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Grabbing just isn't working.

The issue is pretty simple. I have never noticed this problem before, but grabbing survivors off of any structure (generators, pallets, windows, lockers) just isn't working for any of the killers I have recently played. I play on PC, and I have played as Clown, Spirit, Oni, Ghost Face, and Trapper recently and noticed on most if not all of them (considering that grabs don't occur incredibly often).

More specifically, I will see a survivor on a generator or juke them into vaulting over a pallet or window. I left click on them and the grab animation starts, and maybe half a second later it immediately cuts off, and the survivor appears to never have been grabbed to begin with, letting them get away. To elaborate, they get to run away as if I hadn't interacted with them at all, while I am still locked in the first half of the grab animation.

This has occurred every single instance I have attempted to grab over the last week of gameplay, and it has lost me many chases and in some instances possibly costed me the game when what should have been in instant-down instead turns into a long and missed chase. While I would assume this bug was specific to me (considering how big of a deal it would be if this was universal), I have a friend who has come to the same conclusion.

The only assumption I could make is that it's lag between me and the survivor, except that:

A) My internet is very stable and hasn't been an issue at all otherwise

B) That would imply that every other survivor I've grabbed has had lag issues

C) That the usually killer favored lag has gone solely in the survivors favor

I do not currently have any video proof of this, but I will be recording the rest of the game I play tonight to see if it happens again.

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