Bringing back the spirit bug as a counterplay?

troy99 Member Posts: 45
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Few months ago it was possible to hear spirit's noises during her power. It was efficient as a counterplay, and it kinda made sense since she's a.. spirit? I'm not saying she needs a nerf, well.. It's technically a nerf but would you bring it back? Would it effect your gameplay if you played as the spirit?


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658

    All I can say is that the devs are aware of the positive feedback and are taking it into consideration if they ever tweak her power again.

    Personally? Look, I like Spirit—I like her a lot, both as and against her. But this bug needs to come back as a feature. It's okay to have a killer's power rely on mind games rather than playing around some gimmick at a loop. It is not alright for a killer to have a complete lack of transparency and devolve into a guessing game instead of making any reads based on limited info.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    On her original design the phase walk was directional. At the very least you could get a small head start on a chase. With Stridor the survivor is always at a huge disadvantage anyway. From what I recall the usual whining from "fog whisperers" and casual players got that nixed.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I wouldn't mind having some indication that she is phasing but that bug let you pin point exactly where she was. You could loop her like a m1 killer while she was phasing.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658
  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I was talking about the bug where you could hear her phasing. You could pin point exactly where she was with the bug

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658

    Are you referring to the one where you could hear her breathing while phasing? If so, trust me.... she's still very strong with that.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    Yes that bug. The reason spirit is so strong is you have to guess if she is phasing or not and the bug took out the guessing. You could pin point exactly where she was from her breathing. So you would know which side of the pallet she was on or if you should / should not vault in a loop.

  • SquillDBD
    SquillDBD Member Posts: 163

    Spirit already has counter-play. Devs just do a horrible job of telling survivors how to play against her.

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    So what IS her counterplay? All I've heard are like "Don't walk in grass, use iron will, pray to god you drop that pallet on her".

    From my experience, she is a total gamble, we don't know where she is, but she does where we are if she has stridor or has any good eyes.

    Perhaps she does have counterplay, but it's clearly not enough of that comparing to most killers who have just an absurd amount of counterplays. Trapper: DH, untrapping yourself is pure chance, disabling a trap is done very quick, you can hold a trap for a survivor to go through it, untrapping a fellow survivor is also done very quick, you can sabotage traps, the game itself puts the trapper's traps in like corners no one would ever go to, the game already outplays the trapper for you, another thing that's a legit counterplay: low settings to see in grass better, like in autohaven... is that even grass? Or The Game, it becomes SO much more clear.

    Let me make a spirit "counterplay" list that I know of, or atleast

    I can try:

    -Don't walk in grass (Like there's not almost always grass).

    -The classic Iron Will and Stand Still (A perk that's pretty meta so that's fair, but stridor go brrr).

    -Always drop the pallet while she's phasing (And hope to god she gets stunned or get hit by it, it's again chance).

    -You can tell apparently when she's phasing at a hand animation, but it should be a bit more noticeable like you can just hear demo scream when preparing a shred, or hear a huntress "humf" when she's preparing an axe, spirit needs a better tell.

    I feel like these are the most popular/known ones, still most chance and situational. Almost no guarantees or did I forget/overlook some?

    And I do want to say, it's not to the Devs fault of not telling us what spirit counters are, it's their fault not making any counterplay, or atleast ones I know of. I've also seen many people complain that she has barely any counterplay besides a 24/7 guessing game if she doesn't have stridor.

    A bit of a ridiculous killer, it just needs more tells and would be a pretty nice killer to play against.

  • SquillDBD
    SquillDBD Member Posts: 163

    You need to play very safe vs her. Base kit, she only gets 5 seconds of phase, it's your job as the survivor not to get injured. Play stelathy vs her. As long as you're not injured as survivor you will have a lot of power in chase vs spirit. Also, you should always heal as it's very important to stay healthy. If she uses her power for mobility she has to wait a whole 15 seconds before getting it back, that's 3 seconds recharge for every 1 second of her power. I would hate to see spirit nerfed into the ground as she is one of the few tournament viable killers in the game currently. What I would like to see is the DBD community get overall better at the game because tournament "comp" dbd players are just on another level compared to the rest of the community which practically play like bots compared to comp players. This game has a lack of good guides and most of the community complains instead of trying to get better or saying something like: "Oh I could've played better in that situation," which really attributes to the problem. Please don't be a complainer, be someone who tries to get better at the game.

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    So basically she needs any aura reading and stealth is useless..?

    What do you do after? Try to mindgame everything and make it a 50/50 chance everytime? How can I get better at countering something if it's physically impossible?

    So many other killers have counters, even nurse, LOS is important to her, but very good nurses of course mastered predictions.

    But spirit is fast af boiii, 5s is more than you think and 15 seconds is half of the Ghost Face's power cooldown... And the spirit has busted addons with it, extra speed, power recovery, and for longer, how do you counter those? She has no skill cap so they need a little game sense and can crush any survivors.

    "Please don't be a complainer" there's literally nothing else I can do, getting better is basically impossible, so I ask what IS her counterplay? Bringing light to a problem is better than to ignore it, ask any other decent player and they know spirit can be very busted and unfair.

    Because you're basically gaslighting me, telling me that there is counterplay, but there's minimal to none that's actually viable to use. Stealthing out a game is impossible with any aura reading perk like the most meta one BBQ. And again staying healthy is useless if she has stridor and decent headphones.

    Don't tell me to run no mither and iron will to just counter stridor, that's just dumb to use one of the most high risk no reward perk to counter one killer.

    Also if you think I'm that kinda guy that DCs against spirit, I don't. Because I know the game will end very soon.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    "Don't get hit" isn't very inspiring or reasonable advice.

    How do you not get hit? You can't see her, you can't hear her if she's working as intended here, she's incredibly fast and can attack instantly, and tracking isn't a problem good spirits have. Huntress has multiple audio and visual cues for her hatchets. Nurse has multiple audio and visual cues for her teleport. Wraith bings and bongs and shimmers. Spirit is the only one exempt from doing this, for some reason.

    Spirit is so insanely good because she doesn't give you any information to work with. Which people don't like because literally every other killer does exactly that. You have to make a guess and pray to the gods or do something random and hope she's dumb enough to fall for it. That, or just play against a bad spirit.

    And it sucks.