How would you change Undying?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Personally it doesn't bother me. But In these forums there's been enough complaints. Ruin+Undying+Tinkerer. Ruin and Tinkerer are fine but Undying is gonna get changed. So how would you change it. Here's what I've heard in the forums and here's my conclusion on has been said.

1. The Aura reading will be removed

2. There'll be a timer between a hex perk getting moved to another totem I'd say Q&Q timer to give survivors a brief time where they can fix a gen before the Ruin returns.

My take on the eventual Undying change. Say your proposed changes below.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045
    1. Aura Reading when near a totem kept as is, but only on actual Hex totems. On Dull Totems, you have to start cleansing it in order to have your aura revealed. It still needs to have perk tiers / be a perk that you could conceivably use on its own.
    2. Cleansing the Undying totem will also instantly deactivate any Hex it has respawned. So if Ruin gets cleansed and Undying respawns it, and then you cleanse Undying, Ruin will disappear and the new Ruin totem becomes a Dull Totem.

    It still needs to be a useful perk, guys.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I'm not sure. Undying is in a similar boat as something like Unbreakable. Alone, it's never really guaranteed a use. Combined with very specific perks, it can feel oppressive (though I'd still say Ruindying is still easier to deal with then Multiple DS+UB's).

    It'll get changed, that much is certain. I could see them doing a few things

    Limiting the amount of times another totem can be transferred.

    Removing the aura reading on dull/hex totems and keeping it for the other version (so that the perk isn't useless alone)

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Personally I think aura reading from dull totems should be removed completely. It is unnecessary considering the other huge advantages the perk has.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'd just say ditch the aura reading on non-Hex perks, that's all it really needs imo

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Just remove the aura reading, that's it.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I think its fine but if it was changed I would say only show the persons aura when they are doing the totem and not if they walk past it.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I wouldn't, the perk is fine as is. Sure it's annoying but lets not pretend every killer runs this perk, because most of them don't.

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    The aura reading will NOT be removed from HEX or Dull totens. People forget that perks are design to work alone, without aura reading undying does nothing, and I don't think that BHVR will change to show only the aura of the HEX itself. IF is gonna be changed, will be the time of the aura reveal

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    If I had to?....

    I guess if I had to I would swap Undying and Thrill of the Hunt's passive effects.

    This would nerf undying's ability to basically ensure that survivor's can't even work on the totems at all against an aggressive mobile killer; while significantly buffing thrill of the hunt. Leaving undying mostly intact; and still providing just a slightly more delayed notification.

    I think undying's core feature should be left alone, it's perfect as is and adds a viability and life to totems that normally were a gamble on if they would stay up past 60 seconds, like ruin. Now you have a choice, gamble with just ruin, or take undying and use another perk slot to make it last a bit longer.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'd make totems reform after five minutes. Hex stays in the same place, but the totem just pops back up...the effect ends if Undying goes down but...Undying pops back up in five minutes and in another five minutes if not downed, revives another broken totem.

    A part of me wants to say every three minutes but that might be a bit rough. Five minutes gives you breathing room.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    When ruin gets cleansed, the whole trial gets like some dramatic flash similar to the blight patch blood lust effect, and you get hexed by undying, then after 20 seconds ruin gets moved to a new dull totem, thats it rly

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Rebuild back broken totem sounds like a good idea for another Hex protector perk.

    For Undying, I would remove Aura reading on Hex,only work on Dull. Because Thrill of Hunt already give info on Hex

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I think that if a killer brings undying, then it should be the only hex totem on the map at the start of the trial. Once the survivors cleanse it, all the other hex perks are deactivated for 30 seconds or so, while instantly spawning the other hex totems, meaning the survivors will have time to find the totems before they activate again.

    This will remove the RNG it has meaning it can’t stay up for the whole match or it can’t be magically broken in the first minute of the match.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    My change:

    • Keep the aura reading as-is
    • When a Hex is destroyed, give the killer a certain amount of time (like with PGTW) to get to the dull totem of his choice and ignite.

    Survivors can try to distract killer long enough to expire his hex. Also very vulnerable to OoO.

    Killer has the opportunity to pick well-hidden totems for his hex.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    It gives the entire Survivor team a Hex: Undying notification when a totems respawns.

    And the Aura reading is either removed or heavily nerfed to like 1-3 seconds

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I wouldn't, Undying isn't the problem. It just enabled it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well.... I probably wouldn't if the current Solo and SWF being in the same Que stays the same. However, if they were broken into two Ques, where SWF could have additional objectives added and an additional Perk unlocked for the Killer when fighting in that Que, a LOT of the Perks which are strangling Solo could be reworked. If the two Ques were broken up, I would rework Undying as follows:


    1. Undying is no longer a Hex Perk. It is a Perk which modifies Totems.
    2. Undying can move each distinct Lit Totem once, and only once. Thus if you had Ruin and Haunted Ground, you could each of them would be moved once to an available unlit Totem if any are available. Thus, you never have to kill the same Totem more than twice, regardless of how many unlit remain.
    3. Starting to CLEANSE (not just moving near) a Totem will reveal the Survivors aura for as long as they continue working on it. The Aura will remain for (3) seconds after they stop at Level-1, (5) seconds after they stop at Level-2, and (10) seconds after they stop at Level-3. If the Totem is totally destroyed, the persisting Aura does not apply.
  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Remove the aura reading and add it to Thrill of the Hunt.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571
    edited January 2021

    I would make the following changes:

    1) Each time a totem is transferred it loses a rank on the perk for hexes that don't have tokens. Ex: You cleanse Ruin rank 3, it now transfers to a dull and becomes Ruin rank 2. Rank 1 stays as rank 1.

    2) You are cursed as soon as your aura is revealed by Undying. Gives a heads up that they have Undying and buffs Soul Guard.

    3) After transferring a totem, Undying has a unique effect on its own totem to distinguish it (this one may be overkill if made in addition to the others).

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    As much as I wish it didn't reveal your aura at all I know that would be a huge nerf. The only reason I hate the aura read so much is the fact that it eats two entire tokens of Distortion because of it lol

    Fix that and I honestly won't complain too much about Undying. I just think it's dumb how it practically destroys Distortion. If anything the two should counter each other since it takes at least more than one cleanse to get rid of Ruin + Undying.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Hard to come up with something. Undying is in one of those positions where they will have to balance every future hex perk with it in mind. Honestly, it shouldn't exist and I'm pretty sure they nerfed another perk for a similar reason. It might have been Enduring in regards to stuns.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Here's how I'd rework because I don't care for the aura reading as we know it: show a survivor's aura when they're like 1m away from, or on, a totem. No 6-seconds of aura reading crap either. I want to see that aura constantly until they're off my totem. There's been so many times where I didn't look at my totem until after the 6 seconds had passed and I'm like "okay good, nobody is on my totem" and then it gets destroyed when it easily could have been defended. That's my biggest issue with current Undying, from a killer's perspective. Reviving hexes onto dull totems needs to stay of course, otherwise it defeats the point of the perk.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Maybe something like no matter what totem you cleanse, it will be Undying that is destroyed.

  • Get rid of the aura reading, add a cooL down on the switch to a dull totem and make it so the other hex perk only comes back once

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Remove aura reading and add a hard once per hex clause to the regen effect

  • Floofzy_Kitten
    Floofzy_Kitten Member Posts: 68

    Every time the non-undying hex is cleansed, it drops a tier. Example: Someone cleanses Hex: Ruin III, and it drops to Hex: Ruin II when it revives. When Hex: Ruin Tier I is cleansed, it can no longer be revived.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Five minutes and the game is over. 60 seconds is what I think is fair. You still get that breathing room, but 5 minutes is crazy.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Not much, really. I personally would prefer Ruin to get a change instead.

    However, I would definitely change the aura reading to only trigger while actively cleansing a totem.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    The only things I'd change is this:

    • Instead of moving the Hex effect of the cleansed Hex totem to a dull totem, it moves the Hex effect to the original totem that was Undying, which then deactivates Undying after that use.
    • The aura reading still works the same for Hex Totems, but you have to be actively cleansing a Dull Totem for the aura reading to work in that case.

    It's still annoying and gives it survivability, but it isn't so long that it becomes more efficient to just power through it.

    And one other thing that's related to Undying, completely rework TOTH. Undying's aura reading is just straight up better than TOTH's main effect. Or alternatively, transfer the aura reading to TOTH and give Undying a different effect.