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A simple question for survivors, why do you bully?

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

After getting three bully squads today it's safe to say I will be taking a long break from this game for the foreseeable future. So my question is, why?

Does it bring you satisfaction to humiliate and ridicule others? You don't know what the killer is going through. They could be playing this game to escape from what is going on in their life, but you don't care. Do even the realize the killer is an actual person? Or do you see them as a bot you can bully to no end?

The harassment doesn't even end after the game is over. Because you feel the need to berate them through the end game chat or in messages.

As Marguerite would say, "Are you ignorant? Or is it that you just don't care?"

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    In my experience, there are ways all of those can be considered bullying, however not every flashlight save and not every t-bag and not every perk used is bullying.

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    that's why I bring freddy I've never gotten less than 3K with Freddy not counting the old Freddy

  • Allhel1
    Allhel1 Member Posts: 56

    I find killers to mostly be bully’s hardly ever get a survivor that bully’s and I play both roles

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    End game chat I absolutely get and all actually offensive end game chat should be reported, if someone gg ez's you, it's not bullying.

    How are you being "bullied" if someone t-bags or flashlight cliccks? How is being t-bagged by 4 survivors "bullying"? It seems to me that it has 0 effect on the actual game and would in fact make it easier to win if survivors are t-bagging and not running away, I just don't see how this constitutes as "being bullied".

  • Usually the people doing that are terrible too. They never get use out of thana and dying light because they are stuck chasing one guy like half the game, and give up like any tracking perks so they keep getting lost all the time.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I just don't see how t-bagging in an exit gate is "bullying"

    I can see how someone repeatedly targeting an individual, take constant stream sniping and harassment that is bullying.

    But one random survivor spamming CTRL in an exit gate isn't even close to "bullying".

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    They're too {REDACTED) to have morals.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I don't know anyone that t-bags or flashlight flicks to "upset" anyone, it's used to distract and draw attention to something else, or illicit a chase because survivors are kind of... supposed to wastes the killers time so like gens can be done and stuff.

    and I'm sorry but what? walk between the gates? like... the match is going to end you can just wait it out, I've had more killers fake giving me the hatch than I've had survivors make me wait a whole 2 minutes for the end game, better yet hold W and like you said they leave ending the match in less than 2 minutes.

    Again, nothing even close to bullying, trying to get a killer to chase you by means of taunting isn't bullying, at least not to me.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Whats your playstyle? Are you a mega sweat dirty killer or a fair player? I almost.never get toxicity because I treat the survivors like I'd wanna be treated, don't tunnel camp etc. But sometimes there is an idiot that will taunt you because they win. I chalk it up to them being piece of crap lovers and don't let it bother me. Everyone has bad games

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited January 2021

    Yea of course I do but they don't think "I'm going to t-bag because this is totally going to upset the killer" all of them, like me, don't care about flashlight flicking or t-bagging because it does literally nothing, you probably have bigger problems in your life if t-bagging and flashlight flicking are the things that tick you over the edge.

    Being annoying for 5 seconds is not "bullying".

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    How do killers bully?

    I mean, i´ve seen survivors flashlight click or vault spam. But what is it exaclty, killers do to bully survivors?

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Because some people are just #########.

    There's not really much more to it than that.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131

    catch one. face camp. it literally turns the tables on who is really having the fun :P

    also if you see 2 flashlights - lightborn or infectious fright

    if you suspect swf - mad grit

    if you suspect auterism of any type and you are strong in a chase and good at tracking without perks just use the perks that remove the mechanical vulnerabilities of the game like hook blocking and flashlight saves.

    usually with teams that try to bully, their crutch is their ability to flash light save and block hooks and by removing their capacity to do so really just makes the game a hold w match and m1. swf that carry each other up the ranks are usually individually weak at looping and counter building really exposes and takes advantage of this.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    I don't teabag or click flashlights or stand at the gate or anything like that because I wish for the killer to have enjoyable time as well, unless they play like an ######### and I just happen to be winning. Though, that's extremely rare but always tastes sweet then.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    Bullying has nothing to do with the effect of the action on the actual game.

    For example: you bully someone in RL when you repeatedly insult him. Words dont have a effect, you could ignore them. Its still bullying.

    I personally am not affected by teabagging, but i know its seen as toxic in majority of the dbd community. So i dont do it.

    In theory its just a useless movement. It has only an effect bc players feel bullied by it. But i dont want to bully a player, so i dont do it.

    I understand that its sometimes used to get attention and i thinks thats fine.

    But most of the time it gets used for "you cant get me". When the killer is good, he will get you and he has no problem with it. But when the killer is really a worse player and cant get you, then its just rubbing it in. You know he cant get you and its just bullying a weaker player.

  • mynameisaaaaa
    mynameisaaaaa Member Posts: 22

    since i play a lot of killer whenever i play survivor i always respect the killer and when i see teammates being toxic sometimes i decide to be toxic to them because i feel bad for the killer. it isn't fun.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yeah, I've not received too many messages as Survivor.

    However, I've been DDos'd for hours, spammed with party invites from multiple accounts for several hours and been called every slur/derogatory name in the book as Killer.

    Those things upset and frustrate me. Sometimes, they are funny tho. I got this one after I didn't farm with their SWF.

  • getuy45u4iu
    getuy45u4iu Member Posts: 93

    Teabagging is toxic, by doing so in the exit gates survivors send a signal that the killer failed his objective and couldn't get them. It's just another way to say the killer is bad. If they just wanted to waste the killer's time, they could just walk or stand there. In many cases they teabag when everyone has left and they could just leave too. Some people might not realize what exactly they are doing, but they instinctively want to brag how they outplayed the killer and how better they are at the game.

    Hook smacking is a similar thing a killer can do. Killer outplays a survivor, hooks him and keeps hitting, so that the defeated survivor feels even worse.

    Not sure either of these qualifies as bullying, it depends on how to define bullying, but these are not nice behaviours at all, which are meant to upset the other side. And, apparently, upsetting someone else is considered fun, that's why it is done.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    BMing and being toxic to one another has been a thing for decades now in the online community. Just play something else

  • Mercie78
    Mercie78 Member Posts: 4

    This is a asymmetrical killing game where killers have the advantage. Unless you are with 4 red or purples that know their job, do all side objectives and are happy to consistently get in the killers way on all survivor hooks...KILLERS are at a ADVANTAGE.

    How do people get through life when the concept of "bullying" is a go-to complaint?

    I have a request. Enjoy yourself and play the game. If there is a survivor being an dink, kill them on the hook 1st. If you see green offerings, maximize the game. For God sakes, stop wearing your heart on your sleeve like survivors are your girlfriend.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited January 2021

    ######### are gonna #########. They either bury their head in the sand and say "Even though we see countless threads of killers coming to the forum and downright QUITTING the game over this, I'm not bullying!!! It doesn't bother me, therefore it doesn't bother anyone" or they don't care that they're making someone else miserable.

    Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about it. ######### are gonna ######### and short of making some pretty draconian rules about it, people will always find a way to justify being an #########.

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244

    The only time I will ever t-bag is when I have a mach like this one a few weeks ago:

    Match was against a Bubba. He couldn't find anyone until my gen popped, he started chasing me and I looped him for a LONG time (he left me for a few seconds once the 3rd gen popped just to come immediately back cause I guess he couldn't find anyone). When he finally downed me, the last gen just popped and he hooked and face camp me. My team mates tried to save me but there was no way for them to be able to do so, so I tried to kobe and actually did it on my second attempt! The gate was not far (my mates opened it while the killer camped me cause he didn't care about anything but staring at me). My team mates tried to give me a bodyblock but he didn't even try to hit the others, just went straight for me again, so I went ahead and t-bagged him once I was in the safe zone in the exit gate. Yes, I did it out of spite cause I wanted to rub in his face how much he failed. Ofc I depipped, he depipped and until the end it was just a totally unfun match! He even was a red rank so defo not a new player.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited January 2021

    It's not anyone's fault but your own if you allow yourself to be upset by a game, nothing in this game but the chat can be considered bullying, if someone plays better than you that's not bullying even if they are t bagging or whatever, do you expect people to just not have fun in the game? Because I can tell you right now if you do nothing but hold M1 and try to hide you must have some really boring games , sometimes you have to BM to get a target on you and get them to chase you instead of a weaker link, or sometimes if you know you can get away with stuff you will just for the laughs it's never a personal attack on that person but people are so soft they take the game as if it's real life and everytime they walk out of the house they're gonna be t bagged and flashlight clicked it's ridiculous.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    Dude play hunt showdown. The devs there actually listen to their community and theres little to no toxicity. Well therre cant be any from the enemy if you put a bullet in them lol. The game is so dope and did for me what dbd did for me the first time i played it. Dbd is dead in my opinion. Its been the same game for 4 years and the devs here play us for fools drip feeding bad content. Im over it lol. I just come back to see if the community changes every couple months or so. Spoilers it hasnt. Still full of adult children

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    Bullying to me is when players who are significantly better than you does everything they can to keep you from scoring points.

    When I was a new killer, I encountered this multiple times. Once, I had a red rank (no doubt paired with another player) when I was 16-18. While all the tactics they used are legit game play, it would be like an NBA player blocking all the shots, stealing the ball, and mocking a 5th grader playing against him.

    I had a toxic group of purple and greens mock me in game chat when I was around 16. Yes, I responded pointing out the huge rank difference.

    Now, those same tactics, they don't bother me as much, because I am a much better player and can counter most of it. (Red ranks are hit and miss with me, some are actually really good, others, like the 2 I played against today, I thought they were 13's or worse. Slugged each of them once instead of death hooking so they could get more points. I'm currently rank 7.)

    But I do watch the lobby and see what they are carrying. I don't change my perks, because I like what I use and I'm pretty decent at it, but at least I know what I'm walking into. However, if I get 3 shiny coins as offerings again, I will DC shortly after the match starts. 3 people escaping with a key because they got 3 gen'd hard. Waste of my time and effort.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2021

    Just counter bully them:


    -Insidious facecamping

    -facecamping with chainsaw

    -afk strategies where ou refuse to play with them (not interacting with survivors until you have NOED + bloodwarden)

    -hardcore tunneling

    -farming traps next to bleeding survivors for 4 minutes

    -holding iri head next to a hooked survivor

    -Bubbas Basement

    -farm traps in a corner until they step in it (use Distressing for 200 BP every trap)

    -just slug all game and let them bleed out

    -afk wraith with noed at the exit gates

    -afk insidious + noed nurse behind the exit gates

    But most people are like "oh its not fun to play like this..." you are wrong. Its hilarious. Its Fun. And its rewarding.

  • FosterC
    FosterC Member Posts: 4

    Just like there’s ######### on Facebook or any other social media communication, they aren’t seen, not in person, nothing to fear, and decide to be the aids of humanity and trash talk.

    but it’s okay. Deep down we all know these punks are sore losers, and in real life they just are bored, useless, and empty people, not worthy of the sperm that fertilized their egg.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Because some people genuinely can’t be happy unless someone else is miserable. I don’t understand the mindset of people who act like colossal dicks online and find it fun. Maybe they just like the attention

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited August 2021

    I'm not toxic or at least I don't think I am.

    I generally try my best to not be toxic or annoying to other players.

    Can you at least not imply that all survivors are toxic?

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Sadly competitive games tend to be full of toxic behavior.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    That along with being able to slander others anonymously that the interwebs has brought us.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    I should add that not every survivor bullies. I don’t, and I hate when my teammates act like #########. I know it’s bad, especially since a killer told me to go ######### myself after I complemented him and said I was toxic because I was a survivor and we all are. Killer is hard to play. I appreciate it when I can get a game with any of you. Well, except Bubba.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If someone needs a squad in a 4v1 while playing the stronger role... Is it really bullying? The worst they can do is blind you, and even then, with the power of lightborn, they can't even do that, really.

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