important to know for a lot of reasons (you can say it about pretty much any dbd backend info :D):

    Every generator has 80 charges, with each survivor individually having repair speed of 1 charge/second.

    With every additional survivor doing the same gen, contribution of each is reduced by 15% (-15% if doing a gen as two, -30% as three, -45% as four). The repair bar becomes red when someone else begins to repair your gen because your individual speed reduced, even though as a whole this generator is being repaired faster.

    Emblem scoring only depends on the quantity of charges you contributed (a full gen done with 1 teammate from start to finish equals 40 gen charges for each of you).