Should Noed be nerfed?

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Sorry to flood the forums with another noed thread, but I want to settle this once and for all.

Should it be nerfed?

Give you're raw, unbiased opinion about this perk. If you want my take, no, it shouldn't be nerfed and is fine the way it is.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,081

    I'm going to give my cooked, completely biased opinion on this perk and there's nothing you can do about it!!!

    Wha ha haaaaa!

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    People often argue that pre-cleansing 5 totems is a good way to counter NOED, however it's equivalent to throwing the game if you're against a killer of the same skill level. Put another way, if there was a perk that made it so exit gates could not be powered until 5 totems were cleansed, it would hands down be the strongest perk in the game and extremely overpowered.

    That being said, NOED itself isn't really overpowered. It's just frustrating. I would tune the movement speed so it still requires a bit of skill to run. Since the current iteration gives you permanant bloodlust tier 1 and allows killers to hold W without much thought.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Considering the amount of NOED discussions i've seen so far

    I would say yes

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 866

    I think the perk itself is balanced. I just don't think, like most of the already existing 2nd chance perks, it's a healthy perk for the game and should be reworked either way.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 943

    no, but a totem counter on the hud would make all the complaining stop

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    I laugh if a killer brings noed.

    Any useful perks can prevent gens from getting done, if they made it to endgame, killer already list regardless of noed kills.

  • Vysenya
    Vysenya Member Posts: 11

    Noed was a big problem, and still is for a lot a new survivors. Once you learn to play the game noed isn't really a problem. Most of the survivor strategies are simple. 99% the exit the gate, while the other teammates look for the hex totem. That's IF you have a teammate on the hook, otherwise you all get out. I can't tell you how many times I've popped the last gen and the totem lit up in front of me, or there were no totems left, so it's a big W for survivors. Killers? I see it as a disadvantage because that's an entire perk slot taken up by an endgame perk, it's almost like Adrenaline and can come in handy but not often.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Well, create a perk that allows a surv to automatically escape at egc. It will help only 1 surv at the very end of the game

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    This seems like a good idea. But perhaps don't make that so time wasting that you have to run all the way into the basement? Since SwF has such an advantage on this, perhaps make it more accessible, so instead of all the way in the basement, make the candles so that they are next to any hook.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No it should not be; it is fine. HOWEVER, I made the following suggestion because I am sick of hearing about it:

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,447
  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Not nerfed but changed. The common argument for not changing it is that survivors had the chance to do totems and it is their fault for not cleansing them so they should be punished for doing this. Even Almo agrees with this which I will respectfully disagree with.

    The thing is, it is not a common perk at mid to high ranks.

    You will spend a great amount of your time (especially in solo queue) finding the totems and cleansing them for the small chance the killer could have it which is pretty counterproductive since in solo queue it can be pretty hard to win.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Except that you also get a good return on points for those Totems, and NOED is hardly the only Totem worth cleansing. In looking for dull ones, you find the lit ones too.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I love these threads. I get to see all the baddies cry about "kills the Killer didn't earn" using some arbitrary definition of what "earn" means.

    What they really mean is "I don't like having to actually leave when the doors open cause I'm not done screwing around."

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,739

    Although that's true couldn't you also argue if the killer is about your skill level there's a good chance they won't have NOED so doing totems would be a waste of your time?

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    i once had a team throw the game cuz of noed and a bad teammate One Survivor cleanse totems all the other survivors stand guard i did not know where they were untell this guy had an object of obsession gave up where the other survivors where and so i walked over there or ran i was blight and got the 4k last guy got the totem even tho the gate was close to open

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868
    edited January 2021

    Well, if they added an infinite gain of velocity and the killer needs 3 hits to put you in dying state it would be true

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    Killers don't get an infinite gain of velocity. They get a set boost to speed.

    Infinite velocity would probably break the game. I mean like, it would probably crash the servers break the game if a players velocity infinitely increased.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    no it shouldn't... DS is much more powerful and isn't even talked about being nerfed! gotta keep the survivors (and i play survivors) happy and give them their free out because they want to be toxic. noed takes up a perk slot and if people would get over their "I don't do bones" attitude and cleanse one, MAYBE TWO bones each match as they come across them (you know they do) and all 5 totems would be down and very little time is LOST on gens.

    you are wrong.... it is not throwing the game what so ever. why? because it's not designed that ONE PERSON look for and take down ALL 5 totems! it's designed that they are taken down as you come across them. it is not throwing the game to do your secondary objectives as you come along. sure will every match have all 5 cleansed? not with this attitude. I've had rank 1 killers (i'm generally a low green, high purple ranked survivor) totally not find me while i'm cleansing 3-4 totems, doing 2-3 gens and getting out of the game with 3 or more survivors because I did the totems AS I came across them, not searched for all 5 totems before even touching a damn gen. your bias shows ignorance of team style play and that is fine if you only wish to survive, I feel like you are much like those that leave me on the hook from stage one to sac just because they want to do gens because killers are campers and the killers are not even camping me! how's that for a kick in the balls? oh the killer seems "Campy" so i'll just keep doing this gen.... ######### who ever is on the hook. Well if you're going to do that, then do bones too won't have an issue with undying or noed then!

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,090

    You only need to run down there once. You see three lit candles, then you know you got two totems left. Having them at hooks takes no effort at all since there is a hook every 5 feet. I am all for making solo more enjoyable, it's all I play, but I don't need the game to hold my hands for me. There should be risk to everything we do in the game.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    I would be in favor to nerf NOED level 1 at least ... so powerfull for level 1 perk. Same effect as level 2 or 3 and people just get level 1 and relax on bloodweb because you don't need more.